
In The Midst Of Forever

Auric Aon Lyxancliff, King of the Egriel kingdom on Earth and the banished Prince of the Azov Kingdom in the heavenly realms. Auric was once a cheerful and narcissistic man but then he found out something he should not have ever known thus he was framed and banished to Earth where he was to live a life of misery with a curse as a punishment. Carrissa Heavenille, the beautiful maiden who had many suitors. She is crazy and likes to defy to norms of society and coincidentally, she is the one key to Auric's salvation. What would happen? Would Carrissa allow herself to be tamed and used as a key or will she join Auric as one body and save him willingly? Read In The Midst Of Forever to find out.

Boredskymanu · 奇幻
20 Chs

Darkness is driven out leaving the scar

He was taught and always heard that a parent's love can overcome any obstacle you face but what if that love turns into hatred...

In a wide room, covered in darkness and bearing the aura of gloominess to the extreme, a figure sat within, seemingly unaffected by it as his orange eyes glowed in the darkness.

He seemed contemplative and his eyes seemed to hold the answers to the mysteries of the world but they seemed to be bothered about something. It seemed helpless that it couldn't find the answer to that very thing which haunts it.

Auric walked towards the window, allowing the crimson moonlight to illuminate his features, he was a young handsome man.

He gazed outside the window with loneliness bathing his back adding even more passion to the gloominess of the room.

What is he to say? What is he to think about?

With his hand crossed behind him, his expression leapt from that of contemplation to utmost sadness.

Betrayal! Unfilial son! Treacherous specimen? Bringer of evil!

These words resounded in his ears like the sting of a queen bee. Auric wished to clear it out but it followed him like a leach, revealing itself every crimson full moon.

He wished that he had done it but he had done none of what he had been accused about. Suddenly his head thrummed and vapour rose from his nose and ears in large quantities almost as though he had been smoked from the inside.

He staggered a bit but held onto the shelf for support.

He slumped into the chair and threw his head back.

This was what he went through every crimson full moon. His sanity would slip away slowly, while his insides burned and brought him great pain. His orange eyes blazed and became blood-red as though dyed in blood.

His breathing became uneven and he closed his eyes before he completely stopped breathing.

A few hours later, a man barged into the room, he had a grown on his face and diligently, like he had done this numerous times, he carried the orange-eyed figure and disappeared.

In a large palace, the man appeared inside a wide bedroom.

He laid the man on the bed and sat by him until Auric gasped for air as though he had been denied air from ages ago.

His eyes had gone back to their normal orange colour but there was a slight improvement in his hair.

Previously, his hair was fully black but it now had a few strands of white hair while his looks leapt to a few years ahead of him. Initially, he looked like a seventeen-year-old boy but now he looked like a man in his mid-thirties. Auric stared at the ceiling with an expressionless face.

His sorrow and grief as large as the ocean has dried out. He has no medium to voice out his feelings since it has become too heavy for any medium to hold thus he harbours them within. The pain and suffering boil down in the depths of his soul.

What he wishes for never comes to him, death flees when he calls and coaxs it. As a god what couldn't he do but for once he felt helpless. The feelings in him had been buried deep down his soul haunting him from within.

He bade Odin to leave and walked towards the balcony. The night was finally over but the scar it had left was yet to be healed. The cold wind of the morning danced gleefully with his hair providing the perfect artistic scenery of a lonely immortal.

People are usually hunted for the wrongs they do but he, Auric was been hunted for the good he did. Should he have turned a blind eye to it? Was what he did so unpardonable?

The sun soon came in its fiery chariot taking the world by storm and awakening the vulnerable people.