

The next day at 9 a.m. Chris and her

manager were sitting in the conference

room at Starstruck to sign Chris's

contract. After signing the contract,

Chris's manager was asked to leave

while Chris was asked to wait for the

CEO as he wants to see her discuss

certain terms about the contract. Before

Chris's manager left, she gave Chris a

mischievous wink which made Chris ask

her "what have you done?" She laughed

and said do not argue with him just be

a good girl and go along with the flow.

Then she walked out. Right from the

time he stepped her feet into this

company, she has been suspecting

something was wrong somewhere but

she decided to ignore her sixth sense.

Her manager has been giving her some

mischievous smiles which she decided

to ignore as she thought her manager

was suspecting that she slept with

Doja to get the endorsement. It is only

now it just occurred to her that her

manager would have made a kind of

arrangement with Doja in order for him

and Chris to be alone together in one

place. A few minutes later, Doja walked

out and tells Chris "let's have lunch."

Chris shook her head and said I'm sorry

but I don't have lunch with my bosses

only my friends. He turns around and

says and your lovers, right? Chris gave

a sarcastic smile and she said yes my

friends and lovers.

Doja held her hand and pulled her with

him then said, "as your boss, I am

commanding you to have lunch with

me and pulled her out. Chris blotted

out "it's not even lunchtime and I've

had my breakfast already. Except you

want to have a fat model, you had better

let me go. Doja laughed and said, well

if you have had your breakfast already

it won't be bad if you sit and watch me

eat. Why should I watch you eat? I am

not a food judge Doja, I am a model.

Well for me, you can be a food judge.

I just want you to sit watch, and tell me

my performance. I want you to rate my

eating skills because I am trying not to

be angry at you. I endorsed you

yesterday and the next thing you do is

run to that musician toy boy of yours

to celebrate with him without

acknowledging my efforts.

Well Doja, I think you are beginning to

suffer from memory loss because,

last time I checked, I paid my dues.

I pleased you all through the night

and even the next day. So why should

I say thank you for something that I

have already paid for? After hearing

what Chris has just said Doja began to

laugh and said Well what you did was

not payment. That was an installment.

Since you have paid your first

installment when will you pay the

next one? Chris laughed and said,

are you serious? What installments

are you talking about? It is not

compulsory for me to accept this

contract. I can always back out.

Chris, it seems you are the one

suffering from memory loss right now

because you just signed a contract a

few minutes ago that has some clause

in it. You cannot back out now else

your management stands the risk of

paying us for the breach of contract

and between you and me, we know

that your management will never pay

that money. Unless toy boy musician

wants to pay the money for you and

paying that amount will make him

broke I bet you.

Chris looked at Doja as she was short

of words because she couldn't tell if

that was Doja speaking or the food he

was eating. I thought you were the CEO

of Starstruck which means you have

more than enough work in your hands.

What time did you have to devise all

these evil plans of yours? And listen

Jay is not my toy boy. Jay is a man

who is a hundred times better than

you can ever be.

Doja looked at her with fake surprise

and said, I guess I have to prove to

you that I am better than toy boy

musician. I was afraid of chasing you

away with my skills on bed not

knowing that I was underplaying my

role. But don't worry, now that I have

heard that toyboy musician's skills

are better than mine, I will up my

game. I will so please you that you

will never think about toyboy musician


Oh my God Doja. Can you listen to

yourself speak? Why is it that everything

that comes out of your mouth is about

sex? Don't you think about any other

thing? I was talking about Jay's

personality and you somehow found a

way to turn it around and make it look

dirty. And yes even on bed Jay is still

a better man than you. If you think that

I Chris will ever make love to you again

then you had better wake up from

your dream because you're dreaming.

After speaking Chris then mumbled

under her breath, sick pervert.

Doja continued eating his food like he

had heard nothing that Chris has

been saying since as he said in his

mind Chris I don't care who your mind

belongs to but your body will belong to

me and only me. Very soon, I will also

win your heart over without you even

noticing it. He raised his head and saw

her typing away on her phone with so

much concentration that one will think

that she is typing the president's speech.

So he decided to annoy her further as

he said are you reporting me to toyboy?

 Chris shook her head and said you are

impossible. Now I understand why

you and Ima could get engaged

because the two of you are made

for each other. You are cut out from

the same cloth. No day passes by that

I don't regret the day I bumped into

you at the bar.

Chris, why are you such a liar?

Remembering the day you bumped i

nto me at the bar simply means

reminiscing the day. Even I knew that

I made a good impression but don't

worry you don't need to reminisce for

too long because I am here for you. I

am here to please you however you like it.

Chris realized she couldn't deal with

Doja's demented ways of thinking

anymore so she decided to ignore him

After Doja contacted Chris's manager

the previous day, she decided to help

him because she doesn't want Chris

to end up like her. She knows that Doja

likes Chris and that's the reason he

annoys her almost all the time. She

truly wants what's best for Chris

because she has known Chris for a

long time and she knows that this

young lady has been through enough

in one lifetime already.

Chris's manager had a flashback of

her life. She remembered how she

used her own hands to chase the love

of her life into the arms of another

woman. No day passes by that she

doesn't regret losing Jamil. Five years

ago, she was in love with a guy named

Jamil. Jamil is a renowned Doctor who

lives in Los Angeles. She and Jamil met

at a wedding which he flew down to

attend and instantly became friends.

Their relationship progressed from

friendship to love and she really loved

him. One can even say that she loved

Jamil to the moon. Everything

changed the day Sarah walked into

their lives. Sarah is the daughter of

Jamil's mother's friend and she wanted

Jamil at all cost.

When Sarah walked into their lives, she

never came in as a love rival rather

she came in through the friendzone.

She came in as Jamil's childhood

friend and little sister. Jamil never

sees anything wrong that Sarah has

done. She's usually all over him

hugging him, jumping on his back, and

even feeding him in public. Every time

Itohan complains about the closeness

between Jamil and Serah, he never

takes her seriously as he laughs and

says what can I do with Sarah? You

have to let go of your jealousy because

Sarah is my little sister and childhood

friend. There was a day that Jamil sat

her down and gave her a whole lecture

on how Sarah likes her and will like to

be friends with her. Itohan could not

bring herself to understand why Jamil

has always been blind towards Sarah's


One day Sarah walked up to her and

told her to leave Jamil alone because

Jamil belongs to her as she has always

loved him right from when they were

kids. Sarah told Itohan that their

parents have always wanted her and

Jamil to get married when they grow

up and not even she can come

between them because their families

will never let her and Jamil be

together no matter what she does.

That conversation really broke Itohan's

heart but she kept it to herself because

she felt Jamil will never believe her if

she told him. Sarah continued to make

the relationship a living hell for her and

the once happy relationship started

going sour.

The relationship finally started going

south the day that they went on a field

trip. Itohan went to ease herself

somewhere far away from the others

where they installed a mobile toilet.

When she was done and walking out,

she met Sarah who was outside waiting

for her. She looked at Sarah and said

please stay away from me, I don't want

any problems. Sarah laughed and said

problem is something I will give you to

your fill unless you leave Jamil alone for


Itohan laughed and told Sarah that she

will only leave Jamil alone in Sarah's

dreams. Sarah looked at her with hate

as she said, then don't blame me for

what I do next. Itohan thought that

Sarah wanted to attack her so she

was on guard but she never knew that

Sarah was one unpredictable psychopath

who is willing to hurt herself so that

she can achieve her selfish desires.

Right under her watch, Sarah threw

herself down the hill behind her and

gave out a scream as she rolled down.

Sarah's scream attracted everyone in the

camp as they all ran down to check what

has happened. Itohan was in shock as

she couldn't move and kept staring at

the spot where Sarah was standing a

while ago. When the others ran over

and saw her standing there without

trying to help Sarah who has rolled

down the hill, they all felt she was the

one who pushed Sarah down the hill.

While everybody was running down the

hill trying to rescue Sarah, Itohan was

still standing at the spot where she

was and looking.

Finally, Sarah was rescued but she has

fractured her wrist and was crying out

in pain. She walked to where Itohan

was standing and looked at her with

so much grievance in her eyes and said,

what did I ever do to you that you want

to kill me? I am not dragging Jamil with

you because Jamil and I can never be

anything except friends. I have told you

many times already that Jamil is my

childhood friend and my big brother.

What else do you want me to do? I

never knew that you will resort to

using violence on me because of a

man that I consider to be my brother.

She kept crying as she was telling her

story. When we were little, I had an

older brother who I had always looked

up to until he passed on and Jamil

became the only brother that I had.

He became the only one who looked

out for me and chased bullies away

from me because those were the

duties my elder brother used to carry

out back then before he fell off the

cliff. I was very happy when Jamil

introduced you to me that I told him

that I would like to be your friend

because I love anyone who my

brother loves.

She looked so aggrieved like a dying

lamb as she cried more and said, a

few days ago you threatened me that

you will end my life if I don't leave

Jamil alone but I felt you were joking

because I thought to myself that why

will my brother's lover want to chase

his sister away from him? But I guess

I was mistaken because you were

serious and you have just made an

attempt on my life. You don't have to

try anymore because I will stay away.

I am going back home and I'm leaving

this country back to the United States

and I promise you that you will never

see me again. I'm sorry for loving

Jamil as my brother and trying to be

friends with you because those are

my only offenses. My greatest offense

is loving you and thinking that you

also love me back like a sister but I

was wrong for thinking that way

 Itohan was just looking like she was

seeing a movie because everything

that was happening to her looks like

a movie. Everyone turned to her and

started looking at her like she was the

devil himself. While everyone was

seeing her as one vicious snake who

tried to hurt their princess Sarah, she

still felt confident and okay because

she doesn't care what anyone has to

say about her. After all, she did not do

this. She turned to Jamil to explain to

him that she did not push Sarah down

that hill but the look she saw in his eyes

told her that he believed Sarah over her.

She still attempted to explain herself

despite seeing that look in his eyes as

she said Jamil I did not push her. She

threw herself down that hill. After

everyone heard what she just said

they turned around and looked at her

again but before anyone could say

anything, Sarah fainted. They rushed

her to the hospital as calling an

ambulance will be useless because

they were in the middle of nowhere.

When they got to the hospital, she

wanted to go inside with them but

Jamil told her to stay outside. She felt

so hurt after hearing that from the man

she loved. Knowing that Jamil does not

believe that Sarah threw herself down

the hill was one blow to her but seeing

the cautiousness in his eyes when he

got to the hospital, was another. She

felt so pained that Jamil does not want

her inside the hospital so that she will

not go in and complete what she has

started by killing Sarah. She called his

name while he was walking away, he

turned around and looked at her and

she knew within her that, that was the

last time she will ever come close to him.

After that day, Jamil tried contacting

her but she never wanted to see him

again because she was angry and she

felt he and Sarah belong together. Finally,

he traveled back to Los Angeles and

married another woman there and there

is no day Itohan remembers Jamil that

she doesn't wish she had tried harder to

beat Sarah at her own game.