
Vincent's Home

On the walk to his house, we did not run into anymore of the dead. After about five minutes of walking quietly, we finally get to where we can see his house. The first thing we notice is the fact that his car is parked right at the edge of the driveway. When we get closer, we see that the front door is slightly a jar. All of us having watched the movies we have, we all instantly rule out all of us going in that way. "Hey Vincent, do you have a key to your back door?" asked Joel.

"No, but I can make it to the back door if there is nothing between me and there," He said dreading having to go through the front door. When we got to the car, we were able to see that someone had already started packing the things that would be needed and that the only thing missing was the weapons. With that in mind, I turned to everyone and made probably one of the dumbest things I had to that point.

"Okay, since the car is here with everything we need other than the weapons that Vincent has. Why don't some of us stay at the car and make sure it doesn't get taken?" the moment I say it I see the look in Joel's eyes that says that he thinks it is a dumb idea but that it has merit to it also. "So who wants to stay and who wants to go into the house?"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, the ones who decided to stay where everyone but I and Vincent and I think that if it were not his house and his weapons he would not have gone in either. Nevertheless, as we got closer to the front steps to his porch I crept up and looked into the window to see if I could see anyone. When I was satisfied that there was no one within sight I moved to the front door and passed it, still staying low, to the other side to check the window into the gaming room and again saw nothing. After that, I made my way back to the front door. Once Vincent and I got on opposite sides and both indicated that we could not see anything we pushed the door the rest of the way open so we could fit in and get his weapons. When the door opened, we waited before running in and crossing the living room to get to the stairway since his room was on the second floor and right at the top of the steps.

The moment we got to the steps we both stopped before making our way up because we did not want to be making too much noise and the steps were hard wood so running up them would make a lot of noise. For every step we made up the steps there was a creek of a wooden floor giving way. When we got to the top of the steps, we stopped once again to make sure we were alone before going into his room to grab the bulk of the weapons.

Once we got what we could from his room: a knife, a sword, and even a few blankets for warmth since we did not know how long we were going to be without we went back down stairs and out to the car to drop everything off. Then went back in to go through the kitchen and basement to get the last of what we needed. In the kitchen, we found more food that is canned and some butcher knives, which we took in case we needed a last resort weapon. In the basement we found his dad's car with a bat and a crowbar along with an x-bar wrench all of which we took out the garage door, except the car, we didn't want to many big things.

"So are we ready?" I asked wanting to get under way since I feared we would have to abandon the car if we waited much longer. After a few seconds of everyone getting in the SUV, and Vincent starting it, we were off.

"Okay, so where am I going?" he asked not knowing where my brother lives.

After about ten minutes of going through town and not running into anything, we get to my brother's apartment to find that Calaith's Van is sitting outside with nothing in it. "Well I guess they made it in, so let's get going as well," I say hopping out the moment the SUV stops and running around to the back to grab what I can carry.

"But how do we know if they are here and still not one of them?" asked the girl still scared of the slightest noise.

"Well even if they aren't here it makes a great defense point and if they are one of them then I guess that just means we have to deal with them like we did the other ones," Said Vincent trying his best to calm her but not knowing how.

"Or we could simply go up and ask" I say doubting that my brother would be dumb enough to get anyone turned.

Once we grabbed what we could carry from the car, we started going up the steps. As we climbed, I looked for other signs that people where in the building. When we got to the door, I knocked.

Immediately after I knocked, the door was open.

Only problem was the fact that no one was on the other side who could have opened the door. As I take the first step into the house, I hear Jalon say, "I got it!" As he came running into the hallway to go to the kitchen to open the back door he caught sight of us and stopped.