
True Self?

"What?" I asked John Constantine with a frown, I saw the history of my past. God thought it was funny to say in the past John and I were dating... I didn't see the joke, I was already dealing with one troublesome relationship, and now this nonsense. I wasn't gay, and no male dick shall ever come remotely near me.

"I wanted to apologize from back then, I shouldn't have tried to use you like that," John said while rubbing his neck, and looking at the ground. I sighed in annoyance, how the hell was I going to deal with this nonsense?

"No need for apologies, let's move on," I said with a sigh, to which John just nodded before we returned to our training. I was a clone, a clone created before I had brought Auralie back to life. I was training everyone, for the next danger to come wasn't going to be simple...

I was training everyone, for I planned to make the heroes of this universe become the strongest, overshadowing their main universe counterparts. I was spending most of my time with the kids, for example, training Superboy to suppress his human genetics to allow him to tap into the full might of his Kryptonian capability. Raven was learning to best use her true form, allowing her to tap into her full potential... but that was troublesome.

From her moment of birth till now, she has always been different, Raven has always been evil, her humanity is a lie, or better put a mask she puts on to escape the reality of being her father's daughter. Think of the Raven of today as someone who has been brainwashed into thinking anything but evil... but even then that's wrong, she wasn't good or evil. She was Darkness.

"How does it feel?" I said while sitting back, looking at the sea. Raven and I were currently in the middle of the ocean, I was fishing while Raven was getting in touch with her true self.

"... If I tapped into my true self... I could destroy the universe." She said too scared to do such a thing. To that, I threw the fishing rod to the side and held out my palm,

"Then, let's go see Dark Raven," I said to which she uneasily held out her hands and took mine. She looked at my hands for some time, her eyes glowed with determination before she looked at me.

"I will not disappoint you." She said to which I nodded lightly with a smile before we entered the darkest part of Raven... a world of pure darkness. Raven looked around, trying to find her evil self, she held my palm tightly as if she wanted to protect me... which I found funny.

"You know she is the Darkness right?" I asked Raven, causing her to pause for a second, followed by her looking ahead where the Darkness gathered, forming demon Raven who looked at me with a grin.

"Are you like that fool who is suppressing her true self?" She asked while looking deeply into my eyes, just for me to laugh.

"No, I don't suppress myself. Why would I suppress perfection? Look at me," I said while pulling back my hair, showing off my beauty, which caused the two Ravens to look at me with a weird look.

"What do you mean you don't have to suppress yourself?" Raven asked, to which I paused for a moment lost in deep thought.

"Demons are not born evil... well, Trigon was born evil, he is pretty much the god of evil. So he has to be evil. Creation itself is balanced, it is balanced out by the darkness. Trigon was born because a dimension cast out all of their negative emotions or something, so that negative emotions gathered to form Trigon, making him pure evil to balance out that pure good. I'm in perfect balance with myself, the good and the evil. I decide what Destruction is, and it shall destroy what I want." I said with a smile, the two looked at each other as they realized something.

"Balance is needed, for if too much Yin exists, Yang is born to counter that Yin. That's what I believe at least. You two need to find a balance, if one of you overwhelms the other party you will be strong. Dark Raven if you win, you would turn into Unkindness Raven, but if you lose, Raven would turn into White Raven. Who is stronger, that I don't know? but the strongest version of yourselves would be the fusion of you two." I said lightly while thinking about God and the Darkness... was that how god was born?

"Either one of you is the real Raven, you're not your father and you were not truly born Evil. Darkness is neither good nor evil. It's what you make it to be. Just look at my power, it's called the magic eyes of Destruction." I said while showing them my eyes, which caused everything I looked at to just disintegrate. The two raven faces turned pale seeing this as the mindscape was going to be destroyed under this gaze, I turned them off before her mind could disintegrate.

"My power is too much to be controlled, good nor evil can stop me. So how about another power that transcends such concepts? if one day I want to destroy everything, I will need you two to work together." I said while holding out my fist,

"... Fine," Dark Raven said with a snort, but she didn't fist bump me, although Good Raven did. I smiled while rubbing her head, causing her to snort although she didn't push me away.

"Thanks," I said while leaving her mindscape, leaving the two to look at each other before Good Raven took the first step to talk to her evil half...

While Raven was trying to tap into her full potential, I sat before Hawkman who was currently glaring at me.

"You truly love her," I said while drinking some wine, to which Hawkman snorted while looking away.

"I have no interest in anyone, I'm in a happy relationship with Diana... if only she could see others had no interest in me," I said with a sigh, not knowing how to deal with that fact. But I shrugged before looking at Batman who came to sit at my side.

"What is the Light's next plan?" Batman asked. That's right, Hawkman was our spy. This is why Hawkman has been extra around Hawkgirl, he had been playing everything out so he could backstab the Justice League and join the Light. This was all Batman's plan. When Batman saw the relationship between Hawkman and Hawkgirl breaking apart, he stepped forward to bring up this plan... and although Hawkman wasn't willing, he put his relationship with Hawkgirl behind this mission.

Batman just didn't expect that I would up and leave Earth just when he told Hawkman to tell them I had left Earth, leading to the whole Amazo thing happening.

"They are creating an army of Amazo, thanks to you they would have your level of Martial Arts, with the prime Amazo having the power to even copy magic to some degree. They would be ready in a few months." He said to which I smirked,

"That isn't a problem so long as we can stop them, do you know where the base is so we can move in?" Batman asked not wanting such an event to happen.

"I still don't have their full trust, so I don't know where the base is... although Luther seems to think you know more about the Light than you show," Hawkman said to which I smirked.

"Yeah, I know everything," I said stunning the two,

"But I can't tell you all of the answers, you are all adapting, learning to think outside the box, and being more creative. That's perfect. You would be ready to face the next problems that face the multiverse." I said with a shrug before teleporting away, leaving the two faces dark...