

Fun fact about Superman, he doesn't breathe in space, he instead can hold his breath for a long time. Depending on the current level of power he has, and how much solar energy he has absorbed, he could even go for countless years without the need for a simple breath.

To say the least, The Martian and Superman came to Mars to find that the Martian Manhunter had somehow arrived in the future, and all members of his race were gone. Looking at the ashes, the remains of his people, the Martian Manhunter's disorientation and anguish were so great, that even from Earth I was able to sense it.

That anguish went on and created a psychic tether between himself and the spirits of his dead people... and he went to hold on, unwilling to let them go, or else he would have truly broken down seeing as the world he once knew was no more.

Luckily for the Martian, Superman was there, the two being the last survivors of their race. So, the two connected that way, and Superman went on to welcome the Martian to Earth... no to the Justice League.

The Martian accepted, having nowhere else to go. And that's how the Martian joined the Justice League... but he wasn't alone, as the following few days, more people joined the Justice League. I gave the Green Light to Batman to accept anyone he saw worthy.

So, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Vixen, and many others joined the Justice League. As for the main Justice League watch tower which would be in space? That took a few months to be built, I had to help out to speed things up, and adding the robots Cyborg, Batman, Superman and myself helped to create, the Watchtower was built in no time.

Using the Mother Box tech which Batman and Cyborg have studied, everyone could teleport to and back from the Watch Tower. The Watch Tower was built to be able to withstand the strongest of blows even from Superman, reinforced with magic and the best of the tech, equipped with weapons that were locked behind many keys, with me having the master key, well, we built a weapon which could pierce straight through the planet if we wanted. A weapon with good aim, that could hit an ant without damaging the world around it.

Of course, such a deadly weapon sent fear into presidents worldwide, so they had the keys to shut off the weapons if anything bad ever happened. 

Well, time passed, and currently I sat before a TV looking at the fight between Batman and the court of Owl. The court of Owl seemed to be a bunch of rich people who came together in Gotham or something, I honestly didn't care as with a thought, I could just erase them all, source and all. but Batman gets defensive when it comes to Gotham and doesn't like it when people step in.

{Batman POV}

My body moved on its own, skillfully dodging all incoming danger coming my way. Thanks to Escanor training, and the year's worth of foundation I had from my martial arts training, learning the basics of Ultra Instinct wasn't so hard for me compared to the other members of the Justice League. Of course, I looked like I had mastered Ultra Instincts thanks to how high my martial arts were, and how better I was compared to these zombies I was fighting.

It took a lot of beating from Escanor to reach just the basics of Ultra Instincts where my body could react to incoming danger without the need of me sensing anything. But it was good enough as with it, I could take down the owl-masked assassins or whatever they were.

They were dangerous and were skilled in martial arts. I could easily take them out even without Escanor training, but they were undead and would keep recovering from any damage I did to them, adding that they had mastery in martial arts made them deadly.

Without Escanor training, I would have had to flee, but I smoothly moved through all attacks, almost as if I had superhuman capability, I smoothly placed mini bombs on all of them, saving one that I planned to study. And without having to look back, those owl-masked assassins exploded, their bodies going all over the place with but one, which I grabbed while leaving the Museum, which wasn't damaged too much by our battle.

Growing up, I had heard stories about the Court of Owls, I used to believe they were the reason behind the death of my parents, but those thoughts died down when I couldn't find any traces of the Court of owls. Years later, they show up in my city as if they ran things... I of course had to put a stop to it.

{Death POV}

"He is perfect for the role." An orange-haired man said while painting an ugly picture of what looked like... me? I cringed lightly at that image, but it quickly disappeared before my little brother could see it, I didn't want to hurt him when he was doing what he loved.

"... sigh, it's not good." He said with a look of defeat seeing the look I had,

"No, it's something," I said unable to bring myself to lie, he laughed at this while destroying the painting and starting all over.

"This is the beauty of mistakes, it means I can still improve." He said while going on to try again, he had the heart, let's just ignore the fact he had spent years making mistakes without improvements. 

"What do you mean he is perfect for the role? things have still gone on even without you leading destruction. Plus, his power of destruction is too much compared to yours. he is like a perfect lion of destruction, one that could destroy creation, he isn't perfect for the role." I said changing the subject.

"I think otherwise sister, that power... Chaotic Destruction if controlled would allow him to both create and destroy as he wishes. You saw that thing called the reverse curse technique he created, if destruction is a negative, a negative time a negative would equal a positive... in this case, Chaotic Destruction times itself would be... Chaotic Creation or Lawful Creation. I can't wait to see it." Destruction said with a smile, leaving me not knowing what to say as he was talking about dying.

"Okay. but he can't become Destruction, those rules would mean he can't stand against Darkness." She said lightly, they might be the most powerful family in creation... ignoring those angels, but even Lucifer and Micheal couldn't kill them as in doing so, creation would lose a concept.

If I was erased from existence, no one would ever die or be born. If Destruction died, then nothing would ever be destroyed. If dreams died, hope, nightmares, desires, and so many more concepts would be erased from existence. This would mean beings like Lucifer could never be able to destroy anything, feel hope, feel desires, and so on.

We were untouchable, pillars that were needed for creation, but this came with the price of us having to follow rules, rules we couldn't go against. I don't think Escanor would do anything to go against the freedom he had, after all, Escanor's source is the essence of destruction in a chaotic form, almost like the opposite of my brother, and although it wasn't on the scale of destruction were not equal, his quality of destruction was like nothing we have ever seen. That's not adding the scales of spells Escanor was creating with every passing day. The more spells he created, the easier it got for him to create new and more powerful spells. It was like breathing for him... and that was scary.