
Progress, Plans And The Arrival

It's been two years since I was teleported to this world and 18 months since I started living in the village. The villagers quickly warmed up to me as I was quite polite and would help them in some of the more difficult tasks. I would also play with the children who have started calling me 'Big Bro Techno' with some of the boys even wanting to learn how to fight after they learned I knew how. I denied as I knew they're parents wouldn't have approved. The girls however just liked to braid my hair and decorate it with flowers. I also helped the hunters hunt and raid 'The Danger Zone' as they called it. It was quite a dangerous place and that's from where most of the items for making potions where made.

Speaking of potions, I actually learned how to make potions from the town's potions master and lets just say when I first met him I thought I was talking to Severus Snape. Sam however was much more talkative and jovial. I also learned other things like blacksmithing. I also created Ender pearls. Yeah.

How? You may be wondering. Well quite simple actually. During one of the hunt I had found a few eyes of ender from some animals which had weird eyes. When I asked the townsfolk they just told me it's not really useful and is only used to make jewellery. I then decided to see if I can make something which would be overpowered in fights. I firstly tried to extract everything from the eye as eyes are usually made from regular pearls and blaze powders. After a few days I decided to do the opposite. Instead of trying to extract the powder I decided to add it. After doing so very carefully I saw that the eye which had a design was now clear. I then decided to share this discovery with the head hunter and Jonathan. I then tested it and found that I successfully teleported from one place to another. I also told those two that this should not be known by anybody other than us as this is quite a powerful item that would be dangerous in the wrong hands.

I had also grown closer to Jonathan. He would regularly visit me to see how I was doing and we would often go to the bar together. I also learned that Jonathan was actually an explorer who settled down here around 20 years ago. I was quite surprised to hear that an explorer alone survived on the grandline. When asked how strong he was he just said he was strong enough to beat me. That was actually how the villagers knew I was a fighter. I challenged him to a spar in the bar and he accepted. Suffice to say I got my ass handed to me. It's not that I couldn't hit him, it's more like he would successfully parry or dodge every hit. He was also flip me over in full beast mode. I then had him help me improve my overall fighting abilities.

There was also quite a bit of civil unrest on the island. The taxes were quite high and the nobles were quite arrogant. The problem was that unlike most, These nobles themselves knew how to fight. They weren't that strong but they were quite a few in numbers. As an anarchist, I was quite ready for revolution but I had to wait. I was almost done with my plan to take down the corrupt government and king of the island.

Some time ago a News Coo landed with the newspaper. I usually don't pay much attention to the paper but this time something caught my attention. The bounty section. More specifically the bounty of a certain pirate:

"Straw Hat" Monkey D. Luffy- 30,000,000 Berries

This means that Luffy and the crew had freed Cocoyashi Village and were on their way to the grandline.

Now for the most important news, my potato farm was running quite well and was producing a lot of potatoes. I started selling potatoes in the town and would sometimes even go to the main city. The villagers had given me the nickname of 'The Crazy Farmer' due to the scary smile I would have when working on the farm.

I just woke up this morning and had gotten done with some warm up and was training when Jonathan came and told me that a pirate ship was on it's way toward the port. I quickly gathered a few things needed incase of a fight and joined the townsfolk at the port. When I saw the ship and the Jolly Roger, however, a smile formed on my face and I was ecstatic.

The ship, with a sheep figurehead and flying a Jolly Roger. The Jolly Roger, however, was one that all anime watchers knew. It was the classic Jolly Roger wearing a Straw Hat and that was their first ship and crewmate The Going Merry. All this signaled only one thing. The arrival of The Straw Hat Pirates.


Next chapter we're going to meet the straw hats and also have my first original arc. I don't know how well it will go but lets see. Be sure to support.

Also this takes place before Little Garden so no chopper. Yet.

Hope You enjoy the chapter.

Also, Also, Would you like if I made another Fanfic for HP.? I have a basic idea of what I can write though want some Ideas.
