
In Naruto WOrld

This is a story about a boy who gets transmigrated into Naruto's body right at the point where the story began. Filled with excitement and hesitation he takes his step forward in order to not get killed without enjoying this unconventional life to the fullest. If you want to support me, here's my Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/Horny_Gentleman

Horny_Gentleman · 漫画同人
52 Chs

Chapter 32

With Kurama's help the seal was soon removed with me having to only feel a small burning sensation during the process. I still hadn't recovered from what had happened with me earlier but I knew that there was no point in thinking about now and instead I should take this as a lesson to think more before giving in to my carnal needs.

It was time now to check the reward I gained after being taken advantage of by Orochimaru. When I earned the reward I was too preoccupied to check the description of the skill and since this system doesn't have status panel like usual systems...I don't know how to use this.

I looked at my hands trying to sense anything different or new about my fingers but it was all for a naught. They looked the same... 'Did it become poisonous or something?' I thought to myself and went out my tent to enter the nearby forest and then tried to touch the tree trunk in front of me with my fingers.... nothing happened.

'So what exactly does this even do....the system's called degenerate system....is it that? Yes ofcourse I got it hah! Ofcourse it is that!' I thought to myself and soon made a shadow clone of myself.

'Who should I turn the shadow clone into?' it may seem like a simple thing for others but for me it was not...there were so many options which made me think about it.

After thinking for a while I soon came to a decision, 'I need to do this if I need to let go of that trauma quickly' I thought to myself and my shadow clone as per my orders changed himself into Hinata.

A naked Hinata was soon in front of me but instead of having vulgar thoughts my first reaction was to look towards her groin to check whether it was present or not. Even though I knew that there would be a vagina I still confirmed it before taking in a sigh of relief.

"Let's try it out then." I said to which my clone replied just opened his... or to be more precise...her legs for me while saying, "Let's hope it's not something tormenting cause we both gonna feel it."

I too was hoping for it to not be that as I slowly inserted my finger inside her vagina.

My clone which shivered a bit the moment my finger entered her said, "Apart from the feeling of your finger entering me it doesn't feel much different..."

I was kind of disappointed with the result so I tried changing my fingers one by one and after trying all my fingers the results were still the same...

"Sigh" I ran out of ideas for the time being so I just dissipated my shadow clone...the moment I did that the unsatisfied desires of my clone transferred into me and became mine as a result my pp was rock hard now.

I went towards a nearby busy, unzipped my pants and after a bit of external stimulation discharged all of my load on the bushes.

After relieving myself I went back towards my tent and went to sleep.

After a while when Naruto was gone, a red faced Hinata came out of the bush Naruto just bursted his nut on...as a result of which she also got his cum over her...

Few moments before...




Unable to sleep Hinata went out to gaze at the stars while being seated on a stone nearby the river. The place was only a few metres away from the camp so she was quite relaxed.

"Should I ask Naruto Kun out? With so many women near him I'm getting kind of worried... especially Sakura. She definitely has a thing for Naruto now... but it was not so before. What if she got hold of Naruto Kun before me!"

"Ahhhhh" Hinata screamed silently as she disheveled her hair with both her hands in a frustrated manner. She wanted to make the initiative to convey her feelings to Naruto but everytime she thought that she was ready to do it...she would chicken out.

Hinata sighed and went back to staring at the stars to cool her mind off. Thinking that it was about time for her to go back to sleep she was about to get up but suddenly saw a silhouette of the person whom she could recognise even from a thousand miles away going inside the forest.

Curious and also worried Hinata followed Naruto into the forest. Seeing Naruto Kun stop near a tree she moved towards a nearby bush so that she could observe him better.

She made a confused expression when she saw Naruto Kun touching the tree trunk with his fingers...she was unable the decipher the reason behind such actions.

While she was busy deciphering the meaning behind such unusual actions she suddenly saw Naruto Kun make a shadow clone of himself. She had heard about this technique from her father and was quite familiar with it aswell.

She thought that Naruto Kun was about to spar with his clone but instead he just stood there thinking about something... 'Is he devising a battle tactic?' Hinata thought to herself and couldn't help but admire him more.

Naruto finally looked ready to employ his first attack and Hinata was watching his every action with extreme concentration. Naruto said something to his clone which was unfortunately inaudible to her and since she also didnt do well in the lip reading class, she had no clue about what Naruto said.


The shadow clone soon transformed under the gaze of Hinata and turned into the spitting image of her naked self...

"Wha-" Hinata soon covered her mouth with her hands which she subconsciously opened after seeing something unexpected.

'N-no N-naruto Kun... don't look at my body like that.'Even though it was her clone she felt exposed seeing that. She wanted to cover her face but a part of her also wanted to see what Naruto Kun would do with her clone.

She soon saw Naruto Kun playing with her body with his fingers seeing which made her tighten her legs. All tens of his fingers entered her one by one... Seeing something like that she almost lost her consciousness but she held on...she wanted to see it till the end.

After a few moments she saw Naruto Kun dissipating his clone and couldn't help but feel jealous of that clone but before she could dwell into this matter further, she saw Naruto rushing towards her, 'Did he saw me? Noo it can't be...how should I answer him when he asks me what I was doing here or did I saw something.' overwhelmed with so many questions Hinata just closed her eyes to escape from her inevitable doom.


The voice of Naruto calling her out as per her imagination didn't happened but instead she heard the sound of a zipper. She slowly opened her eyes as she gazed upwards and saw Naruto kun's family jewels.

'Big' that was her first thought as she saw it just above her. Soon she saw Naruto Kun stroking his dick with his hands...'He's most likely thinking about me' Hinata thought to herself while observing the stroking.

Hinata was forced to just stay their and not move cause if she did she would definitely be discovered by Naruto Kun...as a result Hinata saw Naruto blewing off his load on the bushes but from her point of view he blew it on her...she felt the hot semen dripping down from her face towards her neck and then entering the insides of her clothes. Some of it also got stuck in her hair which would be a hassle to remove but she wasn't angry or irritated.

Instead she felt happy inside, 'I have a chance.' Hinata thought to herself. She was unsure earlier but now she definitely knew that she had a chance.