
In Naruto World, With Inventory Skill.

Found himself alone, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The dense forest of the Land of Rain stretched out before him, To find shelter and to avoid danger. And then he realized that he have a cheat like ability too. With infinite Storage and Items, nothing bad will happen right? English is not my Main Language.

Positive_Fiction · 漫画同人
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Konan is heading towards the cave with Ame and Ranko, her heart racing. She could hear the distant sounds of combat, each thud and grunt echoing through the trees. She knew she had to be swift and silent. Rainwater dripped from her hair and onto the leaves below, as she held her breath, listening intently for any signs of pursuit.


A kunai flashed through the air toward Konan, but she was already moving. Her reflexes, honed by years of training, allowed her to dodge the attack with ease. She didn't dare look back, she knew the danger was closing in.

Her feet were silent on the wet earth as she sprinted through the underbrush, clutching Ame and Ranko tightly to her chest. Rain lashed at her face, stinging her eyes and blurring her vision, but she didn't falter. The cave was close.

But before she could reach the safety of the cave, a figure emerged from the trees, blocking her path. It was one of the men who had approached the house, his eyes wild with malice.

"Where do you think you're going?" he sneered, his voice carrying over the rain's patter.

Konan's eyes narrowed as she took in the hostile figure before her. The man was large, with a menacing aura that sent chills down her spine. Despite her fear, she remained calm, her grip on Ame and Ranko tightening. "Let us pass," she said, her voice steady.

The man leered at her, his eyes flickering to the bundle in her arms. "I think not," he sneered.

Konan knew she had to act fast. With a swift motion, she threw a shuriken at the advancing man, her aim precise. The weapon sliced through the air, but he was ready for it, knocking it aside with a smirk. He lunged at her, and she barely had time to react. Ame hissed in her arms, her fur standing on end.

The ninja was faster than she anticipated, closing the gap between them with unnerving speed. His blade flashed in the dim light, and she could see the gleam of the steel as it swiped towards her. But Konan had her own skills to rely on. She activated her observation haki, and the world around her slowed. The rain droplets hung in the air like crystals, and she could see every twitch of the man's muscles.

With a grace that belied the urgency of the situation, she sidestepped his attack, her movements fluid and precise. The man's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't waste time. He swung his sword again, aiming for her torso.

Konan's heart raced as she ducked under the blade, her eyes never leaving her opponent's. She could feel the warmth of Ame's breath against her neck and the softness of Ranko's feathers as she held them tightly. Her thoughts raced, trying to anticipate his next move.

"Ame, please take Ranko with you to the cave." she whispered to the kitten, setting the crow gently on the ground.

The kitten looked at her with understanding, and with surprising agility, she scurried away into the safety of the trees, the crow was tied to Ame with a piece of cloth, flapping its wings feebly in protest. The ninja's eyes followed the retreating figures for a moment before snapping back to Konan. His smirk grew into a snarl, and he took a step closer, raising his sword for another swing.

Konan's eyes narrowed, her chakra surging through her body as she prepared to fight. Despite her smaller size, she was no pushover.

The ninja's blade arced through the air, a silver streak against the dark backdrop of the forest. But to Konan, it was as if time had slowed. She could see every droplet of rain as it splashed against the steel. She waited for the perfect moment, her breathing even and calm.

When the blade was at its peak, she moved. Her footwork was swift, each step calculated as she weaved around the oncoming attack. With a flick of her wrist, she sent a handful of shurikens at her opponent, the sharp metal points glinting in the rain-soaked moonlight.

The ninja's eyes widened as the projectiles approached, but his reflexes were quick. He managed to deflect most of them with his sword, but one found its way to his arm. He grunted in pain, his swing faltering.

Konan saw her opening and took it. She dashed forward, aiming her kunai at the ninja's exposed side. The man stumbled back, trying to regain his balance, but it was too late. With a swift and precise movement, she buried the weapon deep into his chest. He looked down at the hilt protruding from his body, disbelief etched on his face.

But something happen, the moment she was deliver the final blow, the ninja's body become a block of wood, a technique known as 'Substitution jutsu'.

"Damn," she murmured to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. She had fallen for a basic jutsu.

The real ninja appeared beside her, he dash fast enough for Konan to react, Konan see it through but it's too late.

He punch her stomach.


She felt the air leave her lungs in a painful rush.

Konan staggered back, her eyes watering from the pain. Rain plastered her hair to her face, obscuring her vision momentarily. She coughed, trying to regain her composure.

The wooden block of the substitution jutsu lay shattered on the ground, a reminder of her mistake.

The real ninja took advantage of her momentary distraction, he kick her hard in the chest, sending her flying backward. She landed with a painful thud, the breath knocked out of her. Rainwater splashed around her, mixing with the mud and the crimson that was slowly spreading from the corner of her mouth. The ninja grinned.

"The goods can't be broken, but with a bit bruised, we can still sell 'em," the ninja sneered, his blade glinting in the dim moonlight as he approached Konan.

Her eyes narrowed, pain and determination etched on her features. Rainwater streamed down her face, mixing with the blood that trickled from her lip. She knew she had to get to her feet, to protect herself and those she cared for. Gritting her teeth, she pushed herself up, her hands slick with rain and mud.

The ninja stalked closer, his footsteps echoing through the clearing. His eyes gleamed with a sick excitement as he saw her struggling. He raised his feet, ready to deliver the final blow.

But what he didn't expect was the sudden attack from the shadows.

Something scratched his eyes with swiftness.


"Ah! What the hell?" The ninja stumbled back, clutching his face. The shadows around him shifted, and a figure emerged, its eyes glowing with a fierce light.

It's Ame.

The kitten had circled back, her eyes gleaming with an uncharacteristic fierceness. Her pupils had dilated, and her teeth were bared in a snarl that seemed too vicious for such a small creature. Her fur was plastered to her body, making her look even more ferocious as she darted around the ninja's legs, scratching and biting.

"Bastard!" The ninja roared as the tiny creature's sharp claws tore at his other eyes and face. His hands flailed, trying to swipe the persistent kitten away, but she was too fast. The sudden interference took him by surprise, allowing Konan a brief respite to catch her breath.

"I will kill you! You little vermin!" the ninja roared, with his hand swinging the blade erratically in the air, trying to hit Ame.

From the sidelines, the observer watched the scene unfold with a mix of horror and admiration. The girl, Konan, had managed to stand up again, despite the visible pain etched on her face. Her eyes searched for an opportunity to strike back.

The ninja, blinded by pain and fury, flailing his sword as the kitten, Ame, darted and danced around his legs.

Konan who see an opportunity, yell to Ame. "Ame! Step back!"

With Ame taking the distance again the ninja, Konan throwing her remaining shurikens at him.

The ninja roared in anger, his face a mess of blood and scratches. He swiped wildly at the air, trying to catch the elusive kitten, but she remained just out of reach.

*Swoosh* *tab* *tab*

Each shuriken found its mark, piercing his flesh and drawing more furious cries from him.

His movements grew erratic, driven by pain and the need to kill the creature that had ruined his sight.

Konan watched as the ninja stumbled around, his once deadly blade now a mere extension of his rage. The rain had turned the battleground into a quagmire, mud sticking to her opponent's legs, slowing him down. She took a deep breath, her own body aching from the blows she had taken. But she had to keep going, for Haruto, for Ame, for Ranko.

Konan took the kunai and throwing it with all her might towards the ninja.


The kunai flew through the air, its trajectory unwavering despite the rain. The ninja, his vision obscured by pain and rage, had no way of seeing the weapon coming. It sliced through the air with a sound that seemed almost inaudible against the backdrop of the storm. His heart thundered in his chest, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he swiped blindly at the air, his body a canvas of pain from the multitude of injuries he had sustained. Ame, the kitten, watched from a safe distance, her eyes gleaming with a fierce protectiveness that belied her small size.

Konan watched as the kunai found its mark, burying itself in the ninja's shoulder. He roared, his body convulsing with pain. His movements grew more erratic, his swipes more wild. She knew she had to end this quickly, before he had the chance to recover or before more of his comrades arrived. Gathering her strength, she pushed herself to her feet, her legs trembling with the effort.

The ninja, now enraged, swiped his sword in a wide arc, aiming for any sound he heard. The rain continued to pummel the earth, creating a symphony of noise that only served to amplify the chaos.

"I will kill you! You bitch!" the ninja's frenzied voice pierced the night as he flailed his sword around, the rain mixing with the blood on his face to form a crimson mask.

Konan and Ame, the unlikely duo, waiting for the ninja to get tired of it. His swings grew wider and slower with each passing moment, his breaths coming in harsh pants. The rain didn't let up, but it seemed to be the only thing giving them cover.

The ninja stumbled in the mud, his vision a mess of pain and anger. He could feel the blood seeping from his eyes, blurring his sight. His breathing grew more laboured, his movements sloppier.

Konan watched from the shadows, her eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and fear. Ame, the fierce little kitten, stood by her side, her eyes never leaving the man who had hurt her companion. The rain had soaked them both and turning their area into a battleground of mud and blood.

The ninja, blinded by rage and pain, swung his sword in wild arcs, the blade slicing through the air with a sound that sent shivers down their spines. Each step he took was heavier, his movements growing more sluggish as the rain and his injuries took their toll. His breathing grew ragged, his chest heaving with the effort of each swing.

Konan take this opportunity, her body trembling with exertion, she lunged forward, her first is filled with determination. The ninja, slowed by his injuries and fury, barely had time to react.

Konan punch him in the face with all her might.


The sound of flesh on flesh resonated through the clearing, echoing off the trees and mingling with the rhythmic beat of the rain. The ninja's head snapped back, his teeth rattling with the impact. Blood spurted from his nose, adding to the crimson mask already painted on his face. He staggered back, his sword dropping from his hand. For a moment, he teetered on the edge of consciousness, his mind reeling from the sudden pain.


And then, the rain seemed to pause for a brief moment, as if the heavens themselves held their breath, watching the dramatic unfolding of events in the clearing. The ninja stumbled backward, his once-proud stance now a pitiful display of weakness. His eyes searched for his attacker, but all he could see was the blurred outline of a figure through the crimson haze that obscured his vision.

Konan took a step back, her own eyes widening as she realized what she had done. Her hand, now covered in the ninja's blood, trembled slightly. Ame, the fearless kitten, had ceased her barrage of scratches and bites, standing protectively in front of her human companion, her fur still standing on end, but her gaze now fixed on the fallen opponent.


The ninja's body hit the ground with a sickening thud, the rain continuing its relentless descent around them. His breaths grew shallower, each one a wet gurgle in his throat.

Konan stood over him, her breathing heavy, the rain mingling with the tears streaming down her face. She had never killed before, but the fierce protection for her friends had taken over. The moment hung in the air, the only sounds the rain and the ninja's dying gasps.

Then, she tried as hard as she could to get to the cave, her mind racing. She could feel the warmth of Ame's body against hers, the kitten's claws digging into her skin as she held on tightly.


I have to quickly meet Konan and check on her condition. I rush through the forest, my heart pounding in my chest. The rain had let up slightly, allowing me to move faster.

As I approach the cave, I can hear the faint sound of a struggle. My senses go on high alert.

In the dim light of the moon, filtered through the dense canopy, I spot a figure stumbling away from the cave entrance, a ninja. His eyes are swollen shut, his face a mess of blood and scratches. His sword lies abandoned in the mud, his hands clutching at his face as he tries to wipe away the blood that obscures his vision.

"Damn!" I gritted my teeth, adrenaline surging through my veins as I sprinted towards the ninja.

I look at the ninja's condition and my mind races with the possible scenarios that could have unfolded. Did he harm Konan? Is she safe? The need to find out is like a burning ember in my chest.

But before that, I have something to do with this Guinea pig.

I took the medicine I made with Konan from my Inventory and dashed to the ninja, my feet barely touching the ground. His agonized moans grew louder as I approached, but he was too disoriented to realize the danger closing in.

I Made him take the medicine, and he coughed violently, he was convulsing violently.


Not long after that, his body stopped moving.


He is dead.

I'm sorry, but I had to do it, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have known that this medicine was poisonous. At least you did a good deed at the time of your death.

"...." Fortunately I'm not trying this medicine to anyone yet.

Then I store the lifeless body of the ninja in my inventory.

I need to check on Konan.


I rush into the cave. "Konan!" I call out, my voice echoing through the space.

"Here, Haruto," she calls back, her voice weak but steady.

The sight that greets me is one of relief and concern. Ame sits by the side of the cave, licking her paws, and Ranko is perched on a rock, watching me with a wary eye. The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air, a grim reminder of the battle that had taken place outside.

"Konan, are you okay?" I ask as I rush to her side. She's lying on a makeshift bed of leaves and cloth, her face pale but determined.

"I am," she whispers, gritting her teeth against the pain. Her clothes are torn and stained with mud and blood. "Thanks to Ame."

I nod at the kitten, who looks up at me with a proud gaze. The crow, Ranko, lets out a weak caw, acknowledging my presence.

"Good girl, Ame," I praise the kitten, then turn my attention back to Konan. "I have to take you to the hospital or at least find a doctor to check your condition."

"No," she protests weakly, "We can't risk it."

Konan's voice is strained, but her eyes are clear. Despite her injuries, she's still thinking about our safety.

"No, you're safety is more important than anything," I insist, my voice firm despite the fear for her well-being. "We can't stay here with you injured."

Konan's eyes soften, understanding my concern. "Okay," she concedes, "but we must be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll face anything to protect you," I reassure her, lifting her gently. Her weight is surprisingly light in my arms, and I can feel the tension in her body as she tries to hold back her pain. We exit the cave.


Ame was on my shoulder and Ranko was in Konan's arms as we made our way through the forest, heading down the mountain. The sound of my footsteps and the occasional rustle of animals in the underbrush were the only noises that pierced the silence.

We had agreed to go to a nearby village, hoping to find a doctor. The journey was slow and painful for Konan, but she bore it with a stoicism that filled me with admiration.


As we approached the village, the light of dawn was slightly visible among the black clouds and rain. The village looked quiet, almost too quiet.

The muddy path grew slicker under our feet, making it difficult to move without slipping. The pain etched on Konan's face was clear, but she didn't complain. Ame clung to my shoulder, her little body shivering from the cold, while Ranko still in Konan arms, seemingly unfazed by the rain. We approached the village.

As we entered the village, a quiet atmosphere greeted us, the only sounds being the patter of rain on the rooftops. The quiet was eerie, not a single soul was in sight.

Did something happen?

I walked through this quiet village, until we came to a building that looked like a clinic, a simple wooden structure with a red cross painted on the door. It looked abandoned, but there was a faint light coming from within.

"This is the place," I said to Konan, setting her down gently next to the door. "I'll check it out."

The door creaked open, revealing a small, dimly lit room. The scent of herbs and disinfectant hung in the air. I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the shelves and the single bed in the corner. It was clear that no one had been here in a while, but the supplies looked to be in good condition.

Really? I want to find a doctor, but no one here.

Should I become a doctor? then create a fake hospital?

"...." It's... Worth to try, perhaps.

"Konan, we can stay here," I called out to her.

Her eyes lit up with relief as she hobbled in, holding onto my arm for support. We managed to get her to the bed, where she lay down with a grateful sigh. Ame jumped down from my shoulder and curled up beside her, purring softly.

And then we hear the sound of footsteps approaching.