
In MHA as Rimuru Tempest with Archer Emiya's Power(Being Rewritten)

Currently being rewritten

Daoist764038 · 漫画同人
14 Chs

Time skip & flashback cause I'm lazy!

(3rd Person Pov) 

Sitting on the bed was Tanzo, who was resting after a long spar against Archer. It's now officially been 10 years since his training began and now he could be considered as a very powerful fighter.

"*Sigh*It's been 10 years already huh?"

Archer manifested himself infront of Tanzo with a smirk as he spoke. 

"You've certainly grown stronger over the past ten years now haven't you? However, don't forget that our matches are still ten thousand to zero."

Tanzo groaned in annoyance as he replied. 

"It's not my fault that I haven't been able to win. Everytime I almost reach you, you suddenly gain explosive strength, speed and endurance."

The Red Bowman just snorted in amusement at the boys frustration. However, he did still praise the boy.

"Even so, hold your head high with pride. You've went from slightly stronger than your average fit human, to a monster that I can guarentee could fight on par with most servant's I'd never dream of being able to touch."

Tanzo still frowned as he pointed out the thing that frustrated him the most. 

"I just don't seem to understand. You shouldn't be able to fight for as long as we did as your no Demi-God like Heracles, or Cu Chulain. Nor do you have anything like Artoria's Red Dragon factor to allow you to keep fighting for so long."

Archer Emiya simply gave the young boy Tanzo an irritating smirk causing the boy to sigh helplessly. However, Archer Emiya did still notice the melancholic smile etched on the Trap's face as he spoke.

"Reminiscing about your friend's or the ten years of training?"

Tanzo smiled cheekily as he replied. 



It was Tanzo's first day of training. So Archer sparred against him to get a grasp of his physical abilities. And after around and hour of using the boy as a punching bag, he thought to himself. 

'The boy isn't completely hopeless. He's got decent fighting experience, and is alot more creative than I credited him for. His physical strength is just slightly above average, either because of the body he's using, or that was the level of strength he reached in his original body. Still, from what I've been told by whatever it was that made that contract with me, his body should be able to grow alot stronger than even most servants. Honestly, just the thought of someone having the strength of Berserker Heracles in such a small and innocent looking body is terrifying.'

Archer rid himself of his musing as he spoke. 

"Alright. I have a decent idea for how I want to begin your training. But before that, I want to see how many magical circuits you posses. Take off your shirt and allow me to check and maybe even activate them."

Tanzo nodded his head and took off his shirt exposing his back to archer who placed his palm onto Tanzo's back moving up, down and sideways for a bit, before he poured his magical energy to help activate Tanzo's magic circuit's.


Archer narrowed his eye's as he spoke. 

"Listen up kid. The moment your circuits are activated, your going to need to create a mental image to work as the trigger for turning your magic circuits on and off. Understood?"

Tanzo nodded his head before gasping and shuddering as he felt something within his body? Soul? Awaken. He immediately did as Archer instructed, and made a mental image to act as the trigger for the activation and deactivation of his circuits. He chose the image of his friends smiling together with him to act as the mental trigger. Tanzo let out a sad sigh which Archer noted, but didn't comment on it as Tanzo spoke up with a more awed tone compared to his previous sadness. 

"God. This feels both increadibly strange and amazing. It feels like I can use magecraft forever without getting exhausted."

"Don't go getting in over your head kid. You definetly have a large quantity of magical circuits, with the quality of them being just as good. But it's pointless if your output isn't as good. And don't go thinking any dumb ideas. To have the ability to use mage craft forever without exhaustion sounds like something only True Magicians could ever hope to accomplish. And the obvious thing is do not let this sudden power blind you to real threats."

Archer made sure that Tanzo didn't get too arrogant after awakening his magical circuit's. Tanzo nodded his head accepting his mentors word's as he stood up enjoying the feeling of basking in magical energy.

"Now that everything seems to be going well, let's get to practicing your magecraft please."

Tanzo spoke excited to use magecraft for the first time. However, the Red Archer wasn't as enthusiastic as he spoke.

"No. Right now well be focusing on strengthening your physical abilities before getting into the lessons of magecraft. The only thing I will teach you is how to fight to survive. Once I feel you've reached an adequate level of strength without reinforcement magecraft, then I'll begin training you in magecraft. Besides, your body as it is has too much magical energy so to speak. I felt the unreal amounts of circuit's you posses, and the Od that flows through them. With the amount of Od you can produce, you could probably qualify as a caster servant."

Tanzo looked depressed and surprised at Archer's word's. However, he still nodded his head in agreement with hsi mentor's words. Archer was atleast satisfied that Tanzo wasn't such a pain and listened to his words. Then he spoke. 

"Let's begin. Drop to the ground and begin doing as many push-ups as you can. And trust me, in this room, you'll never have to worry about exhaustion."

And that's how their first year of training went by. Archer trained Tanzo to his absolute limits. Causing no end's of suffering for Tanzo who quickly learned that the space they were training in was slightly more unique then he expected. In the space the two of them were training, he could never get physically tired benefiting him greatly for his training sessions, but caused him lots of mental exhaustion. 

To Tanzo, Archer Emiya was basically a drill Sargent that cartoons showed. He'd apparently knew about Tanzo's inability to get physically tired. And when he said that Archer trained him to mental collapse everyday, he meant it literally. No rests from training his body until he'd collapse from mental exhaustion. It did help build his mental strength though so there was that.

The only downside to this space was that he never went hungry or thirsty. Everytime he'd train, it was like he'd already eaten before hand, and when he'd wake up from passing out of mental exhaustion, he would feel neither hungry nor thirsty and he could feel himself grow stronger.

Tanzo also didn't like the space they were training in, because nor only did he have no need for food or water, but he doesn't even have to shower, brush his teeth, or even take a piss and shit. When Tanzo came to learn of this, he cried tears of misery which Archer took genuine pleasure seeing the boys tears of sorrow.

And after a year of physical, flexibility, and Lots of sparring to help improve hsi close combat abilities, Archer finally began teaching Tanzo how to properly use magecraft. More specifically, his specialty which was reinforcement, Tracing, and projection magecraft.

-(Scene Break!)-

Archer stood before Tanzo as he spoke. 

"Since you seem to know me alot more than I'd like to. Tell me, are you aware of how my magecraft works?"

Tanzo nodded his head as he replied. 

"Your magecraft Tracing greatly differs from normal Projection in the fact that not only does it reproduce the shape and substance of an object, but also its entire history as well. Objects created with tracing are slightly inferior to the originals due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone, and Noble Phantasms are degraded by an entire rank. You also mentally divide the process of Tracing into seven steps, which include"

(Judging the concept of creation.

Hypothesizing the basic structure.

Duplicating the composition material.

Imitating the skill of its making.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

Reproducing the accumulated years.

Excelling every manufacturing process.) 

Tanzo continued.

"Due to the extra effort, it is possible to produce incredibly stable ordinary items that can remain in the world seemingly indefinitely after their creation, unless broken or dismissed. Furthermore, whenever replicating mystical objects such as Noble Phantasms, it is possible to faithfully copy their special abilities and any skill that their owner performed is available for use.

The reason this is possible is due to the nature of Unlimited Blade Works, which at a glance, records the history, composition, and design of what the user sees, and then provides the necessary materials needed to reproduce them.

The actual reproduction happens within Unlimited Blade Works, and is then brought into the real world at need via Projection. If the image of the projection is interrupted in any way, the item will be physically weak and shatter upon physical impact. It is also possible to apply Reinforcement to objects."

Once Tanzo finished speaking he saw Archer Emiya standing quite the far distance between the two of them as he looked at Tanzo with surprise, weariness, confusion and disgust as he spoke.

"I'll be completely honest. You knowing so much about myself really feels disgusting you know that?"

Tanzo just remained silent. Too baffled with what his mentor said to come up with a proper reply. Archer Emiya crossed his arms as he questioned.

"All right kid. Spill it, how do you know so much about me? At this point I'm starting to believe that your that annoying True Apostle Ancestor in disguise."

Tanzo looked surprised at Archer's words as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly and replied. 

"Uh... I don't think that's a good idea. I don't mind telling you exactly. But, I'm just unsure of how you'll take it. You might just end up becoming too angry?" 

Archer frowned at Tanzo's word's as he sighed and replied. 

"If that's the case, we'll continue this discussion later. I have a contract to uphold, and so let's begin teaching you how to use Projection magecraft. Since you know... Alot, I'll just get straight to helping you understand."

Archer then projected a normal blade and handed it To Tanzo as he spoke.

"When your activating your circuit's, recite this aria at the same time you activate your circuit's. *Trace On* This aria will help you focus much easier."

Tanzo nodded his head as his eye's made contact with the normal blade as he stretched his hand forward and muttered. 

"Trace On."

His mental image of all his friend's smiling with him triggered the activation of his circuits causing Tanzou to feel his body warm up. 

(Bzzt!) (Whoosh!)

Tanzo's eyes became extremely focused as he went through the seven stages to perfectly replicate the weapon. 

(Judging the concept of creation.

Hypothesizing the basic structure.

Duplicating the composition material.

Imitating the skill of its making.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

Reproducing the accumulated years.

Excelling every manufacturing process.) 

And before the gaze of Archer Emiya, the sword was projected into the real world. 


The blade fell to the ground as Tanzou looked on in awe of what he had just done. But his awe was short lived when Archer spoke. 

"To slow, and it took alot of energy to project it. If its taking you more than a second to project a normal blade, I dread the amount of time it'll take you to begin replicating the more dangerous noble phantasms in my arsenal. Repeat the process again until you can fully project the blade in less than a second, and to not be wasteful of your magical energy. It's pointless to have a large number of magic circuits, if you waste all that energy into projecting just a single weapon."

Tanzo nodded his head. Then, he got an idea as he asked his mentor.

"Archer. I want to know just how much my Od output is. Would it be alright if I tried projecting en mass?"

Archer mulled the boys words before ultimately agreeing as Tanzo took a deep breath and chanted.

"Trace On!"

I an instant, tens of thousands of swords appeared in the sky as Archer felt his eyebrow twitch slightly at the sight. However, what he wasn't expecting was even more blade's to be projected. 

(Bzzt) (Whoosh)

And the sky became engulfed in blades. More then a hundred thousand of them to be precise. And as he witnessed Tanzou beginning to gasp for air. Archer immediately took to spirit form to dodge the over ten thousand blades falling from the sky due to Tanzo's lack of control. Thankfully, before the blades pierced the earth, they all vanished into moats of air causing Archer to sigh in relief as he pondered deeply.

'More than a hundred thousand blades. What kind of nonsensical quantity of Od does the boy have?! He's not losing to Caster Medea powered by Ryoudou Temple in terms of the sheer volume of magical energy they posses. However. He's still reckless.'

Archer looked down upon the boy who was sweating up a fountain. As steam rose out of his body. 

'The boy forgot that magic circuit's are still capable of overheating. He pushed them too hard after just having them activated. He's most likely not going to suffer too much with the help of this space to recover. But that doesn't mean he won't be feeling the pain of overheating circuits.'

And just as he thought, after a minute Tanzo no longer was panting in exhaustion as he fainted. Archer sighed annoyed as he pondered. 

'I hope this won't be a common thing for him. I'm a trainer not a babysitter.'

Yet despite his word's, he still went and checked up on the passed out Tanzo. He placed his hand on Tanzo's forehead making sure that his body isn't overheating before he returned to his spirit form waiting for Tanzo to wake up. 

And from that day onwards, Tanzo and Emiya would practice projection as well as tracing and reinforcement. They would spar every single day without pause or rest until Tanzo collapsed. Incorporating his martial arts, with the techniques learnt from tecaing the history and skills of other people.

Everyday, he would be fighting against archer with various types of weapons ranging from swords, spears, daggers, axes, halbeards, everything. And he was even able to make Archer fight him with several Noble Phantasms. And yet after every spar once he awoke, Archer would make him meditate for several hour's before they began training again. As in his own words.

"Doing physical exercise and sparring is great for the body, but not for the mind, thus limiting your growth due to the mental strain that comes with constantly doing inhuman exercises."

Archer also started training Tanzo in marksmanship as well. And it wasn't difficult to get a good grasp on how to be a good archer as he merely copied Emiya's skill's through tracing his Nameless Black Bow. And soon enough, sparring against each other using archery as well became more common. Yet somehow, he still kept losing against Archer frustrating Tanzo to no end.

The only thing that Tanzo found solace in, was the fact the he developed skills similar to Archer Emiya when he's summoned as a servant. Mind's Eye and Clairvoyance. Not exactly those skills, but he was able to replicate them as skills he's come to master since it seemed like at the moment Archer was still the superior one of the two of them in combat. Tanzo also came to learn he can see perfectly clearly without reinforcing his vision by up to twenty kilometers, going all the way to twenty five kilometers when reinforcing his eye's.

Every time they sparred against each other during the beginning, his projections tend to always break during their fight forcing him to expand alot of energy to keep up with the projection. Tanzo never seemed to realised that everytime he copied one of Archer's weapons, they'd end up imbedding themselves onto the ground around them. He was just so focused on his training, that he never paid attention to the space he trained in. And soon enough, the second year also ended. Archer stood atop the passed out Tanzo as he sighed tiredly.

"Damn. I really didn't expect that the place I'd be training the kid would be his own reality marble. It seems like he isn't aware yet of that fact. But still, my time as both a counter guardian, and being a servant at Chaldea really helped me alot. So many noble phantasms imprinted into my reality Marble, and so many different techniques. I still do enjoy our spars though. Just watching him getting annoyed at being unable to match me in diversity In terms of techniques and noble phantasms is always a joy to watch. But still, this kids a monster. He is already surpassed some of the more weaker servants, and he's also already reaching the level of the more mid to high level servant's, and that's just in two years. We still have nine years to go brat. Let's hope you don't dissapoint."

-(Scene End)-