
In MHA as Pain

Introduction:- Akira was just an ordinary boy who loved anime and dreamed of one day becoming a hero. But his life was tragically cut short when he was hit by a car while crossing the street. As he lay dying, Akira closed his eyes and made a wish, hoping that he could be reborn in a world where he could fulfill his dream. Little did he know that his wish would be granted in a way he never imagined. Akira awoke to find himself in a strange and unfamiliar world, surrounded by towering buildings and a sky filled with stars. He soon discovered that he had been reincarnated as Pain, a powerful and feared villain from the anime world of My Hero Academia. At first, Akira was overwhelmed by his new power and the responsibility that came with it. But as he began to explore this new world and interact with the other characters, he realized that he had been given a second chance to fulfill his dream of becoming a hero. However, he would have to navigate the treacherous waters of villainy and heroism, all while keeping his true identity as an otherworld human a secret.

Xeno_Xcalius · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Chapter 7: UA-1(Quirk Apprehension Test)

Akira was sitting in his hotel room, meditating, when he heard a knock at the door.

He received a letter from the staff He opened it to find a small package with a letter attached. He tore it open, hoping it was his enrollment letter to UA. It was a hologram pre-recorded device which he had expected.

As he activated the device, he saw Nezu, the principal of UA, appear before him in hologram form. "Greetings Akira," said Nezu. "I hope this message finds you well. I want to say that We were all amazed by your performance during the entrance exams. It's not every day we see someone with your kind of power."

Akira couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at Nezu's words.

Nezu then continued, ". However, there's something we need to discuss before you can join UA officially. You see, we have no record of your quirk in our system, which is quite unusual."

"What I mean to say is that your quirk is not like any we've seen before," Nezu explained. "We need to access your power and determine how it works so that we can train you properly and keep others safe."

"In the meantime, I want to remind you that using your powers in public is strictly prohibited. We don't want to draw unwanted attention to ourselves, especially with the current state of the world." -Nezu

"And One more thing," Nezu added. "You scored second in the written exam and first in the combat exam and thus we've deduced that you've earned the top spot in the freshmen . Congratulations. Your uniform will be provided to you shortly. Welcome to UA, Akira. We look forward to seeing what you can do."

With that, the hologram device flickered and Nezu disappeared. Akira sat back on his bed, predicting his future. It was all going/proceeding according to his plan.


The Day of entering UA arrived. He was neither excited nor nervous. He had trained in the past few days, trying to control and master his power.

After a final training session, Akira packed his belongings and headed to the UA.

When he arrived at the entrance, he saw a group of students already gathered there. They were all talking and laughing, some were giving info about their quirks. Akira stayed back, observing them quietly.

As he waited, he looked around and took in the sight of the grand campus. It was huge, with multiple buildings, fields, and even a forest.

Finally, the time came for the students to enter the campus. The doors opened and they all walked in, excitedly chatting and looking around. Akira followed along, taking in every detail.

As they made their way to the main building, they were greeted by several teachers and staff members. All of them were welcoming and friendly, making the students feel at ease.

As Akira walked through the hallway, he observed the different students heading to their respective classes. He saw some students with confident expressions, while others seemed nervous and unsure.

Then he entered Class 1A, he saw that the room was already filled with students. Some of them were chatting and laughing with each other, while others were quietly sitting and reading books.

The moment Akira opened the door, he saw the same scene of Bakugo and Iida arguing, but the moment he stepped in, everyone stopped and looked at him. Iida came to greet him and asked whether his name is Akira or not, to which Akira replied with a nod. Iida complimented Akira on his display at the exam and expressed his amazement. Akira just nodded and stopped him from further conversation, saying they could talk later. He then took his seat and noticed other students staring at him.

Bakugo just scoffed which Akira ignored.

As he settled in, the class began and he was introduced to the other students. He recognized some of them from the exam.

A few minutes later,

Midoriya and Uraraka arrived and were greeted by Iida. As they exchanged greetings, a voice suddenly interrupted them, commanding them to stop.

They turned around to see a man in a sleeping bag, who introduced himself as Aizawa, their homeroom teacher. "It took You 8 seconds to quiet down "You kids are too irrational," he said sternly.

"Now get ready for your quirk apprehension test"

And the scene went the same as in the anime, in Which Uraraka replied that wasn't there supposed to be a ceremony to which Aizawa Just Scoffed and told them that this is the hero course not your average classroom.


As they made their way to the quirk assessment test ground, the students changed into their practical test uniforms. The first test was the grip strength test, in which Akira stepped up to showcase his strength. He easily broke the machine, setting a new record for the highest score.

The other students were shocked at Akira's display of power, but Midoriya was intrigued. He approached Akira and asked about his quirk. Akira explained that his quirk was the power to manipulate kinetic energy, allowing him to increase the force of his movements and strikes.

Midoriya was amazed by Akira's quirk, but Aizawa intervened, reminding them that they were still in the middle of the test. He instructed them to move on to the next challenge, which was the speed test.

Aizawa Also reminded them those who came at last will be expelled causing commotion between students.


As the race/speed test(50m dash) came up, the First matchup was between Akira and Lida, everyone was excited to see the engine quirk in action. The track was set up, and Lida took his place on the starting line. Akira stood calmly on the other end, waiting for the race to begin.

"Ready...set...go!" The timer started, and Lida's engines roared to life. He sped off down the track, leaving Akira behind in the dust.

But then something unexpected happened. Akira's body suddenly shot forward, and in less than a second, he had crossed the finish line. Everyone was shocked, including Aizawa, who couldn't believe what he had just witnessed.

Lida was in disbelief as well. He had never been beaten in a race before, and now he had been bested by someone who didn't even have a speed-type quirk.

But despite the shock and surprise, the race continued, and Lida eventually finished as the second fastest. Akira's incredible speed had left everyone in awe, and they couldn't wait to see what he would do next.

Then, came some other tests with Akira as the first.


The next event was the ball throw test. The students had to throw a ball as far as they could using their Quirks. Bakugo scored an impressive 705 points, while Ochako got an infinity score by making the ball weightless.

Izuku had initially planned to use his Quirk through his whole arm, despite knowing that it would incapacitate him for the rest of the tests. However, when Shota used his Erasure Quirk to shut off Izuku's Quirk during his first attempt, he realized the error in his approach. Shota advised him that using his Quirk in such a way was useless and not promising for a hero career.

Taking Shota's criticism to heart, Izuku adjusted his approach and only used his Quirk on the tip of his finger during his second attempt. He was able to give the ball an extra boost without incapacitating himself.

After Bakugo and Ochako, it was now Akira's turn to throw the ball. Everyone was excited to see his performance. He used All Mighty Push(barely 5 per cent) and threw the ball with great force, scoring a high number of points.

"46678 m," Aizawa said,

shocking everyone.

Aizawa then said " I said not to hold back, threw with everything you've got",

hearing this students got surprised knowing Akira had held back.

Akira then Sighed and proceeded to retest.

This time Akira used a little bit more of his power, the ball he threw flew like lightening, unlike Ochako's, Akira's ball disintegrated into small particles(as it caught fire ), again shocking everyone, and Gaining the same score as Ochako which is Infinity.

(A/N: Please tell me if there are any mistakes in-chapter or anything confusing, needed to be changed, or something else, and I'll modify it)