
in marvel with gacha

The story is under rewrite so you can start from start to get idea or start after the skip part. Mc got transmigrated in marvel au and got gacha any character other than mc belong to their original owner this is a fanfiction

gacha927 · 漫画同人
38 Chs

the first night & first problem

"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight

David pov

1 1 p m

Now I am wearing a hood a mask to cover my face I already have pick the knife from kitchen some pen , gloves, ok I think as I don't even have a gun but worry not as I will be able to get it tonight. So what I have to do is simply beat them pick their things and run without showing my face . I also have to be ready in case of unexpected situation such as meeting daredevil or any other vigilante or villian. I will also not speak infront of other ,ok let's leave.

Now it's night and hell's kitchen don't have camera as gangs will break it so the authorities have left it as it is.

The road is deserted as Noone will leave their house at night to meet the gangs and only dark transaction take place and vigilants

Who comes to become hero .

I came towards an alley to see two man are standing by wall. Seeing me the started to grin like I am some girl or food.1 has started to move towards me with his right hand going towards my neck ,now without waiting for a second I stopped his hand with my right hand and bend it and use my left hand to punch on his stomach by which he fall and pass out.

All of this happened in a flash.

The second man quickly recover from the shock knowing there is no chance to leave he wanted to attack with his hand which was slow as I have already put my hand behind him and had my knee on his stomach. He also then pass out .

Checking their pocket I found only money,

After taking out their little money I walked away as I know soon other will come and I will be reported which is my plan

It's only been 15 minutes and 2 new people had already came after defeating them easily and looting them I left. After coming to another alley I saw my new problem

Now there is a situation 2 man are going to force the girl. They are to busy to see me in this dark night. But the point is i feel dangerous from her not from two men it seem my 6th sense is working after assimilation of deadshot .what is she? a mutant?.shit I can't just ignore her but I also don't want others to know .I was going to help but suddenly the girl calling me.

3 rd person pov

Girl:Stop !please stop!

Bad guy1: it's going to be fun.you should have thought about it before coming here at this time

Bad guy 2:I also don't understand why did you came here ,don't your parent stop you or just left the home due to rebellious stage

Girl:no I don't want to come here ,just leave me alone please! Brother help ,yes,yes,you help me

Both guys turn around with ugly face to see a boy wearing hoodie with face cover coming from side and quickly recover

Both of them was going to scare him but he move very quickly by punching one face and kicking another one

David:leave quickly as it will not simple punch next time

To which Both guys start running on opposite end as the can feel the power of punch / kick

After solving Both guys david face the special women as she identity him from distance easily which shows her senses higher than ordinary person couple with what the guy said about her being here tells she came here even after knowing the danger which show either she is fool or confident in herself and his intuition is telling him it's later case.

David:who are you and how to you find me without seeing me and don't play trick as I can tell you are a special person and can easily solve them

Girl: my name rose and as you tell I am a special person because I am a vampire 'she see that he is still looking her without any response ' so I smell the is a person behind the wall

David :(shocked by her straight answer)ok but why did you not kill them and it should be easy for you

Rose: that's because some one is killing vampire lately and if I kill them I would drine their blood to satisfy myself, which will leave smell on me ' explain with a smile'

David : 'she is telling lie' how do you know I am not the killer?

Rose : we know his face and you do not look like him'explain with smile'

Hearing this David understood that she is talking about blade as he is the one who like to hunt vampire most

David can feel that see has no intention of attacking by emotion sense only fear,angry ,curiosity ,panic which made him confuse for a while as he forgot that she is not ordinary human but a vampire she is feeling dangerous from him.dont forget deadshot is top human class hunter who can go after anyone even with 20 or 30% the aura of hunter is only reduce not removed

David : are you going?

Rose : yes l am leaving

She left in one direction

David pov

I want to try the fighting power of vampire but with my current power it will be difficult let's wait till more characters have assimiliated to not give any chance to other person and have some tricks for myself.

I also know I can't chew more than I can eat.

And who knows if there is any vampire nearby. One step at a time

After that David left in other direction

It's just after two left the is a man came wearing black glass with a sword and left in direction of Rose

On other side after solving 8 more person David decided to goes back to apartment without getting gun as he need time to take everything that happened tonight and he don't want to meet anyone else tonight

David pov

Shit I was too careless although nothing happened but still the situation can turn dangerous if she was little stronger.

She should have feel the I am not easy to mess that's why she did not attack . If she was little stronger who know what would have happened although I have other card but may be opponent also have trump card .who can guarantee that their will nothing new and dangerous ,I have to increase my strength fastly and change my casual status .how can I do this mistake with having one of best mercenary and agent template together. How am I going to face various agencies ,hidden groups, psycho,aliens ,magician,demons,gods and those entities who can destroy planet and galaxy easily ...

But still the template has progressed a little ,I have to be ready for any thing and understand the gacha more properly if those special character can be assimilated without any problem and if I will get wing of big chill.

If I want to live I have to take steps

Otherwise I can be captured, killed,toyed ,brainwashed easily


Author's pov

So how was it ? Any suggestion for chapter?

If there is any mistake again, for that sorry, as I am new ,so I make mistake repeatedly and i am also trying to improve myself .

So any suggestion for gacha

I have decided further template be batman,hei (darker than black) top tactician without his deconstruction and transmutation which will be developed by mc , and kaneki ken has healing ,, they are one of best characters also there will be cedric degory from main universe not au to give mc hp Magic

Also for mc need partner so give suggestion

For summons which can be from other main or alternate universe to remove complection

Also mc will go to some world (after3-4months according to his world time)decide where should he go

1 hp

2 mha

3 tokyo ghoul

4 or your choice

I think mc mutany power will be Transformation ( with store dna )

Which will help mc in adapting his ability easily like big chill wings he can use freezing and Intangibility but to fly he will have to transform

If others don't have any suggestion then this Will be final

As for skills, I think mind protection, DNA protection,

For item space ring is good, maybe some outfit for mc and weapon like of hei with sword ,gun ,wire,mask,


Character status page

David wayne

Race : human,mutant(locked)

Character assimilation :

Character assimiliated:


In progress:

[Deadshot34%][Phil coulson 45%]




Emotion sense, Drawing

Gacha cards

1.neko neko no mi

2.take copter


4.all for one

5.power boost card×5



8.taskmaster(earth 12041)

9.10 ton vibranium

10.mutant supresser band×3

11.spiderman(earth 1610)


13.dark aster

14.vibranium shield

15.energy gun
