
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

PopPop · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Be A Hero, Kiddo!

I made sure to apologize to Felicia for scaring her. Understandable really. Venom is a freaking monster, in both large presence and his looks. But I took off shortly afterwards when she made sure I would owe her when she needed to cash in.

I, of course, flew as quickly as I could. I caught up to him fairly quick. For crying out loud! The bastard was dead for less than half a day and the entire Times Square has been venued out for Daddy Osborn's memorial. He was a dick, people!

Welp, there goes Peter. Oh come on! Did he seriously just web Harry! The guy was talking at a podium! In front of the entire city! There are better ways to talk than to string someone up in the air, ya know! You look like the villain in front of the city! Sigh. .time to save his heroic career.

I wanted to do this my entire life anyway. I swung in like I was the actual Venom. This is freaking awesome! With my elongated tongue and the harsh growl escaping me, I landed right where Harry was standing at the podium.

That's when people started freaking out. I damaged the stage and 'missed' my attacks at the fleeing people. Holy crud, this feeling. . it is so intoxicating! That's right! Flee you mortals! Be scared! Muwhahahah! RAWR!

Me (Venom): "Where is he?! Where is Harry Osborn?!"

I just casually looked at where Pete had him and Harry hanging from off a building. I had to act the part well. Pointing my elongated and sharp fingers at them both.

Me: "You cannot save him, Spider-Man! I will have his life too! I will have my revenge against the Osborn family!"

Okay, the lighting is good. Cameras all around in my location. People are still screaming and fleeing. Dude, did someone just leave their child? That's awful parenting right there!

I did a massive leap to Peter's location and tackled him away. I took it easy on the kid, but he clearly was using all his symbiotic enhanced strength. It kind of hurt. He's still learning. Hell, I still am too, but I got the best Klyntar around as my bonded.

Me (Venom): "Time to die Spider-Man! You can't save anyone from me!"

Spider-Man: "Just what the hell are you! You're uglier than the hot dog vendor just down the street!"

Me (Venom) : "Really? I must have hit you harder than I thought? I'm the one who murdered Norman Osborn! Next is Harry and then I'm going to kill you!"

I kept our fight mostly in Times Square so it was all reported. Can't change facts when the news stations ruin it! Venom shall become your new arch enemy and your career shall be safe.

I had crashed us down onto the stage, mainly to prevent any damage to the surrounding areas, and held him down before whispering.

Me (Venom): "I said I would help you out kid. Stop trying to ruin your image by doing what you think is the right thing."

Oh boy, how is he so expressive with that mask? Because he might be mad at me. Reason I know is because I now have a hulk sized headache from being hit in the temple. Which, by the way, is a good way to get out from your opponent. Nose, junk, temple are solid ways to get out from under someone. Oh, and the pinkie finger too if done right.

So great news, he is going by the script without me having to tell him anything! Good show Peter! One second I am holding him down, the next I have a headache, and then afterwards he is slamming me across the pavement like he's Bam Bam! Oh I'm so proud of him!

But alas, I need to take a page out of a gymnast book and land on my two hands. I use that to spring myself from his grasp. I felt like Missy from that cheerleader movie! Front hang spring, step out, round off back hand spring, step out, round off back hand spring, full twisting layout! Duu~ude. Doing tricks looking like Venom makes them so much more badass!

Peter charges at me, like he's Rhino all of a sudden, and tries to tackle me! Pfft, I bring my hands up. Hold them together. And slam! Woooo! He went down! I feel like Rick Flair! Ooh ooh ooh! It's time for the pile driver! Lift up! And down we go!

Um. .Pete? You okay kid? Aw crud. I knocked him out. Okay. That's all good. Ummm. . . .

Got it! I hate to do this, forgive me taxpayers! I pick him up, ready to fake a chokeslam. I 'slam' us through the shadows and slowly make my way back home. I feel like I'm forgetting something again?

Oh well, hopefully Peter will forgive me and enjoy the good press! I know I did. Being Venom is awesome!




Abby: "I see. .Well at least you helped him, I suppose. You do realise the child may never forgive you, right?"

Me: "A risk worth taking. Peter Parker is an icon to me. At least in my old world he was. This one still has a lot to learn."

Abby: "Mm, I agree. But at least you were right when you said he was a worthy host to bond with a symbiote. I can see he has grown well."

Me: "Really? How does that work?"

Abby: "His symbiote won't let you near him. Or are you trying to impale yourself?"

So I was walking into a large black spike that came from Peter's chest. It was kind of funny to watch his symbiote keep me at bay.

Me: "Maybe both?"

I couldn't keep the smile from my face. And she couldn't keep one off her face for that matter

Abby: "I swear you are such a man child, my love. But surprisingly, that's one of the reasons why I love you."

Me: "Oh? Not my charming personality? Or our morning banters? Maybe it's how attractive I am?"

She shut me up with but a finger. Too bad for her I can't stop smiling. She leans in to kiss at the right edge of my lips, before slowly moving to kiss the left edge. I may have been in a trance, so sue me. My hot wifes' sultry smile has me entranced even when she plants those tasty lips right onto mine.

Abby: "All that. And more. I never want any other when I have you."

Well that is contradictory. .

Me: "Then why do you want all these women in our life. I am quite happy when it's just you. ."

Abby: "Because, my dear, you want a large family. I want a large family. I want to give that to you. And besides. .do you think that you are as sterile in this world like you were in the last?"

That. .left me gazing into the distance.

Peter: "Can you two, please, not be so lovey dovey in front of me. I want to lay here in peace. "

Heh. Still embarrassing kids. I love it.

Abby: "How are you doing Peter? I'm afraid my husband might have handled you harder than he intended."

I had a blast doing it though! Cheerleading squads and wrestlers are already commenting on starktube about Venom! I'm a sensational hit! ^.^

Peter: "Yeah, I'm sure he is. He just ruined my life as Spider-Man and my friendship with Harry!"

Yeesh, so melodramatic.

Abby had sat on the bed beside him and combed her fingers through his hair. It seemed to calm him down.

Abby: "You deal with far to much for a young man your age. Child, stop stressing with how to be a hero. Just be one. You can make the wrong choices or the right ones depending on how other people view you. Nothing can change how others will see you. They make their own choices depending on how the feel at the time"

Me: "That's why you gotta stop, kiddo. No apologizing, no hating yourself, and definitely no questioning your actions. You gotta keep the hero side of yourself away from the civilian side. Otherwise you will crumble under the stress of life."

The tears may have been shedding from his eyes, but he was silent.

Me: "Lay here, relax, but then go home to your aunt May, Peter. You spend too much time on being Spider-Man that you forgot who Peter is. Go tell her how much you love her. Heck kid, tell MJ how much you love her! Be a hero, kiddo. Not just as Spider-Man. But as Peter Parker."

Abby comforted him. She's such a mama bear.