
Chapter 132

Angel's expression changed instantly but she quickly recovered

"that doesn't matter anymore, he's probably just still mad at me, once he confirms that Jane is his he will love me endlessly and we will get married" Angel said proudly

"but he and his family doesn't have to know, as long as you do your part" Angel said

Patrica knew she didn't have a way around this situation she has no choice than to adhere if not this bitch would expose her, she still needs to stay around to carry out her plan

"fine but if this backfires count me out" Patrica said

"as long as you do a good job" she said with a smile

Patricia didn't reply her she just stormed out of the cafe

Angel called her driver to come pick her up, she had him take Jane home before she came into the cafe

Jane and Grace had so much fun shopping for so many clothes, Grace made sure Jane had lots of clothes, bags, shoes and accessories even though she insisted many times

she also shopped for Christopher as well

"miss Grace this is enough already, we've bought almost all the clothes in this store and this clothes are so expensive" she complained

"come on my brother won't even notice that we are spending any money he has too much it" Grace said

"what we are spending Mr Christopher's money, what if he removes it from my salary" her eyes widened with shock and unbelief she looked like she was going to cry

Angel laughed out loud

"it's not funny miss Grace" she said

"you look you were going to cry, come on my brother gave us the permission to use his card, he won't even notice don't worry" she sai

"but we've bought so much already, and you still want us to keep shopping" she wined

"alright fine, let's pay for the ones we've bought cause you look like you are going to pass out anytime from now" she said and walked to the over to the paying center

someone collected the clothes they shopped and made calculations

"ma'am your bill is $1.36 million" the receptionist said

"what?" Jane almost screamed she couldn't believe her ears

"please don't mind her she's my cousin from the country side and she's not used to spending so much money, please have the card and deduct the money" Grace said and pulled out her brother's black card, there were just fifteen of it in the world and her brother owns one of it

the receptionist recognised the card and her eyes widened with shock she wondered who she was to have such a card, she had also suspected she was someone important when the manager ask that store be closed till she was done shopping

her face also looks familiar but she couldn't place it

Grace took the card back and left the store with Jane who was still in a daze

the receptionist quickly took out her phone and quickly used check the social media she was sure she had seen Grace's face somewhere

she checked and found out that she was Grace Smith the most popular and richest actress in the county, she was also the heiress of the Smith Empire and her brother is the most eligible bachelor in town

she almost beat herself, she blamed herself for not recognizing her, she would have asked for an autograph and even a picture and showed it to her friends, how will they believe her that she actually saw Grace Smith

no wonder she had the black card

Grace dropped Jane at the company and went back home with the driver

Christopher was taking care of some documents when he heard a buzz on his phone, it was debit of over one million dollars, he smiled he knew this must be Grace's doing

he was sure Jane wouldn't have the mind to spend so much

Jane must be on her way to the company then he thought, he was very happy at the thought of it knowing fully well that he would get to see her again

he turned on the monitor in his office he has access to all the cameras in the company but he doesn't bother himself to keep tab on it, they were people employed to take care of it and he believes they do their job well

but he wanted to know when Jane arrives at the company

Jane got down from the car she wanted to head straight to the reception but she encountered Zain on her way in, she wanted to avoid him but Zain spotted her and stopped her

"hey Jane wait up please wait up for me" Zain said walking up to her but Jane didn't even answer him

seeing that she was not answering him Zain held her hand to stop her

"Jane please stop, please just hear me out, just hear me out" Zain pleaded with her

"Zain please let go of my hand I'm for work I need to go" Jane said but Zain didn't let her go he was not going to give up this opportunity to make amends with her

"Jane please listen to me I'm so sorry I've not being myself all this while please just forgive me I agree for us to be friends anything you want just please don't ignore me I've called you severally you were not picking up my call" Zain pleaded with her

Jane looked at him he does look like a shadow of himself, he had also lost weight, he looked unkept as well, Jane pitied him but there was nothing she could do about it

"Zain I will talk to you later I really need to go" she said but Zain still refused to allow her go

Chris saw everything that was going on through the monitor, he was enraged at the sight of Jane struggling to be free from Zain's grip, he thought he would let go soon but it wasn't looking like it

he grabbed his jacket and stormed out of his office