
work begins

The servant greeted good morning young master ,the girls left and went to their various home's, good morning Leon greeted,pls you can call me Leon what's your name,the servant answered my name is chinedu.

So I'm here to show you round the village ,the servant said,first I'll take you to the palace. Few minutes later they got to the palace ,they both greeted the king . Chinedu introduced Leon to the king ,he told the king what he was here to do,he also told the king they Leon would be staying for a year.

When they both came out of the palace , chinedu said you know the palace already you have to know other places too . Few minutes later they got to the village market ,Leon almost through up ,he said the market Stinks and the insects are feeding on the food stuff

Chinedu said that's how it always stinks ,the market women don't care about it as long as they sell their market . This market has been here for more than 50 years now , Chinedu said ,this is how it has been going.

Meanwhile , at Amaka house ,she is seen crying in her room ,her mom just came back from the market she went to buy food stuff , when she saw Amaka crying she asked her daughter what happened that she is crying ,she told her mom that Leon disgrace her in the presence of Amarachi and Naomi.

Her mom tried to console her daughter , she told her not to give up on him. Few minutes later they got to the village river ,when the got there Leon was so irritated,the river stinks and smell a lot ,there where dirty in it , Leon asked chinedu why the river was like that ,he said that's how the river as always been.

Leon became surprised,so do people drink from this water ,yes it course chinedu said,they even use it for cooking, the boil it and add some herbs that would kill the germs totally, but if they don't want to use the water , they'll fetch from the big well ,most people use the well. Bit this water can cause illness to their health Leon said.

Pls can I see the village hospital Leon asked