

Penelope doubted she and Roman had anything more meaningful in common. Their shared opinion on pumpkin pie and other pumpkin products was such a minor similarity that it was practically negligible. 

What would they even talk about if they ran into each other again? More cheese? That would be so weird!

Whatever the case, she was grateful he took her home. She really hadn't wanted to wait for a second bus. By the time it arrived, it might have been dark and who knew what creeps would have been prowling around by then. 

It was scary being a woman in this world sometimes. You never knew who you could trust; one wrong move could be deadly. Her dad had convinced her to take a self-defense class a few years ago but you couldn't always defend yourself in the heat of the moment. 

Penelope shuddered. She didn't want to think about what might have happened tonight if Roman hadn't intervened. It was better not to dwell on it.