
Nice To Meet You

Penelope managed to make a little headway on her newest cover project and successfully avoid Harry in the lunch room so she was feeling pretty good about her day. Maybe things weren't as dire as she had thought after all. 

"Hi, Penny!" he called cheerfully as he appeared out of nowhere while she was heading toward the time clock at the end of her shift.

She had spoken too soon. Robotically turning around and pasting on a smile, she did her best to stay calm. "Hi, Harry. Sorry about Saturday; my brother kidnapped me so I wasn't able to chat."

Harry laughed it off. "Oh, I know. It was actually kind of awesome. When you said your brother was an astrophysicist, I definitely didn't imagine him being able to run away with you over his shoulder. I was impressed."

Well that was one less thing to worry about. He had fallen for their lie. 

"Yeah…he's in a class of his own," Penelope said lamely, wishing the conversation was over so she could go home.