
In Lookism as a system for Daniel Park

THIS IS MADE AFTER WATTPAD TRAUMATIZED ME. So to save and protect other people eyes. i took it in my hands to make a lookism fanfic. Without Any Lg Sh*T. The fanfic is pretty simple. A guy die. Guy meet Rob. Guy spin wheel. Guy gets To be A system. And gets the Perfect body Of Daniel park. Guy happy. Now the guy makes changes in the plot. He will show why Charles took interest in the second body. He will show what is the ture power of it. Wannna know what happens when you send a guy with as a system and gave him hack's. Read to find out. Welcome to my fanfic. Hope you will stick with me to the end of it.

HAMMAD · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Chapter 38: The Backfire And The unexpected saviour

Recap : System came face to face with jiyoung during the last chapter. As both came face to face, System without talking around Asked him directly, About his Weakness, now we await jiyoung reaction to his words.

Sb ui. Second body ultra instinct

Og Daniel : original Daniel.

Story starts here :

Jiyoung stared at the masked figure. His words rang in his ears, The words were "What is his weakness".

These words left jiyoung with many questions, But the most important one was,

Jiyoung : Who's weakness????.

..... Silence in the room, As imaginary crickets started to ring. The serious mood was broken. Leaving system cursing jiyoung, And wanting to face palm.

Just when he was about to speak, System is suddenly interrupted, By Jake who got up. And said in an anger ful tone "Who are you, And what do you want form uncle jiyoung".

The words of jake, Took the attention of both Jiyoung and system, Looking at him, System gets his emotions under, and speaks in a clam tone.

"I want to know about that man's weakness, I need to know what is he hiding, This was the best time for me to ask it, As you saw his condition, His head's a mess, So meeting you cleared his head. But ignoring the logic, I ask you once again, Jiyoung park What is CHARLES WEAKNESS".

The name, The name, Name of that man, Seemed to open many memories in jiyoung head. The memory of that day,

Jiyoung seemed to slowly remembering it all, He remembered how he left them to die.

Jiyoung felt like he committed an crime. The crime which he can never redeem him self. Banging his head on the ground, Wanting to forget or to kill himself.

Jake quickly grabs jiyoung to stop him form, Hurting himself even more, System just looked at him, With his eyes not showing any signs of emotions.

Seeing such reaction, System felt he needed to pull his Trump card. The aura slowly changed.

System who saw jake fight with jiyoung, He slowly copied jake aura form before, As the aura slowly changed, In jiyoung eyes.

Suddenly the mask man was changed to El jake. The elder son of kim garpyoung, The father killer.

In jiyoung eyes, He saw the elder son of kim standing in Front of him. Looking at jiyoung reaction.

System started his next step of the plan. He could not copy the voice of a man which he never heard. But the words are enough to send his message to jiyoung.

Speaking in a clam tone while copying jake. " Uncle jiyoung, Father is waiting for you and little jake on the other side, So let's not make him wait any longer, Since you always wanted to know how i killed him that night, Why don't we let your favorite nephew, little jake play the role of Dad, Form that night".

Anger, Hate, Depression, Revenge. A range of emotions ran through jiyoung head.

The words of system did the deed. Jiyoung who was thinking of killing himself, For abandoning his friends, Changed his thoughts, form killing himself, To killing the bastard Infront of him.

Jake felt the change in the air. The man who was standing, He changed in a way he can't explain, But the words of this man gave him.

Alot of information. Jake who recently found out, About his elder brother, Is now shocked at this new piece of info, His half brother, Killed his father.

He learnt it a while back. But refuesed to belive it, Until today. And Infront of him he has a guy who have some major information on him.

The words to make little jake play his father role from that day, Is playing in Jake's head. These words could mean, That mask man has a connection with the death of his father. Or he was their, On that Fate full day.

The day when his father left him home, After telling him the golden words. "A man must be strong, Enough to protect". These were the last words of his father.

So after a while of thinking he denied the second option. As he is sure if his father was not allowed to leave alive, Then a witness should have been given the same treatment.

But while jake thoughts of ways and reasons, Jiyoung has finally got all his emotional baggage, In manageable range.

But did that mean he controlled it, Nah the baggage of abandonment of his friends, Has now changed to revenge.

The man who can only do 3 hits with kim garpyoung copy, Now stands with a new belief, Killing him at any cost.

Jiyoung setting his hair, His whole aura changes. Jiyoung spoke in a low tone, The way he spoke, He was sure to make his words become a reality.

"I don't know what was going in your head, When you decided to come here face to face with me. But now since your here, I assure you. You will not be leaving this place".

The menacing words of jiyoung, That were paired with with a smile at the end. The smile seems like he will never hurt anyone.

But his words , Body language and aura told a whole different thing. The innocent smile paired with such intense aura.

System looking at this mentally face plams, and thinks ' Well the plan worked, But made the situation worse. His head is clear and better then ever. But the only thing he can think about is revenge. If i were to scream Charles name, What will happen, Ohh well lets try it '.

Just when system was about to scream Charles, Jiyoung vanished. Like he vanish vanish.

This technique shocked system, He can't understand what happened, one sec jiyoung was in front the next he is gone.

As he was processing what happened, He is punched in the ribs form the side. Quickly looking at the place form where he was punched.

System saw no one their. The shocking thing is that he was kicked and punched again, A couple of times. When ever he strikes or looks at the place where attack came , No one was their.

System who was kicked and punched for a while. He stops and stands still, To predict the next attack, But it never came.

Instead jiyoung appeared behind him, System looks at him, Just when system was about to say something, He is cut off by jiyoung park who spoke first.

"Confused, About how am i doing this, How are you getting attacked, wanna know, Don't worry i will tell you soon, Only when your taking your last breath".

Crazy smile of jiyoung park.

While system and jiyoung faced off. We see what happened to vasco jerry , og Daniel.

All 4 faced against the machine. The battle seemed to have already ended. With og Daniel smashed face first on the ground. As a foot is on his head.

With a bit of blood coming out of his head, while Warren, jerry, Vasco are barely able to stand.

Jerry speaks in a desperate tone, "Damnit come body don't give up now, I am close to finding young master Jake". His leg shook alot, he was barely able to balance him self.

Warren breathing heavily also spoke in a same tone " If i knew we would be fighting such a monster, I would have post pounded our duel. Now that i think about it, I have defeated you, So even if i die now It would mean i died as a winner".

Warren said those words to bring humor in the solemon atmosphere.

Hearing those words Vasco who was in the same condition as them also added his words of wisdom.

"Big Daniel get up, We are friends who came here to save you, Try to wake up, Remember who i am, We are friends".

But he still didn't respond his emotion less gaze fixed on them. Looking at his condition, He seems mostly untouched by them.

The reason for him to remain untouched was. Beacuse he was using the nightmare copy. And also was matching his strength.

Ui sb Daniel didn't adjusted his strength to match them. The drugs of jiyoung did the job a bit too perfectly.

Or was it something else.

The main reason they are still standing is because of og Daniel, He was their main attacker.

he took the most hits and created opening for them, But all that effort was for nothing, Sb Ui who was almost on par with their strength, Had suddenly became stronger.

He didn't got stronger, But went way out of their league, After that increase in strength, vasco, warren, jerry were barley keeping up with him.

If it wasn't for og Daniel who gave timely warnings and remindes. They should have been done for, But them to hold on for this long, Is an achievement to brag about.

Warren looks at all of them, And seeing the condition. He speaks to them " If it's come to this, I can force a cqc that will be my last and only attack, After that am done for, What about you all".

Jerry replies " Enough to try grab him and try hold him down for a couple of seconds, After that same as your or if not wrose condition then, What about you Tabasco".

Vasco also replies " same as you all, Enough for a final, Team attack".

Hearing each others condition, All sigh. Warren makes a quick plan in his head. The. Tells the said plan.

Warren "Jerry your up first, Try to hold him or put him in a headlock in anyway, Your the main anchor of our plan, I will be attacking after Jerry if done grabbing him. Vasco you will ve delivering the final blow. For Jerry to succeed we both gotta make a chance".

The plan might seem rough, But for the current situation, This plan seems a break through for them.

But soon they are faced with reality, Its easy to talk but hard to execute, The plan didn't go as planned.

Whomp whomp.

They all rushed him, each form different side. The plan was simple they will grab his attention and jerry will grab him. They will land their attacks and hope for the best.

As they all drew closer. Sb UI who was standing still. Suddenly imaginary red circle's starts appearing around him. 4 red circle's. Each one having his diameter increasing.

The whole room is covered in it. Warren felt it, The moment they were closer, How could he not recognize it.

That was his own F***NG cqc. Can't own shit in Gangdong. Warren felt that Gangdong was the Detroit of korea.

But did that mean he gave up. Nahh, He was forced to give up. As a fast and strong strike hit him and others, In the face.

Stopping them all mid dash. The second strike sent them flying back. The force was enough to send them flying back.

As each of them were sent in different directions, The plan didn't go as planned. But warren felt they might have a chance.

That is until..

He sees the machine standing over him. He was lying on the ground with his face up. One second was staring at the roof of the room.

Then In blink of an eye, He sees the machine standing over him. The sudden scare was enough for warren to jump, If his body could move. But sadly it couldn't.

Lying their helplessly, He looks at him, Seeing him not moving, Warren speaks "Got back to your senses".

His words are responded with Sb Ui leg raising over his head. Seeing such response.

It was that this moment warren knew he f***e* up.

Seeing the raised leg coming back down, with the heel aimed at his head, Warren final thoughts started playing.

' I should have told them to take care and also given sally a kiss, I have many things to tell them, But sadly i won't have the chance, I am sorry for it everyone'.

The hearty good bye in warren head. He closes his eyes waiting for the kick. Which never came.

After a while seeing that the impact was not coming, taking a little peak and lightly opening one eye. He saw the heel inches away form his nose.

The heel is slow taken away form his face. Looking at the going heel Warren sighs in relief.

The relief soon vanished, Like it was never their, He looks at the eyes of SB UI, And sees that he is looking at a different direction.

Following the gaze, he sees a massive figure with huge muscles. But that didn't caused him, His relief. But the 2 sticks in his arms. Were the reason for vanished relief.

The figure slowly walked in the room. As it came into more light, Warren clearly saw claw and bite marks on the figure body. With a bloodied face, And missing mask.

With each step ot seemed that the room shook. But it didn't fazed SB ui. Who looked at him. His gaze fixed.

He also moved toward the figure. As both of them came face to face. The secene which might comical for many.

But for warren, The secene was something else. In his eyes it was like A beast staring at a prey.

But that prey wasn't a prey. BUT IT WAS A PREDATOR, SB UI gave a smile, A little smile. But was enough to send chills down warren spine.

The height might make the secene strange. But in Warren eyes that smile, Was like he was happy, Happy that he has a even bigger prey

Image in comments. Of the smile.

Story ends here.

Tell me how you liked the chapter. Thanks for all the power stones and support on this fanfic. If you liked it pls leave a review. I will appreciate it.

Thank you all for reading it.