
Pink Rogue Rabbit

Yu Xiaogang remained silent for a while, then looked at Ye Zhiqiu and asked, "Xiaoqiu, where are you taking them?"

"We're going to the sea to perform the second stage of soul control exercises," Ye Zhiqiu replied calmly, meeting Yu Xiaogang's gaze. "Master, after this period of physical training, I believe the students have reached a bottleneck. Continuing with the same training won't yield significant improvement. It's time to change their training mode."

"Oh?" Yu Xiaogang raised an eyebrow with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "So, how do you plan to train them for the best results?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't hesitate in his response. "Fighting is always the fastest way to improve a person's strength. At this stage, they should be thrown into the Great Fighting Arena for real combat experience. However, a strong foundation is essential. Before we take them to the arena, I'll teach them precise control of their soul power. This way, they can effectively utilize their soul power in battle."

Yu Xiaogang pondered for a moment before nodding. "You have a clear understanding. I can't find fault in your plan. I'll leave the training to you then."

"Don't worry; I've got it covered," Ye Zhiqiu said with a bright smile. He then turned to Tang San and the others, instructing them to pack their clothes as they were going to the far door for training.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and the others, who were initially anxious, suddenly cheered and rushed toward the academy to prepare.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but smile as he watched them, but his thoughts soon turned to Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu. He needed to sort out some clothes for them.

Observing Ye Zhiqiu's departing figure, Yu Xiaogang shook his head with mixed emotions. He regretted not accepting Ye Zhiqiu as his disciple when they were at Notting College. He had overlooked the boy's potential back then.

Yu Xiaogang thought Tang San's twin spirits were the best at the time, and Ye Zhiqiu's unique spirit wasn't as appealing. Now he realized how wrong he had been. Ye Zhiqiu's incredible progress and talent had proven him wrong.

News of Ye Zhiqiu's appointment as the new Honorary Grand Elder of the Wuhun Hall spread through major cities. Everyone was talking about it.

In Yu Xiaogang's eyes, Ye Zhiqiu didn't seem like a child under 13, but an old soul, wise beyond his years.

Deep in thought, Yu Xiaogang made his way to Flanders' second-story building.

At Zhu Zhuqing's door, Xiao Wu had already packed her clothes. Seeing Ye Zhiqiu, she playfully teased, "Brother Qiu, you're not here to pack Zhuqing's clothes, are you? Does she have you helping with personal things? Your relationship is more than just master-disciple, right? I can't help but wonder."

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and replied, "Why do you have so many questions? You didn't have this attitude when you asked me for help yesterday."

"Don't call me a little brat." Xiao Wu pouted, feeling slightly annoyed.

Ye Zhiqiu playfully tidied up Zhu Zhuqing's clothes, then turned to Xiao Wu with a sly smile. "So, if a hundred thousand-year-old rabbit can't be called a 'little bunny,' I guess we should call you an 'old bunny.'"

Xiao Wu's expression stiffened momentarily, and her rabbit ears disappeared.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. Xiao Wu was quick to realize he was teasing her, and she retorted playfully, "Brother Qiu, I see you're playing both sides with Dai Mubai. I'll tell Ning Rongrong and have her capsize your ship."

Ye Zhiqiu gently tapped Xiao Wu's head, playfully reprimanding her. Then he smiled contentedly and headed out.

Left alone, Xiao Wu was left in a daze.

"Both slept with me last night...?" she thought, blushing at the thought. She wondered what sleeping arrangements they had.

Xiao Wu's face turned even redder as she imagined the scene of the three of them together. She felt a mix of embarrassment and admiration for Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu, on the other hand, had a smile on his face as he led the others to the playground. Dai Mubai, Tang San, and the rest had already arrived, including Meng Ye, the former "little transparent," who had changed a lot since coming to Shrek Academy.

Meng Ye had become more determined and diligent, trying to catch up to her talented peers. She and Oscar had become a couple, the second one in Shrek Academy after Ye Zhiqiu.

"Enough chitchat; let's join hands," Ye Zhiqiu said with a smile as he looked at everyone.

The group obediently formed a line, preparing for Ye Zhiqiu's teleportation. They have some experience with his teleportation technique by now.

With a nod, Ye Zhiqiu led the group, and they disappeared in a flash of red light.

On a distant island, seven figures appeared after a flash of light.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and the others were excited to see the beautiful scenery around them. Ma Hongjun couldn't contain his joy and shouted out to the sea, releasing the pent-up emotions he had during this period.

His howling wasn't the most melodious, but it was heartfelt.