
some advanctures (4)

Nobita is portrayed as a smarter and more resourceful boy who has a keen interest in marine biology. When he and Doraemon come across a mysterious underwater castle during their exploration of the ocean, Nobita is intrigued and immediately starts to investigate.

With Doraemon's gadgets, Nobita and his friends are able to explore the castle and discover that it belongs to an undersea devil who has been terrorizing the sea creatures. Nobita, being the intelligent boy that he is, realizes that the undersea devil is actually an extinct species of fish that has been revived and is now acting out of confusion and fear.

Determined to help the undersea devil and restore balance to the ocean ecosystem, Nobita and his friends come up with a plan. They create a new habitat for the undersea devil and use Doraemon's gadgets to communicate with it and explain what has been happening. With patience and understanding, they are able to calm the undersea devil and convince it to return to its natural habitat.

As a result of their success, Nobita becomes known as an expert on marine biology and is invited to speak at a conference on ocean conservation. He impresses the audience with his knowledge and innovative ideas, and becomes a recognized figure in the field of marine science.

Nobita's newfound success inspires him to continue pursuing his interest in marine biology and to use his intelligence and creativity to help protect and preserve the ocean and its inhabitants.