

Today is the day Eren will meet a martial arts master. He is still sleeping soundly because he didn't get to sleep early last night.

"Eren! Wake up. It's already 9 in the morning. What did I say last night is true right? You can't sleep early if you sleep in the afternoon. Get up we'll go to the dojo your father said."

Eren woke up from the fuss his mother is making and the blinding ray of light shooting in his face from the gaps in the curtain.

He rubbed his eyes and yawned while looking at the clock on the wall blankly with his eyes half open.

"Yeah yeah, whatever mom. The clock clearly points that it's still 8 am. I'll be down stair in a few minutes." Eren said lazily.

"Ohh look what we have here. You know how to talk back to your mom now huh?" Karla said grinning evilly while his hands are wriggling like a snake. (AN: Can't find the exact word to describe the action.) She tickled Eren in the waist till he tapped out with nearly a tear in his eyes.

"Mom I give up! I give up! Sorry! Sorry!" Are the words Eren could only say while fake crying.

"Hmp. You better be. Get ready and go downstairs afterward so we can visit the dojo. The heater is broken so didn't use it for now. The maintenance worker will fix it later."

"Okay, mom got it." Eren walk straight to the bathroom his body still feeling heavy because he just woke up. Karla trusts him that's why he let him take a bath on his own even though he's just 5 years old. After procrastinating he immediately did his business, showered then brushed his teeth.

After some time he came out from the bathroom. He dried his hair put some clothes on then walk out of the room to go downstairs.

Walking downstairs he saw his mom talking with a man who seen to be in his forties or fifties. He has a short black hair cut cleanly with little white streaks on the side and a slim fit build which is amazing for his age. The man is wearing blue sweatpants, a white shirt, and a black jacket.

"Oh, Eren! Say hi to Mr. Chun, he's the maintenance worker that I'm talking about. He came early because his schedule is free today. Now we can get the heater fixed. Come come."

"Hi, Mr. Chun! I'm Eren Yeager. I'm 5 years old and I want to be the best hero out there!" Eren said with passion in his eyes.

"Oh hello! You can just call me Mr. Chun. I'm the one who will fix the heater. It'll be done in a jiffy. You're a polite and mature young man. Haha, It's envious the hot-bloodedness of youth."

"Hehe. I get that a lot." Is the only thing Eren could say while rubbing his nose with his index finger. "Somehow this Mr. Chun is familiar." Eren thought.

"Okay, Mr. Chun would you like to eat breakfast with us first before starting to work?" Karla said.

"Oh, I already ate my breakfast. It's okay." Mr. Chun said while waving his hand.


Mr. Chun left immediately left after fixing the heater while Karla and Eren finished their breakfast.

At the bus station, the mother and son duo had just finished their ride and is on the way to the dojo.

Eren and Karla walked. While walking they saw a playground. There's a little girl in the playground sitting on a swing alone but that's none of their business because in front is their destination, the dojo.

In front of them stood an old Japanese style building with a huge wooden door with a sign written, Ryozanpaku.

"We finally arrived Little Eren! This is the place. Let's go ring the doorbell."

Eren was still looking at the playground but immediately came back to his senses.

"Oh. Yeah sure, mom. This estate looks like straight out of a martial arts movie." Eren said.

"Yeah, it sure is. Haha."

Eren and Karla walked closer to the door where the doorbell is placed and Karla pressed it.


Suddenly the door magically opened revealing a blonde hair woman with glasses wearing a school uniform. She has a curvy body and big assets. She seems to be in middle school.

"Hello! My name is Hinata Furinji. I'm a disciple here and the granddaughter of the owner of this place. What can I do for you?"

"Uhm we're the one who called yesterday. I'm Karla Yeager and this is Eren. My husband saw the advertisement online and thought we should give it a try." Karla said politely.

"Oh yes, I remember. We didn't get to have many students nowadays so it slipped my mind. Uncle Jackie did say someone is coming."

"Are you the one who is interested madam?" Hinata asked.

"Oh, not me. It's my son who is interested. Haha."

"Oh wow! I'm sorry for the confusion. Isn't he a bit too young to train and learn martial arts?" Hinata said while looking at Eren.

"I agree. I and my husband does not really approve but he insists on learning saying he needs to be stronger so that he can go toe to toe with his classmates in the future."

"Wow! What foresight and inspiration! It's rare to see someone so young yet already thinking about their future."

"You're still young too." Eren secretly thought.

"Alright let's go meet Uncle Jackie. He's the only available instructor at this moment while grandpa is still on a journey."

"Hai!" Eren said before his mom could reply and walked.



In a courtyard, there's a man in the middle without a shirt on his body doing peculiar moves. He seems to have the perfect balance between speed, stamina, strength, and durability which can be noticed in his muscles because it's not bulging. There are Buddha statues of different sizes spread in a circle.

Suddenly he grabbed one of the biggest statues then done a move like he's holding a nunchaku without any effort. He juggled it then tossed the statue and wait for it to land before punching it in the head. After a few seconds, the statue started cracking then shattered.




"WHOO!" He yelled and then he picked up his clothes and he wears it.

Suddenly you can hear a voice shouting "Uncle Jackie!"

Eren, Karla, and Hinata walked toward the man called Uncle Jackie.

"Oh, Hinata! What do we have here?"

"They're the one who called yesterday. "

She pointed at Karla and Eren then said, "This is Karla Yeager. And this boy is Eren. He is the one that asked to be trained."

The mother and son duo stood there gaping.

"My my. Who would have thought. It's the foreigners early in the morning! I don't need to introduce my self, right? Haha." The man said while laughing.

"Ofcourse Mr. Chun. Hehe." Karla said with shock on his face.

"Oh that's why they look European but you're a foreigner too Uncle Jackie!"

Jackie Chun could only laugh.

"So the three of you know each other huh?" Hinata said.

"Yes. You see Mr. Chun here fixed our heater early in the morning. Who would have to know that he's a martial arts master." Karla said while laughing.

"Ohhh I see." Hinata said while nodding like she comprehended something.

"Hi, Maintenance worker ojii-san!" Eren said and bowed.

"Oi oi. I'm not that old yet. My full name is Jackie Chun. They call me Mr. Chun, Uncle Jackie or Jackie-sensei. Haha, I have many works to past time and to shoulder this Dojo expenses. It may not look like it but our budget is slowly decreasing. It's because other dojo stopped challenging us that's why our revenue decreased. Haiss."

"Amazing! It means the people here are strong! Please accept me as your disciple."

Mr. Chun gave me an appraising look. "Child my view of you have changed. You're not just mature. You're also decisive but I can't accept you immediately. You need to know what you're getting into is a new world. Which is why I still need to test you."

"Yes please, Mr. Chun!"

Yosh! I finally finished this chapter after much difficulty. I could have finished it earlier if not for this frickin phone! First my computer now this. Haha

Anyway from here and the coming chapters the plot will start to move so be patient guys, before you drop this give me a chance hehe. Thank you! Release rate is still unstable until I fix my phone.

Wxlliamcreators' thoughts