
In America, Traveling Between Two Worlds

Transmigrated to America with Three Golden Fingers from the Start 1: A portal that can traverse worlds. 2: An infinite personal space capable of storing anything. 3: The ability of equivalent exchange: sacrifice anything to receive an equal reward. When Rod stepped through the portal to explore this unknown world, he soon realized that it was filled with many familiar things. A flirtatious and stunning queen, a snow-white-skinned Snow White eager to grow up, a cunning Cinderella who had been bullied by her stepsisters and stepmother. As he gazed at the long-legged Little Red Riding Hood in black stockings with her impressive 36D bust, Rod found himself deep in thought, realizing this fairy tale world was far from innocent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was translating.

Lunnapop · 漫画同人
39 Chs

Chapter 28: This is Just Too Ridiculous

"Just now, you said you wanted to teach me a lesson?"

Rod grinned, baring his sharp, gleaming white teeth, like a beast showing its fangs.

"I get it. You must be a fake!"

The white youth, Frank, suddenly wore a smug expression, as if he'd figured everything out.

How could a skinny, weak guy like this transform so drastically in just a few days? Even if he took steroids, the change wouldn't be this extreme.

So, the muscles on this guy must be fake—probably made of silicone, just for show.

Feeling confident he had exposed the truth, Frank's expression turned vicious. Since this guy liked pretending so much, Frank would tear him down in front of everyone, exposing his true self.

Frank reached out and grabbed Rod's collar.


With a forceful pull, Rod's school uniform tore apart, buttons flying off.


"He looks so strong. I kind of want to touch him."

"Has Emma been with someone like this for years? How did she handle it?"

"Her new boyfriend is Buck, right? After being with a guy like this for so long, could Buck even... measure up?"

"I'm more curious—how did she ever let him go?"

Gasps and murmurs spread through the crowd.

Shock! Confusion! Admiration!

Everyone stared at Rod in a daze, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Especially the girls in the crowd—their eyes seemed to glow green as they gazed at Rod.

If it weren't for the people around, a few of the girls standing closest to him might have reached out to touch those perfect, almost unreal muscles.

"Fake... it must be fake, right?"

Frank's eyes widened in disbelief.

What the hell? Weren't the muscles supposed to be fake? Where's the silicone? How is this real?

"Had enough fun?"

Rod grabbed Frank by the head with one hand, lifting him off the ground with just the strength of his fingers.

Their eyes met, and Rod's gaze glowed faintly red.

A terrifying aura overwhelmed Frank's mind, plunging it into blankness.

He no longer felt like he was facing a human, but a ferocious werewolf, jaws open, ready to bite his head off.


A drop of liquid hit the ground.

Rod wrinkled his nose. The heightened senses from his werewolf bloodline allowed him to smell a familiar scent.

He looked down to see that Frank's pants were soaked.

The guy had pissed himself in fear.

Looks like I took it a bit too far, Rod thought. He hadn't expected these school bullies, who took pleasure in tormenting others, to be such cowards.

"Go home and change your pants."

With a casual toss, Rod threw Frank to the ground, leaving him sitting in the grass.

Surrounded by strange stares, Frank, now scared out of his wits, didn't even dare to say anything. He slinked away through the crowd without a word.

After dealing with that minor annoyance, Rod didn't give the incident a second thought.

It wasn't that he was especially forgiving—it was just that they were on completely different levels now.

With his current power, there was no need to let a group of ants ruin his mood.

He and these people were already worlds apart.

If he really wanted to kill someone, who could stop him?

At least for now, he hadn't met anyone capable of that.

Ignoring the disappointed looks in the crowd, Rod buttoned up his shirt, grabbed his backpack, and walked into the school.

The gathering crowd slowly dispersed.

As he made his way to class, Rod realized for the first time what it felt like to be the center of attention.

Wherever he went, no one could ignore his presence.

To be honest, the feeling of constantly being watched was uncomfortable.

But he would get used to it eventually.

Upon entering the classroom, he quickly scanned the room and walked to an empty seat in the back, enjoying a brief moment of peace.

"Rod, is this seat taken? Can I sit here?"

A sultry voice came from beside him.

Rod looked up to see a girl with heavy makeup, her fiery red hair tied up in a ponytail, and faint freckles on her face.

Although her makeup was a bit too heavy, masking her natural beauty, it was clear that she had a good foundation.

She wore a school uniform, but it had obviously been altered.

The neckline had been changed to a deep V, leaving her ample cleavage fully exposed.

The hem of her shirt was tied up, revealing her flat stomach and navel.

Her school uniform had been transformed into a sexy, provocative outfit.

She wore an ultra-short skirt that barely covered her thighs. With the slightest movement, it seemed like her underwear might show.

"Suit yourself," Rod shrugged. The seat wasn't his exclusive spot. If she wanted to sit there, he wasn't going to stop her.

He thought that would be the end of it.

But as soon as this girl, named Vivian, sat beside him, practically glued to his side, another girl, blushing, mustered up the courage to walk over.

"Can I sit here?"

Rod nodded mechanically, starting to feel a bad premonition.

A few minutes later, Rod found himself surrounded by several girls, forming a nine-grid pattern around him. His expression was one of helplessness.

Feeling the heat of their gazes, he had no doubt that if he said the word, any one of these girls would happily follow him home.

They'd do anything he wanted, just as he instructed.

Rod scratched his head, confused.

Since when did I become so attractive?

Women throwing themselves at me for free—this is a bit too much, isn't it?