
chapter 7

Dylan had decided he did not like the beautiful boy. He might look good but he asked to many questions. Dylan wasn't surprised that the queen had picked a psycho for a queen but now there was only one sane person in the entire royal bloodline and that was the person he wasn't supposed to talk to. 

He sighed as he turned towards the black door, that he really did not want to open. 

"Hey psycho, time to meet the family." Dylan yelled through the door 

Billie opened the door from the other side "You know i have a right slave and i," she paused mid sentence, then " OMG GOD MY BABY HOW ARE YOU YOUR AWAKE I THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE TO MARRY A  CORPSE, ha I'm kidding my father would have a heart attack if i married a ghost. Oh wait i don't have a father, and i mean marrying a dead person does mean i would be a widow. Oh do you think being a widow would be fun cause i do, but seriously i thought you were dead Jaylen." she screeched and through her self at Jaylen. Dylan turned toward them and almost burst out laughing at petty boys face, he couldn't blame him that girl never shut up. 

After finally prying Billie off of him Jaylen turned to Dylan and said "what do you mean time to meat the family." 

"I mean that it time for you to meet the royal family, idiot."

He then led them up the staircase, up and up, and up,, and up until they finally reached the base level of the palace. Behind him he could hear Billie panting to Jaylen about the fact that there so rich but couldn't even bother to install a elevator. He decided not to tell them that there was an elevator right in the wall next to them. 

They then strode down the countless maze like hallways that made up most of the palace until the eventually reached to ginormous stone doors that were at least ten times as tall as Dylan. He nodded at the two scarlet guards signaling them to open the door.

The doors were made of stone and were around 2 meters wide, so the guard were struggling to open them, but soon they opened them enough for one person to walk through at a time. As soon as Dylan, Pretty boy and Psycho walked through the doors fell heavily shut behind them. 

At first glance the room looked empty except for the bone throne.

The bone throne was famous all over Discord and outside of Discord. As the name suggests the throne is made of bone specifically the bones of people that have tried to topple the monarchy. Many rebel groups that want order have tried to kill the queens of darkness before but none of them lasted more than 1 month before the scarlet guard killed them all, well that was except for the jade armor. 

although it seemed like they were alone suddenly a voice came from the throne "Well slave boy you finally did something useful."

As they turned back to the throne the queen and her family appeared.