
master I've done my best it's up to him now

The guardian looked over at the Portal that had just appeared before returning its gaze to Alex.

"That's the gate to the dimension of royal beasts. Ahh...I almost forgot to tell you this, Every mountain, tree, and floating River here are dimensions of where certain beasts reside, the trees are dimensions of flying creatures, Bird, dragon, flying snakes, basically, any creature that flies are found in every tree

The mountains hold land beasts, every beast that you can think of and even those outside your scope of knowledge can be found in those mountains

While the floating Rivers I think you should already be able to guess the sea creatures of the beast realm" it explained nonchalantly.

" So why did you choose the gates of flying creatures for me?" Although Alex didn't want to ask, he still asked, either way, it was already obvious to him that the turtle tiger was showing favoritism towards him, he didn't mind though, after all, who wouldn't want the help of such a strong being.

"Hehehe...I was waiting for you to ask that question, well I won't tell you much, let's just say it's me repaying a favor to a certain someone"the guardian chuckled but still didn't disclose much information.

Alex tilted his head to the side, what did the beast mean by it was only repaying a favor to a certain someone? what did that person have to do with him?

Alex could vouch that this was the first time he was in this place, no, not even this place, this was his first time on this planet, so how was the guardian of the beast realm owing someone a favor related to him?

"Can I know why? Is this someone related to me or something?" He pressed on if he could maybe get a clue.

"Don't ask too many questions kid, knowing who the person is isn't important right now, just know that you might meet him in the future if you hurry up

Sigh...I can't help him in his current state, so this is the only thing I can do"the guardian sighs as it said those words, Alex could feel the pain from his voice and knew that, whoever that person is, one thing was sure, he or she was in deep trouble.

"Now, now, we can't keep this gate open for too long and I still have others to attend to, so get in already" the beast used its huge head to push Alex towards the white portal but didn't push him into it, it stopped when Alex was just a few meters away from it.

Alex turned to the beast again and bowed"thank you, your Excellency, for your assistance, I don't know if I would be fortunate enough to Meet the mysterious person that you talk about but I promise to help in any way I can when the time comes"

The beast only nodded in response, not saying a word, Alex moved closer to the portal and was finally on the verge of merging into it, he turned again and asked, only this time, it was a very personal question.

"May I have the honor of knowing its Excellency's name?" The turtle tiger just smiled at Alex's question, he contemplated for a few seconds before replying.

"When you are able to meet the person I told you about, we shall unite again and till then, take my name as a reward that awaits you if you complete this task, now go," the beast said and finally turned, disappearing from Alex's vision in a fraction of seconds.

Alex was taken aback by the kind of speed that the guardian had just shown, he could have never imagined that it could move so fast with that huge body of its.

Alex just sighed, if it's true that meeting this mysterious person would make the turtle tiger leave the beast realm, it could only mean that the mysterious person was someone stronger or on equal power level with the guardian of the beast realm, just what type of trouble could such a person need help with.

Alex shook his head and entered the portal, he was going to leave everything to fate, he shouldn't worry his head with things he couldn't solve now.



The turtle tiger finally arrived at the place where it had found Alex, sensing the portal close up, it knew Alex had already entered it.

"Master, I have done my best, it's now all left for him to act, I hope I meet you soon" the guardian mumbled to himself as its tiger face displayed just how much sorrow it was feeling.


In a very dark space, a silhouette of a person can be seen but it was impossible to distinguish its gender, the person was tightly bound in thin red glowing chains that would change its color from time to time.

The eyes of the person flustered and slowly opened, the person's blue eyes glowed so brightly that the glow almost illuminated the dark room.

"Finally, you arrived, took you long enough" a very hoarse voice echoed in the dark space before everything returned to how it was before.


Alex found himself floating in space, clear blue skies were above him, decorated with white clouds, below him was what seemed like a vast open field, all he could see as far as his eyes went was plain grass, not a single tree could be spotted.

Alex also noticed a small part of the field just below him that looked burnt, although he thought it was small, that was only if compared to the rest of the field, he thought that space was just different so he didn't pay much attention to it.

huge mountains that Pierce through the clouds surrounded him, he could faintly make out figures of floating objects like himself.

Wait, no....those weren't floating objects, they were flying creatures!! And he wasn't floating.

"I'M FALLING!!!!" Alex screamed out in fright, he ran through all the spells that zero had transferred to him earlier but could not find a single flight spell.

His last resort was now to use the space spell, space shield, and brace himself for the impact.

Just when Alex was saying his last prayers, he was caught in a firm grip of a giant claw. Alex looked up to see who might have spared his soul but the image that entered his eyes made his face turn pale in an instant.

"A d-dragon?" Yes, what Alex was seeing was a very huge and fierce-looking blue dragon, with big twisted Horns portraying from its head, huge double pairs of bat-like wings,its scale that shone like metal in the sun.

Alex would be throwing a tantrum by now to escape had the guardian not repeatedly assured him that the beasts in the realm won't attack unless provoked to.

It was only now that Alex noticed the huge burnt part of the field had seen from above earlier wasn't actually a field that was different from the rest of the plain.

It was the dragon's shadow.