
In A Cultivation World With A Death System

Reborn within a universe filled with Dungeon, MC is reborn as a cripple price. watch as he goes on to conquer the whole universe

Itachi102 · 漫画同人
47 Chs


Sora shot all over the place, dodging the many beams shot from the Hydra's many mouths, the Hydra was powerful, but it had one flaw its speed. allowing Sora who was playing defense to slowly get the upper hand.

'This physique of hers is powerful, taming stuff isn't hard. The hard part is the fact she has to summon them, she would be dead by now if I didn't save her.' Sora thought while slowly having the Hydra use up all of its energy before he moved in to attack.

the difference in strength although not too huge, but the Hydra had many heads, which made it so that Sora couldn't easily get close to the Hydra. Sora also didn't want to attack with the Hydra still having energy because it would just heal from its injuries.

there were 4 ways to kill a Hydra, the first was to cut or destroy all heads at once, something which Sora knew he couldn't do. the second was to destroy the Hydra core, but this Hydra was in the void realm, so it no longer had a core, so it no longer had a core.

the 3rd way was to have it use up all its energy so it can't regrow a new head, and the 4th was to destroy the whole body which was of course far harder.

Sora could of course ignore this if he could use his death qi and other stuff, attacks he lands upon his enemies can't be healed. meaning, if he cut off a head, no new heads could grow back,

anyways, it took hours before the Hydra used up all its energy, within that hour the Hydra, of course, didn't simply attack as Evelyn guessed Sora's plan. so Evelyn tried to counter this, but Sora would take this chance to get near the Hydra and cut off a head, leading to two new hands growing. of course, this led to Hydra using up a huge amount of its energy.

by the time it had 50 heads, the Hydra had used reached its limits and was on the edge of fainting. Sora smiled slightly before walking forward, Evelyn had a bitter smile seeing this, if she didn't use up all of her energy just to summon these monsters, maybe she could have given her energy to the Hydra, but now she was out of anything,

"That was a nice fight... if I may ask, what is your dream?" Sora asked with a smile while squatting in front of Evelyn. Evelyn looked at Sora with a lost look, she was not sure why she was even alive.

"My dream... it's a stupid one. but I want to fly along the stars, I don't want to be held down through marriage." She said with a bitter smile, unlike others she knew what was beyond their star system, she knew many star systems out there were filled with life. she wanted to explore them all, tame the unique animals on each planet, and taste the unique animal lifeforms, that was her dream for a long time, but she would have to put it aside for the sake of the empire. she was unwilling.

she even person had the guards enter a dungeon to beat up the hydra so she could tame it, along with many other monsters. She thought she was sure to win, but she never expected Sora to be so talented.

"There is no such thing as a stupid plan... you must be the one who would be getting married to the winner right? how about I take first place and help you turn your dreams into reality? I too want to explore the stars, my talent is too freakish to remain on this planet. I don't simply want to fly amongst the stars, I want to explore the whole universe and become the strongest thing within the universe... a childish dream, but it's my dream" Sora said with a smile. Evelyn's eyes widened for a moment before she smiled slightly,

"no, if it's you, then you might be able to pull it off. sadly, I might die so this is where my dream dies." Evelyn said softly, she was more than willing to follow Sora, but sadly she knew her body must be affected by her actions.

"Remember when I said controlling my shadow effect the one in the real world? I stabilized your lifeforce, you only lost a few years, nothing too big." Sora said with a smile, stunning Evelyn for some time.

"Why?" that was the only thing Evelyn could say, why would Sora do something like that?

"because I proved you into doing something so reckless. you have high potential, and the chance to turn your dream into reality." Sora said while holding out his hand, Evelyn looked deeply at Sora before slowly taking his head.

"I surrounder... you must win then." Evelyn said in a soft voice, to which Sora nodded slightly as Evelyn disappear. Sora went on to win his first round, but he couldn't help but sigh, she could have taken first place but at the host of her life.

the crowd outside was quiet after seeing the match, a level 10 silver rank cultivator defeated a level 5 5th stage Hydra. No, not only the crowd outside, every human on the planet was quiet, this was too scary, and this outcome was a bit unexpected.

"... My lord, did you expect something like this to happen?" the Emperor's right-hand man asked, the emperor was quiet for some time before sighing softly. how was he to expect something which went against common sense?

the second round began not too long after, and the matches went on one by one until it was time for the 87th place to fight the 100th place. Sora stepped into the arena and saw he was facing a young man with silver hair.

"Sora..." the young man frowned slightly upon seeing Sora, but Sora didn't say anything and sized him up. once the match began, the young man pointed two fingers toward Sora.

the ground under the young man came to life, and a spear shot toward Sora. Sora calmly looked at the incoming earth Spear, before simply stepping to the side, dodging it at the least moment. to him, that spear was moving in slow motion, Sora slowly walked towards the young man, while the young man waved his hands,

the young man quickly pulled sand. Sora was slightly confused as to why he pulled out sand, the young man threw the sand out, while infusing the sand with his energy. Sora's eyes narrowed as the whole arena suddenly began transforming into a world of sand, a barrier surrounded Sora, protecting him from the sand

'the sand is eating away at my energy to grow... Cancer Sand' Sora thought while looking at the barrier which was slowly being eaten away by the sand, the sand after it ate enough energy began to split apart like it was some cells.

Sora looked at the sky and saw that the silver-haired man was floating up, avoiding all forms of contact with the sand. the young man pulled out green color liquid, which he dripped down. the sand and liquid came into contact, and all of the sudden, the sand began burning up.

in an instant, all the sand was on burning up, reaching such a degree that Sora's barrier began melting.

'Cancer sand seems to have this effect when it comes into contact with that liquid... is this sand not illegal,' Sora thought before shrugging, breathing out slightly, a shock wave exploded off him, blowing away and destroying the sand around him.

the young man was sent shooting backward, slamming into the wall, and coughing up a mouthful of blood, before falling to the ground, out cold. Sora looked at him for a moment, before it was announced he won.

and so, like that Sora easily won all of the upcoming matches. by the 6th round, Sora stood in front of James, the second most talented person. their fight began, and James' flames filled the world and shot toward Sora,

Sadly for James, Sora was not in the mood, he was already bored and just wanted to go on with his day. waving forward, Sora cut the flames with a finger beam, shocked, James quickly jumped back to dodge the blade while gather pointing forward to shot the ultimate finger beam at Sora.

James' ultimate finger beam was unique, as he added the power of his flames into it, pretty much making this into an ultimate finger fire beam. but Sora destroyed the beam and shot towards James and sent him flying with a punch,

James hit the ground and landed heavily on the ground. expecting this to be over, Sora waited to be crowned the winner, but he quickly stepped to the side, just as a finger beam shot past, slamming into the side of a wall.

Sora looked behind him and saw James standing up with a flaming aura surrounding him, Sora was caught off guard, that should have been enough to knock the guy out. Sora smiled slightly seeing this, he seemed to have underestimated the young man,

James shot towards Sora before he punched forward with a fist swallowed in flames. the flames shot toward Sora, creating a flame thrower to swallow Sora.

but the flames swallowed nothing as Sora suddenly disappeared, and appeared behind the young man with a clean chop to the back of his neck, James fell to his knees, but before his body could hit the ground, he caught himself.

"I... I can't lose. I refuse to give up just like this." James said softly, by the time he reached the end of his world, he yelled them out, as if forcefully weakling himself up. with the yell, a huge heat wave exploded off him, forcing Sora to take a step backward, as he was caught off ground.

"I refuse to lose, I will win, I will come out on top," James yelled as his flames grew hotter, melting the aura around him, Sora looked at him in slight shock, the guy just became stronger. from a strength measurement of 93,750, James' strength was slowly increasing.

"untapped power?" Sora asked himself while looking at James, James gritted his teeth as he thought of the reason he had to win. how can he lose? how dare he almost lose, even if the person in front of him is more talented, he had to win. He refused to give up no matter what.

With a battle scary, James's flames shot up into the sky, forming the image of a huge dragon roaring at the sky. From James's mouth, a massive flame beam shot out, slamming into Sora and sending Sora shooting backward, while burning away his defensive Qi.

'His strength reached 112,500.' Sora thought in shock, this would make James 30 times stronger than those of the same level. but James's strength was still increasing as if his emotions were full for his flames to grow stronger, James let out the roar of a dragon, and with a step forward the ground exploded as he shot towards Sora.

Sora quickly caught James's fists, but he couldn't help but frown as he found it hard to read James's moves. it was like James himself didn't know what he was doing, James' knee shot up, slamming it Sora's chin and sending Sora shooting up,

while flying up, Sora rubbed his chin slightly, he almost felt that. Sora quickly kicked the air with such force, that he shot forward, dodging the fire beam which shot from James' mouth, Sora was about to attack, but before he could the world around him began to glitch, stunned for a moment, Sora found his mind returning to his main body,

opening his eyes, Sora found himself sitting in his chair, while not too far away, James was giving off a huge amount of heat was which burning away everyone. those near James were saved, but James was something that others had trouble nearing,

Jame destroyed his seat and shot toward Sora, with strength that now reached 150,000 James' strength was something not to be looked down upon.

"That's enough," Sora said softly before his death Aura exploded out, swallowing James. James who was in a berserk state instantly returned to normal as a scared look filled his eyes, Sora's eyebrow raised seeing James trying to resist his aura,

'A strong willpower... sadly, he isn't worthy.' Sora thought while looking at James who slowly backed away, unable to be near Sora.