
51. Route, meeting the Hokage, and departing from Konoha

Well now that i have a place to go i just need which route and time give me the best chances to succeed and benefit from the journey

There were three posible routes

Nami no Kuni (I don't remember the English name)

Water country

Lightning Country

Each with its own advantages and disadvantages

So i did what i thought i would ignore since i stopped studying

I used Divination magic…

It was only a little ritual, that give me the best route (even marked on my map) and timeline for traveling this will give me and Naruto the best benefits (benefits in what way i don't know, only that the travel will in some way benefit us) and we should go in two weeks and we return in after 3 months

So i spent one week teaching Naruto Tree walking, and water walking, obviously he struggled a lot, but i have teached him the shadow clone jutsu, and it really isn't as op as i expected.

Now don't get me wrong but the only reason Naruto could use it so good it's because of his brain (and now mine), normal people if they used more than 15 clones and get killed at the same time get brain damage, and put themselves in a coma while their brain tries to catch up with all the information

Now Naruto can use his brain to boost that till 1500 clones destroyed at the same time till he's put himself in a coma but that's still doesn't mean he can learn a bunch of things at the same time, the technique could easily give someone a multiple personality disorder, so you can only learn one thing at the time, and Naruto also could easily loose focus of things if he tries to learn various things at the same time. And at best he can boost himself learning a 500% rate and it's limits are 30 clones, 20 learning by doing and 10 trying to have ideas on how to improve themselves, if one of the clones doing the exercises have a breakthrough, he dispels itself, if one clone thinks that he has a great idea about the exercise, he dispels itself

And even then he has a limit, after 13 hours of adding more and more clones his head starts to hurt and has to train alone again

(Normal people could only probably last 5 or 6 hours, and at best with 6 to 8 clones max only having like a 3 times boost of learning)

So yeah, he learned tree walking and water walking easily in the one week, the other half im going to complete whatever training is left of acting and a couple of defense and escape jutsus just in case

But now that it's only a week left and i finally finished my new op jutsu that made me spend all nighters in my library im ready to talk with the Hokage

So that's what i did i went to his office, gave a S-secret level code and when i felt every anbu gone, i explained everything, about Naruto, and the travel plan i had, and le looked really into it till he refused

Apparently he wanted but he new that as soon as someone realized Naruto, Konoha's Jinchuriki was gone, People (cough* Danzo cough*) would push it to get rid of his position as Hokage and send Humter nin at Naruto and use the opportunity to add him to Root pretending his "death" in the end, nobody would care about the "demon" boys death except a few that could be silenced

It looks like the Hokage has planned before to send Naruto away and raised better

So i gave him my hidden ace

My OP bunshin Jutsu, the True Human Clone jutsu

This jutsu is basically making a true Clone, blood and flesh, it can last forever, works almost as a Horocrux because if you die but your clone is alive, you can revive yourself, (obviously no need to split the soul) and also can't be dispelled (only killed) unless you're the original but obviously for such a great technique there's a few of cons, first it technically impossible for humans, because of its requirements to do it, is a great quantity of chakra impossible for everything that's not only an Uzumaki but also a Jinchuriki of the Kurama, normal people can technically use it but you'll probably sacrifice parts of your being, like a hand or a leg, (don't worry they return when the clone is dispelled, because all that flesh and blood could regenerate your body to the peak, the rest transforms themselves into chakra and boost you (alongside all their experience like shadow clones) this sadly has another side effect, it's literally another you, when it dispels it puts you in a coma, say, it lasted 3 months? Well you're in a coma for 3 months, because you have to experience what the clone did, this doesn't affect you if you have multiple thinking processes or Thought acceleration but even with Naruto brain one month is one day in coma

With this technique "Naruto" can stay in the village while the Original is with me traveling to Ushiogakure

And with that the Hokage accepted,

And another week passed and Naruto's clone can do whatever he wants, even returning to eat only Ramen (because leaving him getting restless is not a good plan)

And i sneaked Naruto outside the village using Anbu routes and we departed…


Finally done with the chapter, i took so long because i wrote it 2 times, but for some reason Webnovel doesn't save chapters that aren't published anymore so they got deleted,

That made me sad because i even had written the meeting with mc acting like it was hard to concentrate on things because of the uzumaki bloodline but it got deleted…

Anyway, in the travel we're meeting 3 people to make my Mc genin team i already have two selected but i need one more, this person can either be

1 someone to make the genin team complete (so basically it'll be 3 genins and Naruto is kinda his apprentice but will still be in team 7)

2 Naruto is on my genin team but i need someone to replace his place in team 7

So yeah give me ideas of who to add