So basically this is just a SI, a concept, not a very good one, and I’m probably not gonna continue it, maybe if i get support enough but i just have ideas and they aren’t very good for long novel because you end up op pretty fast and that’s not good for novels but if you like the wishes o have an idea of how to improve them comment, i will read it… Harem Alert, i will probably have a harem for the MC Ps English isn’t my main language
Well, the day was normal, breakfast, school couching the kendo team, but in the afternoon Grayfia came and picked us up, where we went to the underworld (it was in Gremory territory) obviously i couldn't pass an oportunity like this, when nobody noticed a little slime came out my skin, and went undetected to another place, this is a clone, a clone that will do something very important…
I'll talk about that later, this clone is weak, cause i already learned how much power i put into them without dividing a lot of my power, right now i have 3 clones active out of 10 i can make
One is being a King in my universe, this one i'm controlling, so it's like controlling two bodies with one mind (My original body and king one) then another is earth (DxD) , exploring it, gathering DNA of magical creatures so i can get their talents, powers and abilities and at the same time getting into the dark market selling something that my the clone i just released will sell as well but here in the underworld
Anyways getting to the good part of today we "learned" that the Rating game will be transmitted in the whole underworld…
Bla, bla bla… hell so many rules just let me punch raiser!
Finally after the rules started we finally teleported to the fake dimension that looks like Kuoh's Highschool
I start "Ok i have train you guys with literally the best of the best so if you lose i will literally leave you and you will never taste my food again"
That got them serious is everyone in DxD that foodies?
"Well i will take care of the bishop and pawn and you get rid of everyone else, bye"
Then i summoned a clone that has 1/4 percent of my power and my real body became one with the shadows, from where i can watch everything happening in real time…
Rias took control immediately and started giving orders i think i heard Koneko whisper something like "for the cookies"
Kiba, Koneko, My clone and Asia went to the gym were we encountered a lot of pawns, a rook and a knight
My clone using a weird combination of martial arts, magic and cunning, beat every single pawn, first he used a massive confundus then ordered them to fight each other because it was training and it was a practice fight, those that were strong enough to break the spell (after 6 pawns already had been defeated and eliminated from the game) i beat using CQC techniques and we heard the announcements
By the time i had finished, Koneko already beaten the rook and was quickly getting healed by Asia, (apparently she was stubborn and didn't used Touki)
Kiba quickly beat the knight too and with his improved speed didn't even got hit…
Akeno was being sadistic and was sending lightning at Yubelluna one after another watching and waiting to see if she would twitch or try to stand up again, the worst part is, she has an amazing control, so amazing that she knows exactly how much power to put on those lightning strikes to make sure the enemy doesn't pass out…
After 5 minutes
"Riser Phenex's Queen has retired."
I in my original body appeared behind a very scared Ravel Phoenix and whispered in her ears "You should probably give up"
She obviously got scared and yelled in a very high pitch voice, like in those animes were the protagonist and the waifu go to a haunted house and they find something scary
Well at least she didn't pissed herself…
"I give up" she finally said when she calmed down…
"Riser Phenex's Bishop has retired."
And then finally Koneko and Kiba finished the rest of Riser's Peerage… cause i heard the announcements…
So it's only Rias vs Riser…
And obviously she's loosing… not because of lack of training or something like that it's simple weakness of type, Rias can't use her Power of destruction seriously because it could kill Riser but Riser doesn't have that problem because even if he used his whole power in burning rias, it would not destroy her soul and with a bottle of Phoenix tears, she can be completely healed… then we have her innate weakness to light, Fire even if it's not Phoenix's are a close second in devil's weakness, and his flames are still full of vitality which means a little of life energy is seeping in which makes it more powerful against devils.
She can only use Magic that from afar and that won't kill him… so she's trying to use the forest to her advantage and use plants to trap him and hit him with a stronger magic before he can escape
It's literally a Fire type Pokémon agains a Grass type…
And to be honest she's only losing because she's exhausting herself while Riser is just regenerate every time she gets a good hit…
Obviously He was boosting that he's inmortal and that she's going to be his wife and to get ready to be honest i got quite pissed already
"That's enough Rias, back away i will deal with this Chicken slime, Myself"
She looked at me weirdly and the does it… a little peak in her mind and i realized that star wars is also a movie here… oops but in the other hand i knew that the church made those sword of light based on lightsabers
Riser didn't care, he even started boosting again "So what, Im immortal not even the Red Dragon Emperor can defeat me, my Phoenix Flames are SUPREME"
I couldn't hold it anymore i Laughed… it's was very hard to see those fakes and hear him boosting about them when he's not even close to it…
I was getting under his skin, but it was worth it… "You call those Phoenix Flames?" I said pointing at them… "Those are a joke… This are Real Phoenix Flames"
And suddenly my body went aflame and Riser could not even see me directly he was very weak at the presence of real Phoenix flames
The thing about them is not that they are holy, because they are not, is that they are pure life energy, such purity wants to purify everything else, that's why it's worse for devils, especially the evil one, Riser is not evil but he has succumbed to a lot of his 7 sins… especially pride, anger and lust if i used this flames in front of devils that are normally good people they may even benefited by purifying their bloodlines… and even then by not much because uno of the basics blocks of life for devils are the 7 sins… they are not obligated to perform them, but with weak will they will always be tempted, and contradictory to cultivators, they don't become stronger by strengthening their will but by accepting they desires, the more they sins the easier getting stronger is…
So my Phoenix fire from Harry Potter is is the definite weapon to beat evil devils… after seeing him all weak i said so him
"Give up, you will save yourself a beating"
But his pride didn't let him… so i beat him, brutally, it took 4 hours before he gave up… Akeno looked arouse, Rias was looking a Riser with pity… Kiba was looking for more battles… (did i make him a battle junkie?) Koneko asked for cookies… Grayfia said the end of the match and was looking at me looking decided