
Immortal Queen

Everyone knows that Family comes first, a family will show you love and care, would even risk their lives for one another! A boy whose lost everything and only lives for revenge, on his journey for such revenge he will find something even more, something that even he never thought he would ever get. Turned in to a girl, loss of his/her memories, but found happiness nevertheless, Not one but two mothers, a family a lover, or lover's maybe wife's in the future who knows, only time will tell!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: the cover photo isn't mine, if owner wants it taken down please let me know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE. This is my very first novel and my favourite one. I have never written but I always loved to write, my grammar maybe bad but please try to enjoy my story. Who knows, it just might surprise you!!!

QueenNovels · LGBT+
25 Chs

(Zeles's) Thoughts.



Zeles (POV)

Ufufufufu... My name is Zeles Vermilion Vampear I am the Princess of the 'blood-red empire' as well as the daughter to both Angela Vermilion the ruler of all Dragons and Elena Vampear the ruler of all Vampires. They both treat me like I'm their whole world, spoiling me with anything and everything I ask even more. They Play with me every single day even now though I'm eighteen and almost nineteen they still find time to play with me, and I also enjoy my time with them. They are my mothers and I love them so much.

                Even after my memories came back anything didn't change between us we are still a loving family, but I did ask my mother about it...




6 years ago.

I was teasing Elizabeth as usual and gave her a deep kiss on her lips savouring every single second of it... The way she blushes is just so cuteee, she is so beautiful. I promise I will make you mine in the future, no one will ever lay a hand on you ever again... After I heard that Elizabeth my personal maid appointed by my mother the ruler of Dragons her self was almost killed by a demon that tried to kidnap me. I was so angry I wanted to kill every single demon in this whole world, but I knew I couldn't do that and both my mothers said they will take care of it for me. 'After all, no one touches their baby girl without their permission' they reassured me that they would have their revenge and I trust they will. They even told me they have the demon who tried to kidnap me chained up in the darkest part of our dungeon below the castle and is being tortured as we speak...

               But I didn't want him to be tortured, no, I wanted him dead, but my mothers said they will let me deal with him when I'm older, after all, I'm still only twelve, but I was not ready to wait that long so I got very angry at them for not killing him or letting me do it, I yelled at them and just ran... I ran as fast as my legs could take me... After a while, I ended up in the darkest parts of the dark forest... While I was thinking of what to do some very unlucky demon beast tried to sneak up on me but I was not in a mood to show anyone kindness or weakness at that moment. So anyone can guess what came next... I slaughtered them all, five or six lizards like beast's, but it wasn't enough for my anger to calm down. I kept killing every single beast that I came across until I was covered from head to toe with their blood, from black to red and green...

I looked at my hands and that's when it all happened... I felt a headache, it was like there were hundreds of Bell's ringing in my ears all at once. My head was in so much pain that I fell to my knees screaming while tears streamed down my eyes... The demon beasts that thought I was the easy prey and was surrounding me all burst into pools of blood with blood mist scattering everywhere from the sound of my screams. Not even a minute passed when I started screaming, I felt the ground shake and someone or something getting closer to me. I was afraid, for the first time in my life I was afraid... But then I was pulled into a warm embrace, this felt so comforting that I started to calm down a little but the headache was still there... Little by little my tears stopped coming and I kept seeing things in my head...





There was a young boy no more than a little older than me and he was human. I saw through his eyes, he trained day and night to get his revenge on the monsters and demons that took his family away, with no friends or family only rage and anger in his heart. He lived a pitiful and unloved life. One day while walking in the dark forest with five to six more humans they came across a little girl. Once he saw the look's on the other humans' faces and knowing the cruelty of this world he lived in, he could not stand back and watch what was about to happen to the little girl, so he killed the remaining humans and saved the girl almost losing his life in the process...

But then a beautiful blood-red dragon landed a few metres from the human... Mother??? (all of this was shown to her within a few seconds) 'Aaaaaa...' my head started to hurt even more, then as quickly as it came the pain was gone. Finally calming down I looked up at the person who is still embracing me.



"Zeles, honey! What's wrong?... Why were you crying?... Who's blood is this?... Are you hurt?... Where does it hurt?... Tell mommy!!" 

Angela asked with a worried face,


"I...! Remember...!!"

"... W-what... Do you remember... S-sweaty"

Angela was getting scared,


"Everything!  What you did to me... How I became your daughter... Everything from when I was a boy."



Angela remained silent but tears were streaming down her eyes,

"Z-zeles,... I-i owe you a huge apology for not telling you about this earlier but I just couldn't bring myself t__*sobbing* *sobbing* I love you so much and have made you my top priority, I know I made you into who you are now and you must hate and despise me right now for it. But never doubt my love, from the moment you were born, my heart opened wide. I know you won't forgive m___"

Zeles hugged her mother tight, tighter than she has ever hugged her,


"*Crying* *Crying*  I forgive you!  mommy!  I forgive you!  you gave me everything that I could ever want, love, care, happiness, and most of all a Family, I always want to be the best daughter ever. I always want to make you happy and proud. You saved me and gave me everything... You will always be my mother. And when I see you cry like this it pains me so much. So please, don't cry mommy."

Zeles cried her eyes out expressing her heart to her mother, also sad to know that she lost a mother in her past life,


" *Sobbing* I'm always proud of you... My daughter... My loving daughter...*Crying* *Crying* "





After we both calmed down mother used a cleaning spell and cleaned all of the blood on me and she was surprised to know that I killed more that twenty demon beasts all on my own, after I explained to her I did it all in anger and had no idea what I was doing, we went back to the castle. My other mommy was worried sick and was about to come to look for us. But when she found out what happened she also told me how she became my mother while asking for forgiveness... I love them both, while embracing them I smiled at myself and forgave them. They are my family and always will be...

That night when I went to sleep I dreamt I was in an open grass field, the night sky above me with billions of stars shining bright. There was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a handsome man standing beside her. They both looked at me with love in their eyes.


"We love you so much my love, but it's time for us to go now. Live happy my son, *giggling* daughter. We will always watch over you from the stars embrace."

The woman said with the happiest smile on her face that I have ever seen, while tears streaming down her eyes. She then looked at the man beside her whose eyes were also tearing up with loving eyes and they both smiled at me one last time before disappearing into the night sky. I reached out my hand but I couldn't do anything, I saw in the sky two stars shining brighter than the rest, more radiant... More... Beautiful...!

I walk up with tears in my eyes but I didn't know why and I had this aching pain in my heart like I had lost someone really important to me...(Flashback over)






I love my mothers so much and right now I'm watching them making love to each other in my closet. They think I don't know but I have a skill that can detect anything or anyone for hundreds of metres away from me and my mothers are no exception... and I know why they are here in the first place, they must have seen me and Elizabeth in the hallway... 

*Sigh* Sigh*

"There's going to be a lot of explaining to do, and I need to keep mother from killing Elizabeth..."


thank you for reading. and please tell me what you think in the comments section below if you're not too busy. Ufufufufu... bye, darling

QueenNovelscreators' thoughts