
Chat With Emily

Listening closely to the hushed murmurs of the soldiers as they shuttle back and forth from one district to the next, the most you'd pick up is the hot news of chaos in the Levi Sector. 

Listen more closely and you'll hear a frequent mention of names like Memento Mori, and Leonardo, among other things. 

Stephan is but an ordinary, honest to god soldier who always kept to himself. A funny guy, always humble to others, almost as though he'd allow anyone to walk over him. Today, as usual, Stephan was helping out as best as he could by doing chores and cleaning the bedding of his comrades. 

He overlooked the typical fluids that usually signified a pretty hot night even as he made his way around the room. While cleaning, his ears were ever attentive to the discussions of his 'friends', and a piece of news greatly shocked him. 

Flustered, Stephan almost tripped off the bedding, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room.