
Immortal Domain System

Long Yang pursued Martial Path till its end, but only at the end of his life he realised human life is simply too short. He felt there are still lots of unresolved issues and unachieved things in his life. But how would regret be any help at the end of the road. He just looked the stars one last time and sighed. His eyes closed slowly and his breating stopped shortly after. ... -System activated. Welcome to Immortal Domain System host Long Yang. Searching for most suitable Cultivation Method... Initiating Azure Dragon Cultivation Art... Congratulations, host is now at the first level of Qi Condensation. Host may check current stats by saying Status.-

DaoistHalberd · 玄幻
17 Chs

Chapter 6 - Descendant

When Long Yang said "Shop" in his mind, a brand new screen has opened before him. But this screen was much more complicated than the usual Status page. A long list of martial art names has appeared before him, he started to moved downwards with his index finger. But after a minute he noticed he couldn't reach the end of the list anytime soon. While he was feeling confused he noticed the filter option at the top right corner of the screen.

When he clicked filter option, many more options appeared. There were filters by race, type of art and rank.

He clicked the race option and he saw other than human many more races were in this world.

Human, Demon, Dragonkin, Elf, Dwarf, Deva, Spirit, Divine Beast.

After that he checked the type of art option and saw the arts were divided as cultivation arts, martial arts and soul arts. And the ranks were divided to Mortal, Earth, Heaven, Immortal, Divine and Supreme Ranks.

He knew some of the ranks and type of the arts but other than human it was his first time he heard these races. From his past life he could guess some of the races but he didn't know if the races from this world are similar to them. So he decided to choose cultivation arts and mortal rank. After that he started checking the races.

In demon section, he could see names of the demon beasts he knew in the name of the arts. Such as Blood Wolf Cultivation Art.

In Dragonkin section, he saw cultivation arts for races such as flood dragons, serpents and drakes. For elves there were cultivation arts for void elves and dark elves. For dwarves there were races such as mountain dwarves, fire dwarves and ice dwarves. He didn't have any idea about what are the deva and spirit race, but it seems they had only one kind of a race under them.

When he checked the divine beast section he was rooted on the ground. He knew those beasts were four beasts of China, respectively azure dragon, vermilion bird which seems to be named as phoenix here, black tortoise and white tiger. But the most stunning part was the cultivation art he cultivated had an azure dragon in its name.

'But i am certainly human am i not?' Long Yang thought. He confusedly decided to find his cultivation art in the shop. And it was certainly not in the Mortal Rank. So he decided the undo his selection on the Rank of the cultivation art. Whole list of cultivation arts for divine beasts were much shorter than other races, so he checked all the arts one by one.

A few minutes later he finally found what he was searching for.

Azure Dragon Cultivation Art - Divine Beast - Supreme Rank - Acquired.

After stopping for a second after he noticed the art was Supreme Rank he decided to click on it in the hopes of seeing what is the art described as.

-Azure Dragon Cultivation Art: A Supreme Rank cultivation art, which is designed by Azure Dragon Lord for the race of Azure Dragon. The cultivation art uses not only thelife force but all kinds of Qi. Designed from the innate skill of the Azure Dragon race, all devouring. Can change all kinds of Qi and life force to Azure Qi. Can be used by descendants of the Azure Dragon Lord.-

'What!? Does that make me a descendant of the Azure Dragon then? But how come a descendant of a divine beast can have so lousy talent in cultivation? Before the system the old Long Yang couldn't even detect one bit Qi.' thought Long Yang. When he thought about the old Long Yang's parents he couldn't find any trace of nobility one can expect from such a divine bloodline.

He sighed and decided to just let it go. He couldn't find anything about being a descendant of Azure Dragon Race and maybe there would be another reason to his ability to cultivate such a cultivation art. But the important part was the rank of the cultivation art. It was the Supreme Rank he didn't hear before. But when he saw how the Rank was at the end of the option list, he could guess it was the best of them. 'At least my way to top should be clear as long as i find enough resources and work diligently.' thought Long Yang before releasing a comforted sigh.

With his eyes clear and determined he decided to check what he can buy with the 3 Immortal Domain Points he gained. But when he saw the prices of the martial arts he frowned. Even a Low Rank Earth Martial Art was priced 10 Points. When he decided to check other Supreme martial arts to compare, he froze. They were priced a whole 50 million Points. And worst part was martial arts of the Divine Beast race were so few he didn't have enough choices in the first place. Hell, the race even didn't have a Mortal Grade Martial Art.

But he decided to check the few of the martial arts of his race anyway. He wanted to see his path clearly and prepare for them if possible. So he started from Earth Rank and read until Supreme Rank martial arts.

After reading them for half an hour he pleasantly surprised. There was indeed something he can do for the moment. Because he saw a body cultivation method in the list of the martial arts. The method was named Azure Dragon Body Cultivation Method.

-Azure Dragon Body Cultivation Method: A High Divine Rank Method. Designed to improve the body of an Azure Dragon to the peak. Helps five part of the body to reach their peak. Skin, Muscles, Bones, Blood and Visceras. The method needs to be cultivated from Bronze level to Diamond and lastly Dragon level in every part of the body and syncronize together. The Method includes cultivation method for every level.

1,000,000 Points.-

'So i need to improve five parts of my body to Dragon level for this method. And the levels for the method until Dragon Rank seems same with other races martial arts. From what i can see i could cultivate martial arts of the Sun Clan, so i should be able to cultivate other human martial arts too.' thought Long Yang. After finally having found a way for himself to get stronger until the recruitment of the Mount Emei Sect, his mood became much better. He hurriedly checked the Mortal Rank human martial arts and found the things he were searching for.

-Bronze Bones Method - Human - Middle Mortal Rank Martial Art - 3 Points -

-Bronze Blood Method - Human - Middle Mortal Rank Martial Art - 3 Points -

-Bronze Visceras Method - Human - Middle Mortal Rank Martial Art - 3 Points -

-Bronze Muscles Method - Human - Middle Mortal Rank Martial Art - 3 Points -

-Bronze Skin Method - Human - Middle Mortal Rank Martial Art - Acquired.-

After reading the description of all the methods, he noticed the differences of the martial arts. Cultivating the skin helped for defending sharp weapons and damaging his skin from any other way too. Bones on the other hand, helped defending against blunt attacks and were the core of the body when using other martial arts. Bones would help dealing with drawbacks or being constitution for many martial arts. Visceras were for protecting his organs from any kind of damage, if a technique would pass his other defences, it could be very deadly if he didn't improve his organs. Muscles were also help defending against other attacks but mostly helped with power and speed of his martial arts. Blood was also another thing to consider. If he could improve his blood to his peak, he could heal from any kind of wounds. It would be very hard to kill him even if one damaged every part of his body. Each parts were sounded more impressive than other but the most important part was to balance them. If he only had a Silver Muscles for example, his bones and skin couldn't be deal with all the power he can muster. And certainly could not deal with after effects of using a strong technique. Similarly if he only improved his skin, even if his skin seemed without a wound, he could have his bones broken and muscles teared.

In the end he decided on Bronze Bones Method. He already had an Earth Rank Martial Art in his arsenal that he couldn't use it more than once. But when his Qi improved in the five months he had until the recruitment, he would start using the art repeatedly. So his bones should be able to withstand his repeated moves.

After buying the method, he sat in meditation and started chanting the mantra for the method in his mind. With that his Qi in his meridians found its way to his bones and started circulating in his whole skeleton. This time he had no obligations and no one to disturb him, so he peacefully cultivated for two hours. Like when he cultivated the skin, the first level was quite easy to achieve, so he heard the cold voice of the system. But with his current mood that voice sounded like a music to him.

-Congratulations host has comprehended Bronze Bones Method. Bronze Bones Level 1 has been added to hosts body cultivation.-

And another thing he noticed was levels of the method. It was said Bronze Skin had 3 levels in the book of the Sun Clan. But for Bronze Bones in the description of the method in the shop, it clearly stated it had 9 levels. 'If it's same for other methods too, i have to buy the Skin Method again too. Who knew the method of the clan was incomplete?' thought Long Yang with a sigh. It felt so expensive to cultivate and he just decided to not go on his way to earn the points from killing innocents. When he thought about the Arenas from his past life in Rome, only thing he could hope was something similar would exist in this world too.

Only after achieving the first level did Long Yang wake up from his stupor. He was still in the parameter of the battlefield with the old man. And after two hours it even started to smell.

'Ugh, i have to change places and start focusing on my cultivation. But i heard Middle Level Qi Condensation Beast were make up the population of the inner part of the forest. So i better stick to the outer circle for now until i become stronger.' thought Long Yang and started taking a sideway to his way to sect from the city. He avoided the inner circle and ran in a curved way for the rest of the day. After traveling until evening he found a cave in a small hill. He thought about taking it as his home until he reached the Middle Level Qi Condensation.

'It shouldn't be long until i reach fourth layer, so i should just practice my Dragon Stretching Its Claws and cultivate for now.' with thinking like that Long Yang went to the cave. In case there was a someone else in his surroundings he always tried to detect around him with his Qi.

But while walking into the cave leisurely he stopped suddenly. He felt a presence in the cave. Normally he wouldn't panic at the outer circle of the forest but when he detected the beast, the beast were already looking at him. Beasts red eyes were watching him which he felt like the beast was looking at him sneering.