
Watch Me

Ileus dragged the gown down from her shoulders and it gathered on her hips revealing her naked body. "I don't think I can wait any longer," he hissed and using his claw, he slashed the remaining gown. His bride was standing naked right before him and he gazed at her from top to bottom hungrily. "I can never get enough of you," he rasped with urgency. He traced his hand along the scar on her stomach and said, "I need to kiss that, but first I need to—" He scooped her up in his arms and set her on the bed. Ileus removed his cape and shirt with alarming speed and crawled right over her. He leaned in to kiss her on her lips and it felt surreal. It was as if he was kissing her the first time. "My sunshine," he murmured. 

She circled her arms around his neck and grabbed his soft raven hair. She kissed him back. He trailed further down to her neck and then to her breasts. "These have plagued my imagination everyday," he said as he cupped one and rolled the other one.