

Anastasia's eyes went to the statue of the Fae king as she rode with Ileus. Did she see his sword rising? Perhaps she was hallucinating. Weakness overcame her. She closed her eyes shut and hoped that the exit was sealed once they all crossed. Woodsy and misty smell encompassed her. Thick mist surrounded her. 

Ileus had covered her with a cloak and secured her tightly against himself. Just before Anastasia slipped into darkness, she heard a loud rumble, as if the walls of the cave were trembling or coming down. 

"The exit!" someone shouted. 

She tried to look up, but couldn't... darkness surrounded her. After that she couldn't hear a word, could only feel movement of heavy breathing of Ileus. Obsidian was welcoming. 

The shadows spread their smoky arms and wrapped her. She wanted to break free. The shackles returned.