
IGNACIA [...I'm a man but I was reincarnated as a girl...]

As a naughty god who caused the chaos in the human worlds, he was punished to be born as a human without any memory of the god. Vanitas The Series, the story of the god who was sent to the cycle of transmigration in the human worlds again and again, learning about their lives and hardship until he can become the mature god who rule the planet like his mother, Infinita Goddess. The funny thing is Infinita Goddess sent his soul to be born as a man first, letting him know that he is a man, and then sent his soul to possess into woman’s body after he died. Ignacia, who is she? She is the one of human lives of Vanitas. She was destined to be the one who exterminate the demons in the magical world. Because his mind and soul are a man…How is he going to do with his crush? (Warning: Yuri content)

CK_Mythical_Moon · 奇幻言情
105 Chs


Ignacia turned to look at Cerelia and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm all right but one of our vassals got dragged by another basilisk," Cerelia said, worriedly.

'Blare' 'Blare' 'Blare' the loud sounds as the sign of stopping the hunting as it was in danger situation.

"Please go back to report the situation first. I will go to help the others," Ignacia said.

"All right," Cerelia said, knowing that she could help the others after she saw her skill.

Ignacia rode on Ardere and detected all the areas again but found no darkness in the royal hunting ground, then decided to follow the trace of basilisk slithering. 

★*:.。. ✧☆✧ .。.:*★

At the center area of royal training ground,

There were some nobles who encountered with basilisks and managed to run away from them before they were attacked, talking with the royal knights, being trembling with fear.