

Bella woke to the sound of her father's groaning as he looked at another bill, the smell of cooked bacon and eggs travelled through the air, surrounded her room, making her stomach rumble with hunger as it longed to taste the lovely cooked food that Charlie was eating.

"Oh hush you," Bella mumbled, glaring at her stomach. "Great! I have surely lost it... I'm talking to my stomach..."

A light chuckle made Bella jump ten feet in the air and bite down a blood-curling scream; eyes blazing with anger, Bella turned to face her boyfriend, Edward Cullen who now had occupied her warm, empty bed.

Edward had an amused look on his face, but that look was replaced with sudden confusion.

"What are you thinking?" He suddenly asked.

"How to murder you in ten different ways," Bella replied, bit her lip and turned away from her vampire boyfriend. "But let's face it; that would never happen..."

Edward chuckled again, it sounded like musical bells; but somehow it didn't have the same affect it did before.

"Charlie's coming..."

Before Bella could even blink, Edward Cullen was nowhere to be found in her room, and then Charlie lightly knocked on Bella's door.

"Bells, you awake?"

"Coming dad," Bella replied, throwing on her bathrobe that she got as a present from one of her uncles up north and opened her door just enough to poke her head through. "What is it?"

"I was just heading over to Billy Black's for some fishing bait trades." Charlie replied, peeking over Bella's head to see inside her room. "I was wondered if you want to tag along?"

"Sure, let me get dressed."

"I'll let Billy know that you're coming."

"Okay." Bella replied, closing her bedroom door and walked over to her closet, searching through clothes for something appropriate to wear to the Black's home. She felt a sudden cold breeze, not bothering to turn around to face the vampire behind her.

"I'm going, Edward."

A girlish giggle made Bella freeze in shock, she flipped her whole entire body around to see a fiery haired looking Victoria staring right back at her; Bella tripped on some clothes and fell backwards into her closet a scream building up in her throat but made no effort in letting it out, Victoria stepped forward a murdering look upon her face; Bella backed away a little more, but something heavy fell onto her face and made her world go black...


Charlie Swan heard the scuffle upstairs, thinking that Bella was trying on some clothes, but when he heard a sickening thump, he knew something was wrong, grabbing his shotgun and a good decent amount of bullets; he raced up the stairs to come to his daughter's aid. When he got to Bella's room, her door was open ajar; he opened the rest of the way with his gun.

Standing in the middle of Bella's room was a red-haired, pale; very pale-skinned woman with dark red eyes, like the colour of blood.

Charlie pointed the gun at her, the woman smirked at him, then he pulled the trigger; sending a golden bullet towards the woman who looked lazily at the bullet coming towards her. She then hissed as the bullet grazed her left shoulder; she looked at Charlie shocked and surprised that a bullet could do that to her marble-like, stone body, then blurred out of the house.

"Bella...!" Charlie roared running to his daughter's fallen body. "Bella? Please don't be dead... Please, please, please...."

Charlie scooped Bella's body in his arms, feeling for a pulse; when he found a faint one he breathed with relief; then something red and sticky stained his hands.


Charlie quickly called for an ambulance, which was on their way; suddenly he heard wolves howl in the distance, his eyes widen in shock. So the vampire had escaped again; Charlie grumbled, what was he supposed to do now?

"Just hold on Bella..."


Mystic Falls, Virginia

11:29 am

Elijah woke up with a start, no matter how many times he tried to focus on something else; his train of thoughts always lead back to the one girl that got away from him.


He placed a tannish-pale hand upon his chest; muttering to himself and got to his feet, his one thousand year old bones cracking and stretching in annoyance at his sudden movements.

"Why can I not stop thinking about you, Isabel?" Elijah mumbled to himself, he picked up his sketch book, flicked through some pages until he found the one he was searching for.

It was the sketch he did when he had a flashback of Isabel; smiling once he tucked that very same sketch book into an olive green travelling bag, along with some clothes, undergarments, shower and bath essentials and a small oval shaped box that held the most dearest thing to his heart.

Isabel's white-gold locket

Elijah sighed, picked up the box; opened it to look at the fragile-looking jewellery that lay displayed on a white satin cushion. As soon as he touched the white-gold heart, flashbacks of happy and sad memories came to his mind.

Elijah was practicing swordplay with Klaus, while Finn and Kol were wrestling each other, all four boys had drawn a crowd, and Isabel was amongst those who were watching Klaus versing Elijah.

"Come on brother," Klaus taunted, as he blocked another of Elijah's strikes. "You must do better than that."

"If you say so, brother," Elijah spoke back, sprang suddenly that Klaus wasn't able to defend it; disarmed Klaus in a blink of an eye and pointed both swords at Klaus's neck. "I win."

The crowd disappears, leaving a heavy breathing Klaus and Elijah with Isabel and Rebekah; who both handed each man a ladle filled with water.

"That was a wonderful, show, brothers." Rebekah said, smiling once as she took the ladle back from Klaus. "Come, Klaus... I would love for you to show me those caves you and Kol found."

"Of course, dear sister..." Klaus replied, taking his sword from Elijah's hand. "I shall see you at dinnertime, brother. And tomorrow we shall have a rematch, let's see who wins then."

Klaus bowed to Isabel, stalked off towards the caves with Rebekah following behind; Elijah sighed and handed the ladle back to Isabel.

"Thank you, Isabel."

"You're welcome, Elijah."

He then was about to turn around and walk towards his home, when he felt Isabel's hand upon his shoulder, he faced her once again to see her lovely smile upon her face.

"I was about to go to the markets to see what they have they have to offer from the mainlands," Isabel started, and then bit her lip while looking down at her feet. "Would you care to join me?"

Elijah grabbed Isabel's chin, making the girl look up from the ground to Elijah's eyes; green met chocolate brown and a small smile came upon his lips. "I will love to escort you to the markets, for I need to find something for mother."

"What does your mother need?" Isabel asked, fiddling around with the ladle and water pitcher, and then placed it on the ground. "Maybe I can offer some assistance."

"A moonstone."

"A moonstone?" Isabel repeated her eyebrows knitted together. "What on earth does your mother need a moonstone for?"

"I do not know, Isabel," Elijah repeated, smiling once at her. "But mother said it was important that I seek it out today at the markets."

"Well," Isabel said, entwining her hands with his and dragged a shocked looking Elijah towards the markets. "Let's not keep your mother waiting!"

He tells jokes and she laughs at them on their way to the markets, Elijah had never felt like himself with a girl as beautiful as Isabel; though her sister- Tatiana, the one that Klaus intends on marrying even if she does have a child out of wedlock to another man; came close by beauty.

When they reached the markets, Elijah and Isabel parted ways; planning on meeting up at the baker's stall.

Elijah searched and every jeweller trader, searching for the stone that his mother wants; but with no such luck.

"Elijah!" Isabel called out, running up to him. "Any luck at finding the moonstone?"


"Well, here..." Isabel replied, handing him a red velvet package. "It belonged to our mother, when you told me of your mother's need of a moonstone I remembered that mother gave me one."

"I cannot take this," Elijah replied, handing back the wrapped up moonstone. "It was your mother's therefore it belongs to you and Tatiana..."

"Tatiana wants nothing to do with it," Isabel replied, looking darkly as she mentioned her sister's name. "Besides your mother says that she needs it, you can simply return it when she finishes with it."

"I cannot thank you enough, fair Isabel." Elijah replied, kissing her hand as he pockets the moonstone. "Now come, let me buy you something to show my thankfulness"

"Oh, Elijah..." Isabel replied, trying to stop Elijah from escorting her to the jeweller traders stalls. "There is no need..."

"But I insist, please?"

"Fine." Isabel sighed, searching all the fine jewellery that was within her reach; her gaze landed on a beautiful white-golden heart-shaped locket. "Oh, that is beautiful."

"Such a fine taste in jewellery you have, lass." The woman standing beside the table said, making Isabel jumped in fright and Elijah grip his swords handle. "No need to see me as a threat young man, I can assure I mean no harm..."

Elijah grip slackened around the sword's handle, but he never removed his hand from the sword; who knows when he might need to use it.

"Your accent..." Isabel asked the woman, blocking her from Elijah's view. "It's very different, are you not from around here?"

"Aye, young lass..." The woman replied, nodding once and picked up the locket. "I am from the northlands..."

"The Barren lands?" Isabel gasped eyes wide. "What is it like there?"

"Cold..." The woman replied, smiling at Isabel. "Here would you like to try this on?"

Isabel nodded, giggled as the coldness of the necklace tickled her skin, both women turned to Elijah.

"What do you think, young man?" the woman asked, extending her hand out to Isabel's neck. "Does it suite the fine, young beauty or not?"

"It suits her very well, madam..." Elijah replied, smiling once at Isabel. "How much for the necklace?"

"How much do you say its worth?"

Isabel removed the necklace, handed it back the woman and walked away; leaving Elijah alone with the woman.

"For her..." Elijah replied, smiling as he watched Isabel help a fallen child to her feet. "Anything."

"You care for her..." The woman mumbled. "If not more..."

Elijah blinked once and looked at the woman before him, who held an all-knowing smile upon her face; then placed a blue velvet covered package in his hand.


"You can accept this with no charge..." The woman replied, smiling once and walked into her tent, leaving a shocked and confused Elijah behind.

Elijah looked down at the package un-wrapped it and smiled, there was the very same necklace that Isabel had tried on...

*Flashback ends*

Elijah opens his eyes again, closing the lid of the box then again placed it into the travelling bag; he blurred towards his collection of car keys, picked up one of them then blurred back to where his travelling bag laid.

He left a letter for his mother and siblings, telling them what he was planning on doing on his trip; though leaving out the part of spending time with Isabel again.

This time he was not going to lose her again.