
Chapter 27

The Pro Hero clashed against the wave of Villains and proceeded to blow them away using close-quarters combat with masterful skill. While he was doing so, 13 led the students towards the exit.

"Follow me!"

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to leave." came the voice of the mist-man as he materialized in front of the fleeing group. "Greetings. We are the Villain Alliance. I apologize for the presumption, but we took it upon ourselves to enter U.A. school grounds, the base of the Hero's." the man said with a surprisingly polite speech pattern. "You see, we have come here to do battle with your precious Symbol of Peace. We would like the opportunity to extinguish his spark of life. So tell me, was All Might not meant to be in attendance at this juncture? Perchance, has something been altered? Ah, well, setting that aside, this is my role." he said as his mist began to expand.

Suddenly Kirishima and Bakugou rushed forward to attack. Kirishima punched the Villain in his 'head', while Bakugou hit his chest with a point-blank explosion.

"Eat shit fog-face!" roared Bakugou.

[That's 15 yen.]

"Bet you didn't think we'd do you in before you had a chance to do anything!" taunted Kirishima.

"It's no use! Run you two!" yelled 13.

"That was quite perilous. As expected of you. Though you may yet be students, you are also the Hero worlds 'Golden Eggs'." came the mist Villains voice as he reformed. His mist-body began to encompass the group and scatter them across the facility.

Four figures landed on the hard ground of the Mountain Zone of the U.S.J., quickly doing their best to re-orientate themselves from the sudden shift in location.

[Man, that was quite a ride! Let's do it again!]

"Are you serious?!" yelled Kaminari. "Now's not the time to be screwing around!"

[I think you'll soon find that I am always screwing around. But you'll see what I mean pretty soon.] responded Kumagawa as he dusted himself off and faced the approaching Villains. [After all, these nice Villains were kind enough to save us the trouble of finding them.]

"Are you seriously looking forward to this?" asked Jirou as she took the sword Yaoyorozu had produced for her.

[Why not? This is what we're working towards aren't we? This just means that we're getting a head start.]

"While your logic holds some merit, I'm afraid that most of us have next to nothing in terms of combat experience." spoke Yaoyorozu as she held her created staff defensively. "Kumagawa-san, can you use an illusion to either scare the enemy or help us to escape?"

The dark-haired boy shook his head. [I'm afraid that would only be possible if I had an illusion-type ability. But if I did have one, then yes, I would.]

"Wait, didn't you say that your Quirk was illusions or something?!" shouted Kaminari as he dodged an attack from a Villain.

[Actually, I never said anything of the sort. All Might stated what he thought my ability was, but I never confirmed it.]

"Then what is your Quirk?!" Jirou demanded as she swiped her sword at an approaching Villain to ward him off.

[Well, it's something like this...]

"Got you!" shouted a Villain as he charged Kumagawa from behind.

"KUMAGAWA!" Yaoyorozu shouted in warning.