
Idle Farming

In a world where ancient magic weaves through the fabric of modern life, Liam, a teenager with a unique blend of mystical and contemporary magical abilities, finds himself at the heart of a mysterious conflict. His life changes when he discovers his magical eye, a rare and powerful gift that allows him to see the unseen and understand the language of magic. With this ability, Liam navigates a path filled with dangerous creatures, arcane mysteries, and hidden agendas. As a member of a legendary group known as "the fixers," Liam and his digital companion, Aurora, take on cases that lead them deep into the shadows of the magical world. They are the ones people turn to when faced with problems that seem beyond the realm of possibility. Their reputation for success is unmatched, but so is the secrecy that shrouds their true purpose and identities.

Norticus · 都市
31 Chs

Intrigues and Intentions

 Liam shot Aurora a questioning look, his eyes practically asking, "Where did that come from?" 

 Aurora merely smiled at him and turned to Elina with an apologetic smile for her delayed introduction. "I'm Aurora, Liam's partner," she said, her voice carrying a hint of pride. With a graceful motion, she picked up the hems of her dress and executed a small, elegant bow, like a noble lady from a bygone era.

 Both Liam and Elina watched in stunned silence. Liam, finding his voice first, chuckled bitterly. "What exactly are you doing?" he asked, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

 Aurora looked back at him, her smile unwavering. "Since it's my first time officially introducing myself, I want to make a good impression," she replied, her tone both earnest and playful.

 Liam shook his head, thinking to himself that it was frighteningly natural how Aurora pulled off such elegance. In his eyes, her striking appearance alone was enough to make a lasting impression.

 Meanwhile, Elina seemed to miss their light-hearted exchange entirely. She was utterly captivated by Aurora, staring at her as if she had seen a celestial being. The doll-like girl before her sparked a strange, new feeling within Elina. Without fully processing her thoughts, she found herself standing up, her demeanor shifting from shy to assertive.

 "May I have the honor of drawing your portrait?" Elina asked earnestly, her voice filled with an unexpected fervor.

 Liam and Aurora turned to her, momentarily caught off guard. Liam's chuckle broke the brief silence. "Guess your introduction worked, Aurora. You just got yourself a fan."

 Aurora's smile widened, and she graciously accepted the request. "It would be my honor to be portrayed by an artist of your caliber, Elina."

Elina's face lit up with joy, and she bowed deeply in gratitude.

 Liam couldn't help but smile as he watched the two girls bond. Aurora, usually so cautious about interacting with others to avoid bringing any harm to him, was visibly enjoying her first real connection with someone else. 

 He felt a twinge of guilt about interrupting their moment, but curiosity got the better of him. Clearing his throat to capture their attention, he asked, "Aurora, what did you mean about Elina becoming a fixer?"

 Aurora turned to him, her expression thoughtful. "Why do you think Evelyn left Elina in our care?" she countered. Without waiting for his reply, she continued, "They clearly expect something from us. From our brief encounter, it's safe to say they don't have evil intentions towards us. They've been interfering with our search for the magical world, likely as a means to protect you from something."

 Liam pondered her words. "So you think they're going to stop interfering with us?" he mused, more to himself than as a question.

 Aurora nodded. "Most likely, especially since they chose to initiate contact themselves." She paused, then looked at Liam with a piercing gaze. "Liam, we're probably going to come into contact with the magical world soon. But what are you planning to do then? You created EchoesUnheard and The Fixers for this purpose."

 Leaning back onto the couch, Liam thought deeply about Aurora's words. He understood the gravity of the situation, but as he contemplated his future role, a confident smile spread across his face. 

 "I'm not going to stop working as a fixer," he declared. "In fact, we might as well take this chance to expand our business into the magical world as well."

 Aurora smiled, almost as if she had anticipated Liam's response. "I don't know what kind of danger they've been shielding us from, but they probably want us to bring Elina, and maybe other magic users, to our side."

 Contrary to what some might think, The Fixers wasn't a shadowy organization. In fact, it wasn't much of an organization at all – it was just Liam and Aurora. Both EchoesUnheard and The Fixers were merely tools, devised to aid Liam in achieving his goals. Helping people in need was a byproduct, not the primary intent. This was why Liam had never considered expanding their duo. He didn't want to involve others in his own affairs.

 Aurora, understanding his train of thought, reassured him with a smile. "Up until now, we've managed to handle everything just the two of us. In this modern age, we're unbeatable," she declared with pride. 

 "But magic changes the game. Like in this recent incident – you were dragged into that dungeon, and I was helpless to assist."

 There was a hint of frustration in her voice, a rare crack in her usually unflappable demeanor. Liam caught it, sensing her unease about their recent ordeal.

 Aurora was a special existence, as long as her mainframe was powerful enough there was nothing she couldn't achieve. As she said, however, that was only true in a scientifically based world.

 He looked at Aurora, seeing the effect their last case had on her, and after a moment, his expression softened into a playful smile, easing the subtle tension that had been building up. 

 "Alright, but it's not our decision to make. We can only propose the idea," he said, turning his gaze to Elina, who was absorbing every word of their conversation with intense focus.

 The Fixers, a name that had become synonymous with mystery and effectiveness, emerged seemingly from nowhere about two years ago. Initially, they were dismissed as just another fleeting presence in the underworld. But it didn't take long before the tide of public opinion shifted dramatically in their favor. No one could pinpoint the exact case that catapulted them into notoriety, but everyone agreed it took just one sensational success for their fame to explode.

 Their track record was impeccable. Every case they took on, from exposing unfaithful partners to putting corrupt politicians behind bars, and even preventing assassinations, was resolved with a hundred percent success rate. Rumors even circulated that they dabbled in assassination contracts themselves. This veil of success and mystery quickly made them a global phenomenon.

 Yet, not all eyes that followed them were filled with admiration. Governments around the world labeled them outlaws, issuing stern warnings against employing their services. Attempts were made to take down their elusive website but to no avail. The world's most skilled hackers couldn't penetrate their digital fortifications.

 As their fame grew, so did the divergence in public opinion. To some, the Fixers were a force to be feared, a shadowy entity with too much power and too little accountability. To others, they were vigilantes, champions of justice operating outside the constraints of a flawed system.

 Elina belonged to the latter group. To her, the Fixers were heroes of a modern age, wielding their mysterious powers for the greater good. 

 Elina, a self-confessed fan of the enigmatic Fixers, was left utterly speechless by the conversation unfolding before her. The identities of the legendary organization she admired were none other than the two teenagers sitting across from her? The revelation was staggering. Yet, she didn't doubt them, not after witnessing Liam's extraordinary abilities in the dungeon. But now, an even more astonishing prospect was laid before her: the chance to become a Fixer herself.

 A whirlwind of emotions swirled within her – anticipation, fear, excitement, doubt. She tried to speak, but words failed her. 

 Just then, the blinds began to lower, casting the room in a dim light. Liam, ever the enigmatic figure, leaned back on the couch and crossed his legs, his signature smile still playing on his lips. 

 "Miss Elina, please allow me to extend the same offer as my partner," he said with a playful tone. "We would like you to become the third Fixer."

 Beside him, Aurora watched with an amused smile, clearly interested in Elina's reaction. Liam continued, his voice taking a serious turn. "Before you decide, I should clarify a few things. We're not exactly on the right side of the law." He confirmed the rumor about them accepting assassination contracts. "I believe those people deserved it, but I understand that it's a grey area for many."

 He paused, giving Elina a moment to digest the information. "Regardless of your decision, we'll protect you from any magical dangers. In return, we'd only ask for your help with our magic research."

 Elina gulped, visibly nervous. The situation was straight out of a spy movie, and as much as she was overwhelmed, her inner fangirl couldn't resist the allure. Her response came hesitantly, almost involuntarily.

 "I agree."

 At her words, Liam's magical eye activated, scanning her aura: green for safety, red for danger, and gold for opportunity. Seeing a golden aura surrounding Elina, he stood up and extended his hand. 

 "Welcome!" he announced, a genuine smile brightening his face.

 Elina, still reeling from the surreal turn her life had taken, hesitantly reached out and took his hand.