
I.. Am God?

Check out my new novel! I Am God: Divine Sovereigns of Providence! Theme: World Creation, Gods, Mixed Matthias died and became something that he least expected. "I.. Am God?" Join Matthias as he travel through galaxies and create all things. ––––––––––––––––– What would you do if you suddenly gained a power that no mortal man could hope to achieve? What would you do if all creation suddenly bowed to your power and glory that only lofty Emperors could have? Heaven and Hell submits to your power, The Immortal Realm fears your existence, The Mortal realm bows before your presence. Would you like for all the realms to bow and praise even your shadow? All gods to bow before you? The Earthly Kings and Heavenly Rulers to sonorously chant your glorious name? Or would you like to live the life of mortal men that are doomed to die? Understand poverty and loftiness? Powerfulness and powerlessness? Comprehend knowledge that arrogant gods wouldn't be able to? Or would you like both? Join him as he tries to live a life of a True God, Ruler of Creation. "Are gods the greatest existence in all of the cosmos? No. Why? Gods are only worshipped by mortals who couldn't reach their power. Gods will be powerless in front of true power. They would be powerless in front of me." (Author's note: MC is not arrogant, portrays himself as a  little bit naive, only becomes arrogant if needed, lives countless types of lives, from urban to fantasy. Not Harem, although he would have wives in some worlds, but he does not entertain the idea of harem. Sorry harem lovers who expected that a god would become a man of a 20,000 women harem. Characters aren't that important except for those who have been to more than one world with him, and expect heartlessness in some occasions.) Disclaimer: The author does not assume/own the rights to the photo cover and would comply with the owner if ever he/she wants the author to take down the cover. You could contact me in my socmed account. Twitter: @WashingDishes07 Discord: MattWashingDishes#4663 Facebook: WashingDishes07

WashingDishes_07 · 奇幻
264 Chs

Events in Hotel Nalia

Hotel Nalia has its bars on the first floor while the casino was situated on the second floor, so the rooms are located on the third floor and above. 

As Matthias was just staying in the hotel for a day, he was designated to a lower floor.

Matthias unlocked the door to his room and entered Room 402.

What greeted him was a spotless room. It was clean beyond belief. The bed and its sheets were as white as snow, and its white pillows were very soft.

He settled down and pressed on a button on the phone near his bed, "May I have a cup of coffee and some cheesecake to be delivered to my room at 402, please?"

"Sure thing, sire." A man that is behind the phone answered.

On the first floor, it was very peaceful. The receptionists were receiving guests when suddenly.

"Hands up!" A gunshot fired. Thirty men covered with black masks pointed guns at the guests.

"Sir Cylie, we have secured the perimeter. That man holding the data about the metals' location will never be able to leave the premises!" The leading robber called a phone number and spoke submissively.

"Secure the data first. We need to find the metals before the Trassexian Government." The deep voice of a man answered from the phone.

"Affirmative, sir." The masked man nodded.

"Find that man!" The masked man ordered the others.

The others nodded and scoured the hotel. People were panicking, shaking,and perspiring intensely.

In Room 402, with his godly senses, Matthias has long since known that someone will try and get the locations of the minerals.

He smiled mischievously, "Oh, Sansi. You're a one naughty boy. I think you need some spanking." He waved his hand and sent his aura towards the north, to the continent of Asta.

Trassex Federation is located west of Asta. On the other side was the country of Paneia. 

Paneia is equally powerful and developed as Trassex, but it lacks in its scientific developments a little compared to Trassex.

Although on the outside, Trassex and Paneia are in good trading relations. But unbeknownst to the public, Trassex and Paneia are constantly competing against each other.

Trassex had already secured the lead when they successfully launched to space. If Trassex receives the minerals that Kings Industries are using, Trassex's scientific development will skyrocket once more and establish a superior lead against Paneia.

In Paneia's Presidential House, Krin Sansi was seated at his chair, in front of tons of paper.

"With the minerals inside the technologies, our advancements will be unstoppable!" Krin grinned savagely.

"Dunn!" Suddenly, a huge amount of pressure bore down on him.

"What is this?!" Krin thought scarily.

"You fought the wrong opponent, Sansi." Then, a mysterious voice sounded in the room, speaking to him.

"What is this?!" The suppressed man asked hard.

"This is true power, Sansi. Without the tempering of the body and the absorbance of energy, humans aren't capable of this." The voice answered.

"So, stop trying to stop Trassex's development, and instead, try to colonize other continents and find new things, not limiting your target in these two continents. Order your men to leave Nalia Hotel, or I'll wipe out all of them." The voice reminded and vanished without a trace. The pressure that descended also alleviated.

Sansi immediately called the masked man and ordered them to retreat.

After doing so, he slumped on his seat and stayed dazed for a long time. Later on, he clutched his head and thought to himself, "What have I done? Who the hell did I go against?!"

In Nalia, the masked men have already left. Matthias stood up and rode the elevator down to the bar.

Authorities have already been dispatched and have arrived. They were calming the people who were really traumatized because of the gunshot.

"Excuse me, could I please talk to you regarding the masked men here?" A policeman approached Matthias and asked him politely.

"Uh, sorry. I wasn't really down here when that happened. What even was that gunshot?" Matthias acted dumb and looked shocked.

"Oh, really? It's just nothing. And they even left after a while. No one knows why they did that though." The policeman understood and let him pass.

Matthias thanked the man and proceeded to the cafe shop inside the hotel. It was beside the bar and it looked very minimalistic.

"Can I get your order, sir?" The waiter asked when he saw him entering.

"Oh, yes please. I'd like a Cafe Asrichina and some cake, please." Matthias smiled and ordered a coffee similar to Americano and a cake.

"Right away, sir. Sit here, please." The waiter nodded and made Matthias sit.

Matthias waited for his order to come and saw a piano from afar. It was situated near an aquarium inside the cafe.

A man sat there and played a piece that shook Matthias down to his core and gave him goosebumps.

"Isn't this.." he stood up and looked at the man, "..one of Mozart's pieces, Turkish March?"

Matthias wasn't really that good at piano, and he didn't really enjoy music with no voice accompaniments, but he loved Turkish March because it's very jumpy and catchy for him.

Hearing it play again while in the world that he created, far from Earth where he lived, he was spooked out.

"Oh, what is the Turkish March?" The man playing stopped and asked him skeptically.

"Oh? It's not the Turkish March? What's the name of that piece?" Matthias sighed with relief and asked.

"It's called Rondo Alla Turca. It was written by Sishen Maldee in 1295." The man answered.

"Rondo Alla Turca…" Matthias pondered, "That's the same thing!" 

"Hey, System! What's all this?!" Matthias asked.

"Maybe he was reincarnated." The system answered.

"That's possible?!"

"Yes. You could do it manually by attracting souls towards your reincarnation river once you cross worlds." 

Matthias gawked. "If reincarnation is possible, can I reincarnate people such as Yin Zheng, Julius Caesar, or Napoleon in my world?!"

"Yes." The system answered.

"Yes!" Matthias rejoiced.

His order arrived and he finished it while typing on his laptop. After finishing his food, he got up and paid up.