
I Would Do It Again and Again, Just To Be With You (BL Fanfiction)

wangningxian fic Wen Ning dies and is finally able to take the next step in his life but the judge of hell doesn't think so. For a chance of reincarnation, Wen Ning will have to travel to different worlds to complete tasks and collect the soul shards if he ever wants to returns to his original world. But why do these people he meet in the way look like the people he knows in his own world?! Especially these doppelgängers of Wei-gongzi and Hanguang-jun who won’t stop chasing after him! *Transmigration AU fic. I love Wen Ning so i wanted to write something about him. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys the fic. This is a way to test my writing and language skills since English isn’t my first language. Plus im doing this for fun!*

kisamix · LGBT+
20 Chs


Wake up. How long are you going to make master wait?"

Wen Ning slowly opens his eyes upon hearing the voice, blinking a few times to get rid of the groggy feeling of suddenly waking up. His muscles felt stiff and his body exhausted somehow. He tries to move his arms but fatigued won over. He sighs and decided the best course of action is to try moving his head which slowly yet surely, he was able to.

As he looks at his surrounding, Wen Ning realizes he was in an underlit, large room with only candles on steel poles on both of his sides lining up in a straight line lighting the room. He could feel the cold floor hitting the bones within his legs since he was kneeling and although still blurry, he could see in front of him flickers of light flying around a small stage. He smells smoke which he remembers smell similar to the tobacco his father used to smoke. Such nostalgic memories brought a smile to his lips.

Despite the dreary and somber atmosphere, there was warmness to it that Wen Ning could not explain. He looks at the stage closely and notices a dark figure. He shook his head and focuses his sight on the dark figure until his view was clear.

There on the stage was a man. The man was on a make shift throne made up of numerous blankets and pillows of red and gold that look as if it was soft to the touch. Underneath those was a carpet made out of black fur from what he concluded. The man was laying down on his side, as he exhales smoke from a long, thin ivory pipe and again he smells the scent of his father's tobacco. Also, the man was looking at him.

Wen Ning has seen many beautiful people throughout his life (Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are one of them) and this man in front of him can be said to be top ten in his list. He had strong and sharp facial structure, arched eyebrows with a sharpness to his grey reddish eyes and thin lips which was still puffing out smokes that seem to fog their surrounding. White almost pale skin that give an ethereal look to him as the candles light and small ember, fireflies give his skin an image of warmth. A side of the black robe the man was wearing had fallen off from one side of his shoulder, showing Wen Ning a glimpse of muscled chest hiding behind it. This seductive yet mysterious man seems like he had come out from one of Nie Huaisang's smutty romance novels that he likes to share with Wen Ning bringing a blush to his cheeks as he recalls back that particular embarrassing memory.


Wen Ning snaps out from his dazed state and looks towards the source of the voice. A young child looks at him with a disapproving gaze. He had his arms cross and a small pout on his red lips as he continue to give that look to Wen Ning.

The child is cute. He had a scowl on his cherubic face, trying to act angry and tough but the pout just made him cuter to Wen Ning. He looks to be a child of age ten with short black hair and fox-like ruby eyes. He was wearing clothing that was unfamiliar to Wen Ning. Unlike the mysterious man who wore the usual loose chinese robe, the boy wore a white cloth that fit his small body with long sleeves that reach his wrists, black short like cloth that look like underpants, black cotton material on his leg that reach his knees, black leather shoes and a red bow on his collar. Very not chinese clothing, more like the western clothings he sees in those books he bought from a merchant who claim to have been traveling from the west where the men were a bit taller and had blonde or brown hair.

Wen Ning looks back and forth from the boy to the man. These two people were definitely chinese.

"Didn't your mother taught you its rude to stare at others?" the child says angrily to Wen Ning trying to sound intimidating but the higher pitch to his voice just reminded Wen Ning of a squeaky toy. Since he was on the stage standing beside the man, he looks down on Wen Ning with a smug look to him. The boy reminded him of Jin Ling the first time Wen Ning encountered him, smug, confident and stubborn. Due to that reminder, Wen Ning answers back how he usually says when dealing with Jin Ling. "Can't say she did since she passed away when I was young and also, how can I not stare when your cheeks are puff out like a squirrel," Wen Ning nonchalantly says while putting on a small and shy smile that made the boy fluster.

The man who was laying on his comfortable pillows and blankets laugh out loud surprising both Wen Ning and the boy. The boy gave an incredulous look to him and stomp his foot. "Master! How could you?!" the pout on the boy was more prominent now and Wen Ning could see the trembling of lips and glister of tears on the boy. The man seems to have notice this and stop laughing, covering his mouth with his sleeve but Wen Ning could still see the small tremors from the man trying to keep his laughter in. The man finally settled and gave an impish look to the boy. "Now, now A-Li, don't be so serious. It'll ruin those squirrel cheeks of yours," the man pointed his pipe to the boy's cheeks and continue to smoke his tobacco.

The boy, A-Li glares at his master and turns his head away, avoiding looking at the man who still acted very relax. The man knocks out the ashes from his pipe to a nearby saucer and puts out his tobacco. He lifts his body to a sitting position, lifting one leg up and looks at Wen Ning with mirth in his eyes. "I appreciate the attention but I'm kinda worry if your eyes aren't hurting from not blinking,".

Wen Ning realizes he has been staring at the mysterious man and his face turn red from what the man had said. Wen Ning looks downs to the floor and plays with his fingers, a nervous habit he has since he was younger. Wen Ning realizes he can slowly move his body and moves his legs into a more comfortable sitting position. He shyly glances at the man and blushes when he sees the man looking at him while smiling. The man seems to have no bad intent so Wen Ning decided to act his normal self.

Wen Ning gives a small bow. "Forgive me for rudely staring. I, I'm just really confuse right now," he stops twisting his fingers and looks directly at the man. "I am dead I presume," with certainty to his statement, Wen Ning knew he was right with how the man's eyebrow rose and his smiling face disappears into a neutral one. "Guessing from your reaction it's true then. So…it was real, I did die, from an arrow no less," Wen Ning's smile turn sorrowful. It was funny how the one skill he excelled before his death turn to be his death.

"It wasn't an ordinary arrow," the man picks up his pipe, which a fresh tobacco grass has been place and continues smoking. "You did feel pain and was able to breath correct. That arrow was embedded with blood signs and a talisman that turns a corpse back into human long enough for them to experience. When they turn back into human, the original body starts to decay depending on how long the corpse has been 'alive'. Quite a brilliant yet sadistic creation," the man explains. Wen Ning was surprise to hear such thing. A way to turn a corpse back to human even if in a short while? That was crazy and impossible but finding out those blood cultivators were able to successfully create a talisman and signs for it, he wouldn't have believed such thing if he hadn't experienced that tremendous pain from the arrow. If Wei Wuxian found out about this, Wen Ning wonders, what would he have done.

But Wen Ning will never find out will he. He isn't there to hear Wei Wuxian endless chatter of his newest findings or accompany him napping in the garden surrounded by rabbits and being found out by Hanguang-jun. Hanguang-jun, Lan Wangji would probably stand there disappointed at them for staying out in the cold. Even so, he would still care and accompany Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning, playing the guqin while Wei Wuxian continue napping and Wen Ning just sits there and listen to the beautiful melodies created from Lan Wangji's fingers. He'll never be able to listen to those melodies again, he'll never hear Wei Wuxian's infectious laughter or be able to hear the song of clarity being played by his flute, he'll never be able to experience night hunting with A-Yuan and the other younger cultivator, he won't be able to feed the rabbits again and so many other things will he. Because, because…he's gone. He is gone from that world and realization has just hit him. He is dead and he will never be able to return.

Oh god.

Wen Ning cries. Tears keep falling even when he tries to stop but he couldn't. He keeps remembering and he can't stop himself. He really is gone now.

While wiping away the tears and controlling his sniffling, a handkerchief was shoved to his face. Wen Ning blinks surprisingly, tears already stopping and looks at the person giving him the handkerchief. The boy A-Li has his face not facing Wen Ning while he shoves the handkerchief to him. Wen Ning graciously takes it. A-Li walks away, standing again beside his master and promptly crossing his arms. "Aww, no matter how bratty you are A-Li, that cold heart of yours still has a bit of warmness. Such a tsundere," "B-Be quiet! It's been long enough. Do your job!" A-Li scolds the man, his hand already pulling out a scroll from a small cupboard beside the man-made 'throne'.

The man gives a slight annoyance when he sees the scroll but sighs in defeat. "Fine, fine," the man says. He straightens up his robe and ties his hair into a ponytail, fixing the messy bangs which earns a satisfy hum from A-Li. He sits properly and faces a still confuse Wen Ning who has stop crying but still held onto the handkerchief since he was sniffling a bit.

"Wen Ning, courtesy name Wen Qionglin, welcome. Condolences to your death, well your second death to be exact. You must be confuse but rest assure, your questions, depending on what, will be answer. That bratty kid over there is my servant Huli. My name is Qinguang but you can call me A-Qin…,"

"Why are you being so comfortable?! Do your job properly for hell's sake. And you! Don't call him that. Ahem! Wen Qionglin, today you will be judge by KING Qinguang, the ruler of the first court of hell. From here, we will decide on your fate,"

"Cheh, you're so boring,"

"Master, please conduct yourself in a proper manner,"

The two look at Wen Ning and sees the surprise in his face. Wen Ning fumbles and bows his head to the floor. "Forgive m-me for sho-showing such rudeness. I asks his highness for leniency," Wen Ning continues to bow, not because he was afraid really but embarrass since he acted really improper in front of such an important person.

King Qinguang now had a frown. He hated acting formal and he really like how Wen Ning treated him like a normal person. "Come on now, stop bowing. Lift your head. I can't see those pretty eyes of yours," he pointed a finger towards Wen Ning and the smoke surrounded the area gently caresses Wen Ning's cheek and lifts his chin upwards. He was back to his previous sitting position.

Wen Ning could see how the smoke was following the direction of the king's fingers and with a sudden clap from him, the heavy smoke in the room disperse and the dim candles now lit brightly, lighting the whole room. What power!

The king seems satisfy that the room was clear of smoke and bright. Finally he could properly see Wen Ning's face. "See A-Li, aren't his eyes pretty!" the king gives a wide smile, looking at Wen Ning eyes full of honesty making Wen Ning blush again, as red as he could. "Tha-thank you, I, I guess…," Wen Ning mumbles back. Huli glares at the king and stomps his foot. "Stop acting like a pervert and just DO YOUR JOB!" "Okay, okay. Be patient will you," "I swear, if you weren't my master, I would have shove my foot on your face," "Feisty," "You…!"

King Qinguang waves his finger and the scrolls flys to him. He looks over the content and gives a slight hum. "Usually we decide and judge someones fate by seeing their past deeds using a mirror but my brother broke it so until its fix, i'll have to use my judgement. Let's see…," he read through the words and suddenly stood up. He walks over to Wen Ning his left hand scratching his head while giving a knowing look to him. He stood before Wen Ning and kneel down to his view. "This will be quick. Just relax…," his finger presses to Wen Ning's forehead and Wen Ning's view turns white.

Memories of his life past by, before and after his death. It was vivid and life like, as if he was still there. This could be the last time he'll be able to see their faces so Wen Ning stood there and embrace the memories. He takes it all in, remembering the facial expressions of each and every important person in his life. Their laughter, the smiles, the sad days, the calm ones, the hurt, the long wait and just the quietness. Both bad and good memories, he tries to remember it all. The memories seem to past by him quickly but surprisingly, he recalls them. He passes by all the memories even his last moments and he couldn't bare to see the sad looks on Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji but the memory past which he sighs in relieve. Until he reaches the end, time seem to stop. There he was laying on the grass with rabbits surrounding him, his favorite one, a greyish black dwarf rabbit with a hole on its left ear sleeps on his chest. He pats the fur while he looks at the sky. He hears someone calling his name. He slowly sits on the grass, leaving his legs spread. He looks to the side and see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walking towards him. Wei Wuxian was smiling brightly waving at him while Lan Wangji stood by his side and Wen Ning could see a small lift on his lips. Ah, his favorite memory. Wen Ning tries to get closer but he can't move. He wants to get closer. He tries but the moment his fingers try to touch, he comes back to reality, his fingers on the king's cheek.

He quickly pulls his fingers back and held onto them, turning his face away and shivering in fright as he was in a state of shock. The effect on those memories had made him afraid and regret fill in his heart. He could have had everything but he didn't take that step, he was too afraid. No use relieving past regrets, it only makes him depress.

A gentle pat to his head surprise him, prompting his eyes to look above. The king gave him a sad smile and takes his hand away as he walks back to the stage. He sits down on his previous place and has his hand in his chin, contemplating on what he has seen. "Were you happy Wen Ning?" he asks.

Wen Ning was confuse with the question. Happy? Well, he was. There had been sad times but mostly he was happy. If he was honest, Wen Ning was satisfied. He couldn't do the things he wanted like archery or dancing (the only one who knows he love dancing was only Wen Qing) due to him being a corpse, so he had to make due with the limited mobility that he had. He took up cooking since that required not much action from his hands. He could take it slow with cooking; learning to be gentle with the tools, slowly learning new recipes and waiting patiently for the food to be cook. Plus, he loves the look on everyone faces when he served them his cooking. Just the smiles from them make him feel good inside. He taught the members of the sect medicine, similar to how Wen Qing taught him. He felt that he was doing right teaching medicine, he knew his sister would have been proud of him. He had a good life in the Cloud Recesses. The sect members were kind to him and he was even given a place of his own. He was able to accompany A-Yuan and Wei Wuxian. So yes, he was happy and satisfy.

"I like to say I'm happy. I had a…satisfying life," Wen Ning answers honestly. Still, Qinguang had a skeptical face. "Were you? Happy yes, satisfy probably but Wen Ning, your soul is full of regrets. Its almost saddening to feel. And that's where the problem lies," the king says as he vanishes the scroll.

Huli huffs and gives a steady look to Wen Ning who was really confuse now. "Wen Qionglin your fate has been determine. Both the heavan and underworld have unfortunately…rejected you," the child says this in a low voice, a look of pity on his face before it quickly changes back to the previous neutral one.

Rejected? What did that mean? Wen Ning was confuse and even if it didn't show on his face, a little shock. He was denied by both worlds so what was left of him to do. He looks at the king, asking him for answers.

Qinguang has a complex look on his face, as if the next news he was about to say would put a burden on Wen Ning.

"You see Wen Ning, you're in quite a difficult position right now. A meeting was held by all the kings and I was the unfortunate one to give you the news so yeah, not having much fun here. You have been rejected by both worlds for stupid reasons. The heaven rejected you because you're an un-pure soul since you were brought back to life with half your soul intact. They consider you an…abomination. While the underworld can't take you in because the good deeds you have collected from before and after your resurrection just makes it unfair for you to be down there you know. Reincarnation was considered but there is a chance that your soul won't survive since its incomplete," Qinguang gives a solemn look to Wen Ning who contemplated on his words. So, he was an anomaly? Where does this leave him? Was he to be subjected as a lost soul, wondering without a purpose? This, this was too much. There had to be other ways.

Wen Ning bows on the floor, his back as low as possible. He was trembling when he thought of his to be fate but he didn't want to be lost. There must be another way and if there was, Wen Ning was willing to take that chance.

"Your highness, I ask of you, is there any other way? I'm willing to do anything. Give me any tasks and I'll do it. I…I don't want be lost anymore," Wen Ning says, his conviction is fix. If there is a way, he'll do it. He made a promise didn't he, one day he would meet them again and he intends to keep that promise.

"Hmm," Qinguang contemplates, stroking his chin while giving a sly look to a still bowed Wen Ning. "Anything?" he says nonchalantly. Wen Ning lifts his head up, looking at Qinguang with determine eyes. "Anything," Wen Ning says. A wide grin forms on the king's lips. He looks as if he was a child who was given a new toy. Huli felt chills crawl up his skin from the immerse aura his master was emitting and right now, he pities Wen Ning who accidentally fell into the king's grasp.

The king gives a single clap, his child like glee surprising Wen Ning who was surprise with the loud sound. "Well~ as I am a benevolent king…," "More like stingy," "I have a proposal. I never propose this to others but since your circumstances is interesting, why not," he shrugs both his shoulders and nods to Huli who grumbles as he walks over a chest and pulls out a paper and pen. "You see, since both heaven and the underworld rejected you that leaves with reincarnation but your soul is incomplete because you were brought back to life as a corpse. There is a way to fix this. You need to collect soul shards from different souls and combined them with yours. Easy-peasy right," Qinguang says this with such familiarity as if he was talking about the weather.

Wen Ning considers this and figures that it was too easy to be true. There had to be a catch. As kind as the king acted, no one would propose something like this without gaining something. "It can't be that easy. How does one collect the souls?" "Thank hell this one is not stupid like the last one," "Don't be mean A-Li,"

With a wave of his fingers, the smoke around the king twirls around them and forms into an orb. The grey orb grows bigger until it stops and the orb changes to a view of an unknown place. "You see Wen Ning, there are different worlds and dimensions throughout the universe, very different from where you are. Some have cultivation like yours, some don't. Magic, unknown creatures, civilization that rely on technology that surpass the human capacity and others more. From there, so many different souls from different walk of life. Living an interesting life with so limited time. You'll be collecting the souls of these people by living as them and granting their last regrets," Qinguang says this, waving his hands changing the view of the orb to another world one after another.

Wen Ning had a frown on his face as he sat back on the floor. Living as someone else while collecting their soul? He plays with his fingers, nervous with this proposal. Using others soul to complete his, sounded dreadful.

"Why do I have to live as them?"

"These are souls full of regrets of their last life. So, your job is to help fulfill their regrets and collect the shards by the end,"

"But how do I collect them?"

"By dying,"


"These souls' fate are to die so to not change the effect it'll have on the world, you need to die in the end. Let me just say this though, these souls were fated to live a life of endless misfortune. That could be their health, wealth, their social life or even their red string. So when you live as them, this will effect you but you can lessen this by controlling it yourself in many ways. You'll have a little helper since I don't want to make it too difficult for you,"

"So I'll have to die every single time,"

"Yep. Don't worry, you won't feel it. I'll make sure of that,"

"Why? Why me? Th-this is…,"

"Doesn't it suit you? You who have regrets left unfulfilled granting other peoples' wishes. Plus I'm not doing this just because of the kindness of my heart. I'm doing this because I'm bored and I need something to entertain me,"

"Just because of that?"

"Oh Wen Ning, live a little. This would be a new experience for you. Yeah you'll die but this is a chance for you to do the things you couldn't do before and make up for your regrets too. That is also the reason for me choosing you. You live your life for others why don't you use this time to live for yourself while also helping others,"

"But for how long?"

"And that is where are problem lies. Depends on the number of shards you have to fill in your soul. It could be a few worlds or many, probably years or longer. That is one of the disadvantage for this option, you don't really know the exact number of worlds you'll be travelling,"

"Sounds risky,"

"Better than being a lost soul, don't you think. Also, after you finish filling up your soul, I'll grant you reincarnation and promise you a better life to make up for the miserable events you will be facing. Scouts honor!" Huli scowls at his master childishness.

Wen Ning sighs. This is more of a disadvantage to him then an advantage. He was willing to do this but was he mentally prepare? Did he have a choice in the end? He knew he was trapped in the king's game. Wen Ning was a puppet for the king's enjoyment. King Qinguang was bored and Wen Ning is a new toy for the king to appease his boredom, that is why this option even exist. Wen Ning probably wasn't the first one to have been given this option based on what Huli had exclaim previously. Many could have gone into this and failed and this could also be expected for him by them. Really, there was no other choice. He had to do this if he wanted to see Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and A-Yuan again.

With a new resolution, he finally decides to accept the proposal. "Its not like I have any other choice. Fine, I accept your highness," he says this with his head held high and eyes steeled with conviction. He will not fail.

Qinguang looks at Wen Ning with wide eyes. He was shaking with excitement and a wide grin grace his lips. This peculiar soul just had to be so interesting. Oh what fun he'll have.

The king snaps his fingers and the orb disperse turning back into smoke. The paper and pen from Huli floated to Wen Ning with the help of the smoke and Wen Ning was face with a contract. "This is just a formality but what is says is you will be collecting souls and I promise you reincarnation. Just sign there and I will be able to send you off," Wen Ning still read the contract. If what he has learn from Jiang Wanyin and Wei Wuxian interactions is too not sign anything before reading it. He could almost remember the embarrassment the Jiang leader had gotten when he receives crates of pornography because he accidentally signs something given by Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was lucky to be safe by Lan Wangji.

After reading the contents, Wen Ning signs it. The contract floated back to Huli, who nodded back in confirmation to his master. "As promise, a helper and guide to help with your task," Qinguang says with a wave of his hands, a golden orb suddenly materialize and forms into a small sugar glider. It looks at Wen Ning and runs up to him, latching onto his shoulder. "Hello new master," "It talks!" Wen Ning gasps out in delight. He pats the animal on the head with his fingers as it nuzzles to him close. Qinguang looks at them with a satisfy look. "Don't be fool by its cute appearance. Its from the underworld so that cute furry thing of yours is actually an oversize dangerous beast," the king teases Wen Ning, trying to scare him but Wen Ning just laughs lightly as he continues petting his new companion. "Well, it will be able to protect me better then," "Of course master!" The three became oblivious to the glare of a small child who was gripping his knuckles in annoyance. "Ahem! I think that is enough," he says, his high pitch voice sounding cute to Wen Ning although he was trying to show his anger.

With arms still cross, Huli gives a withering look towards the sugar glider who had notice him and was hiding behind Wen Ning's hair, trembling in fright. "Th-this one apo-apologizes for ac-acting sh-sh-shameful," the small creature's voice trembles as it says this before hiding back behind Wen Ning. Qinguang pouts at Huli and stands up walking a few feet towards Wen Ning before stopping. "Stop bullying A-Li. Now Wen Ning, stand," he says this as he takes out a small dagger from the sash of his robe.

Wen Ning was frightened but he stood up and had a determine look on his face which made Qinguang let out a faint smile that made Wen Ning question but he shook that thought away. There was no turning back. "Once you arrive at the first world, that tiny creature will explain everything you need to know. Now I think you should be on your way; you've been here long enough. Anything else you want to say?" he patiently waits as he says this. Wen Ning bows to Qinguang and smiles at him hoping that it somehow shows his gratefulness for this chance. "Your highness, th-thank you, thank you so much. I don't kn-know how I can sh-show you my appreciaton. Someday I hope to repay you back,"

This somehow surprises Qinguang and he just lowly laughs. "No need for that, just show me something interesting. Remember, try to enjoy life this time. Even though misfortune awaits you, I know you'll find ways to lessen or avoid it. Now, let us begin," With a slash to his palm using the dagger, the king's blood drops to the floor. The small drop of blood seems to spread wider on the floor until suddenly a flash of light shines brightly blinding Wen Ning who quickly cover his eyes.

The floor shone forming a circle with runes on it. With a wave of his hands, a fog began to surround the area where Wen Ning stands. Wen Ning could see Huli standing in front of the king. What stood once a child turn into a large beast-like fox with shining ebony fur and sharp red eyes. It had five tails, sharp fangs and flame was emitting from its mouth. It opens its mouth and ember from the beast spread to the rune forming a circle. The flame was closing in on Wen Ning but there was no heat from it, just comfortable warmness. Sensing no danger as the flames touches him, Wen Ning comforted the sugar glider holding it gently not wanting to scare it. Wen Ning could feel and see that his body was beginning to disappear and he knew this would be the last time he could see the king. He gives a smile again to him.

The king looks at Wen Ning, blankness on his face before he gives back Wen Ning a dangerous smile that made Wen Ning body turn cold. The stare Qinguang gives to Wen Ning was sharp and promise pain, an unknown pain that Wen Ning knew would not come physically. Qinguang waves at Wen Ning and said something that made Wen Ning give a double look. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. You'll be matchmaking a pair in every world. Do a good job and have fun!" "What?" but before Wen Ning could say more, he disappears from their sight leaving the floor back to normal as if Wen Ning wasn't there in the first place.

Qinguang face was now blank and he walks back to his throne, continuing smoking and laying on the pillow. Huli looks at the spot where Wen Ning stood and stares at his master.

"There were other ways to help him,"

"This was more entertaining,"

"He will get hurt,"

"It won't kill him. Hmm, it'll probably would but he can take it,"

"He won't, you know this,"

"Sometimes a worthy cause deserves the most painful journey,"

"Benevolent king…you're just a cruel bastard,"

"I never deny it,"

Huli walks towards his master, his large body turning smaller and smaller until he was the shape of a normal size fox. He cuddles closer to his master side, seeking warmness and Qinguang ignores the fox sudden need to be close to him. He strokes the soft black fur of his animal companion and continues smoking. The room again fills up with a sweet-smelling fog. He looks at the black, endless ceiling and a sad smile forms on his lips.

"A road full of loneliness and abandonment, isn't that just exciting,"

He closes his eyes and waits for the next soul to come.