
I wont let go of you

Rose_gacha · 现代言情
6 Chs

Getting a new boss

Mira's Pov

I made breakfast for my cousin then headed to work ."hey bestie " Chelsea smiled , handed me a cup of coffee, and sat next to me ."Mira i heard there was a new boss " she laughed. gald that we have a new boss he was getting to old anyways. "Well you could say we needed one " we both laughed. "Ms.Xinjiang boss wants to see you "the assistant gave a sly smile . I stood up and walked over to bosses office hoping that i wouldn't be in trouble , I knocked on the door ."you may come in " wait that voice sounds familiar I walked in ."Ms.Xinjiang nice that we meet again "he smirks. Thats impossible I got away from him 5 years ago how did he find me so easily. "Dont be so surprised it took 5 years, but there's one thing you didn't take when left "he took out the necklace from his pocket. "Give that back!" i thought that i lost my necklace on the plane ."Well in order to get this , you will become my personal assistant "he took 3 steps towards me ."No i will not work for you !" i wouldn't want- .

"well you could say bye-bye to this necklace, im keeping it in my collection "Ji said .'ugh this man is sick ' i muttered but saying the last 4 words that he could hear . He gave me a glare "So you think im sick ? You will see how I will deal with you "Ji smirked i left the office . My stupid self cant keep something in my head .Chelsea came from behind me and gave me a hug ."whats wrong did the boss scold you?" Chelsea said. " I kind of said something i wasnt supposed to say " Me and Chelsea laughed. "what did you say this time ?"Chelsea said with curiosity ."I called him.... sick " she gasped. "Be careful next time i wont be there to always save you "Chelsea said hoping that i would remember. "i know "we walked down the hall grabbed the printed files , and assistant manager Duo Russell came in ."How are you to doing?" Duo said smiling. "We're fine" i said avoiding her gaze. One fact Duo is one big hypocrite its best not to stare at her or fall into her traps .

"Can i help you girls?" Duo said ."No thanks its alright we got this "Chelsea said hoping that she would leave sooner or later. The look on Duo's face changed from innocent to mean , she quickly changed her face expression then looked at the files , she gave off a bad aura. "Well since i cant help i will just wacth you "Duo took a cup of coffee and sat down.

She really wants a show then I'll give her one . "Oh my goodness I've spilled my coffee on your work im so sorry let me help you clean it up "Duo said . Oh no , wait a minute isnt that Duo's project. I giggled then put a stern expression. "Its alright Duo " i picked up all my files then left ."did she actually destroy your work?"Chelsea asked me .

"just wait and see "i said laughing. "a perfect taste of revenge "Chelsea said .