
Nola refuses to speak about her crush for Elon, which she totally does not have, and continues to deny it… because it does not exists.

I can't believe what I just heard in Elon's session. Who knows how much Nola has been touching Elon inappropriately. Well it's stops now. I'm going to have to get Nola to confess her feelings to get her to stop this. The question is how? She's so stubborn, she refuses to open up. If I don't do something, then she's going to get in trouble with the authorities in one way or another, including me reporting her. Either case, I got to get her to open up to me.

She enters the office and gives me an attitude.

"Hello, Nola," I say.

"Yeah," she responds as she lays on the couch.

"So, are you doing the therapy every night?"

"Yes, I am."

"And are you trying your hardest to go by yourself."

"Yes, I am."

"And are you going to finally open up and tell me about your crush on Elon?"

"No, I'm not."

I had a feeling it wasn't going to be easy. "Fine. Then let me open up the session with this. Elon told me something."


"It's about how you show him your 'love' and how he reacted to it."


"He told me something disturbing. Last time, he told me you patted his butt."

"Oh that."

"Yes. What do you have to say for yourself."

"Uhh... yeah, okay."

"No, not okay. Nola, are you touching Elon inappropriately?"


"Yes, you are. He told you pat his butt on occasion."

"It's just a pat, a little friendly pat, like how you pat your pet dog on the butt."

"That's more like patting them on their lower back and even then, you don't do that to a human being."

"Well, it's not like it's bad or anything. He's a man. He likes it. You know what they say about men: they're dogs, which I figured he'd like a nice pat every now and again. It's like a treat for him... and me."

"What else do you do?"


"He told me you touch him in other places."

"No I don't."

"Nola, you are not getting away with this."

"Getting away with what? I only pat him on the butt in a friendly gesture."

"What you are doing is sexual harassment. You deliberately touch him for your own selfish desires."

"No, it's not. He likes it, okay?"

"He told me he doesn't. He said he's uncomfortable with it."

"Ah... uhh... okay, then I'll pat him more gently next time."

"No, Nola. You will not do anything of the kind anymore. You will no longer touch him. No more butt pats, no more chest rubs, no more ear nibbles."

"No, that's not fair."

"What's not fair is that you are violating him. You not only know how to deal with your crush but may or may not be unconsciously grooming him. Just confess your feelings so you can stop this."

"Again with that! I'm not in love with him. How many times must I tell you?"

"You are not fooling anyone, Nola. This behavior of yours is not normal. It is the mere surface of a bigger problem, and in order to solve that problem, you have to confess your feelings for him right now."

"I keep telling you, I don't like him. Sure, I pat his butt a bit, and sometimes squeeze it, and rub his chest, and nibble his ear, and rub my hips against his when I hug him, and lick his nipples, but that's just friendly gestures. Honest."

"Nola, I forbid you from touching him anymore. If you touch him one more time, I'm going to call child services to take you away."

"Well... that kind of sucks for my parents, but I'm not afraid. I promised Elon that I wouldn't even listen to my mom anymore. So go ahead, call child services on us. Me and Elon will be glad to be away from our parents for a while, and you too for sure."

"They're not going to take Elon, just you."


"Are you going to promise me to never touch him again?"

"Okay, no."

"No, as in you won't touch him, or no as in you don't agree and I call child services?"


"Nola, promise me."




"okay, I promise....

"stupid doctor."

"What was that?"


"Alright. Elon will report to me if you do something inappropriate with him, so you better keep your promise."

"Okay. Okay."

"I want you to repeat the promise."

"mmm... I promise not to touch him anymore...

...when he's awake."

"I'm texting him to have you return the key to his apartment."

"Hey, no fair! You don't trust me?"

"Now that we got that settled, it's time for you to finally admit that you like him."

"Oh, okay... but that won't happen because... I don't like him like that. I keep telling you."

Really? After all that, she's still denying it? How long is she going to keep this up? Well, the more I chip, the closer I am to getting to the center of all this.

"Nola, you relieved yourself for the first time since childhood because you thought Elon confessed his feelings for you. That is not a coincidence."

"I keep telling you, I thought he was there."

"You can't go without him being next to you."

"It was the therapy. It's finally working."

"Elon tells me he still goes with you."

"Umm... I'm a bisexual and I love you too. Your aura helped me."

"You called me an stupid doctor earlier."

"I'm a tsundere."

Yeah, that's probably the only honest thing you confessed. Jeez, this nonsense has gone on for too long. I can't crack this girl. What can I do?

"Nola, don't you understand that you are ruining Elon? His morals and motor skills are being affected negatively by your behavior. He walked into a busy girl's restroom without any consideration to his surroundings. That is not normal behavior."

"Well, that's discrimination." Oh no, now what is she going to say? "I mean, why boys and girls bathrooms? Can't we share each others bathrooms? Why the separation? In fact, why not a single bathroom for everyone to use? Then poor Elon would not have to suffer. So in a way, it's society's fault."

"Number 1, there already are unisex bathrooms but many would still prefer a regular segregated restroom, number 2, you ardently refuse to use the boys bathroom and I'm sure Elon normally avoids the girl's restroom, and number 3, you don't know what the word discrimination means."

"Yes, I do. It means to accuse someone of a crime, which I'm doing to society, which includes you."

"That's incrimination. It's something completely different."

"Well they're spelled almost the same, you know what I mean."

"Nola, you tend to do this. You use strange arguments that make no sense to pad things out. You are not fooling anyone. Just be honest, Nola. Please, just tell me that you love Elon."

"No, I won't. I refuse!... because I don't like him to begin with."

"So... you won't mind him dating other girls?"

"That's right! He can date everyone and anyone he wants, all at the same time even... as long as he takes me to the toilet."

"I heard you try to sabotage his dates before."

"Not sabotage. I just so happen to have to go when he's hanging out with a girl. It's all a weird coincidence."

"And that's why he got a reputation of having multiple girlfriends and lost the trust of many."

"Well, it can't be helped. We can't let people know that Elon is taking me to the toilet."

"I see. In that case, what if there was a girl who found out about this and was okay with you going to the toilet and would put up with this nonsense. Would you accept her?

"Yes, of course, but that's never going to happen because this is weird to everyone else and nobody will ever accept it. I'm sorry Elon, but you can't have a girlfriend ever because you are destined to take me to the toilet forever and ever, even after we die."

Is that so, Nola...

== Earlier during Elon's session==

"Thanks doctor for another session, I guess."

"I wish you good luck, Elon. This is going to be tough, but I know you can do it. I'll help as much as I can." I pat him on the back, but then quickly removed my arm. "Sorry. Are you sure you're okay with contact?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

"I don't know about that, Elon. I'm worried about this whole grooming situation. It may have impacted you in ways you don't know."

At this time, Elon was looking at his phone when he utters, "No way!"

"What happened?"

"I got a text message from Heather, the girl I went out with who I accidentally peeked in the bathroom. She wants to talk to me!"