
I woke up with a Dating Sim Choice System

Will wakes up one day with a Dating Sim Choice System that's sole goal is to help him achieve his happy ending, but the only problem is that the system has a personality that would even put the Devil to shame. Follow the story of Will as he tries to navigate the thing called 'Love' while being forced to make choices that could turn his life upside down.

RedBloodRabbit · 都市
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Well Shit (Not Edited)

"Good, that means you have an interest in me and that might expand into love which can later result in us getting married and then... etc." Savania started rambling on about how many kids we should have and what names they must have and etcetera.

'Fug!!! What type of can of worms did I just open'


After having our lunch the school bell started to ring for a few seconds, to let the students know that lunch break was over and it was time for second period.

After finishing our lunch and having a light yet 'interesting' conversation that might have shaved a few years of my life span.

We decided to go to class while having a light conversation on our way there about our favourite subjects and what we enjoy doing in our free time, be it reading or listening to music while writing, we just kept talking while walking to class like we where long lost friends who reunited after an odd number of years.

So yeah, it was weird.


Once we reached the classroom We went our separate ways, so as not to draw too much attention towards us, yeah it didn't help since everyone in our classroom heard what Savania said this morning and the fact the whole cafeteria saw us together when we had lunch.

*Sigh* School life is about to get rougher than normal.


Right after finishing our last period of class, Miss Olivia called me on one side and informed me that the principal asked for me in his office once I was done packing up my books and stationery.

"Sure no problem Miss Olivia, I'll head to the principles office once I'm done with packing up my stuff," I said while putting away my books about quantum physics and law and space theories into my school bag.

What are you looking at? Can't I study on how to create portals to get to the other side of the universe without having people look at me weirdly?

While putting away my study books and stationery I remembered that I made a promise to Savania about giving her a school tour once class was over, so I looked at Miss Olivia and said " Oh yeah teach, can I still give Savania a school tour once I'm done at the principles office?" I asked Miss Olivia while putting away the last book that was on my table Titled ' How to Tame Your Psychotic Yandere Girlfriend '

Don't judge.

While picking up my school backpack and looking towards Miss Olivia for her answer about my request for giving Savania her school tour, she looked like she was going through a roller coaster of thoughts and sighed with a defeated tone of voice before saying "Sure it's not a problem, I'll make the arrangements with the security and inform them that you are still going to be on campus giving Miss Rosh a school tour, so I should be fine." Miss Olivia said while looking like she just went through the most intense roller coaster ride of her life.

Woman, why are you sighing with a defeated tone of voice, you were the one who requested that I give Savania a tour of the school if I'm not mistaken or did I just miss hear things since I was busy conversing with the System?

I looked at Miss Olivia and gave her the best smile I could muster and before I could give her my thanks a *DING* went off in my head.


{Please choose one of the following responses}

Choice 1: Thank you, Miss Olivia, may I have your number as well?

Choice 2: Thanks Bitch, but next time while you're taking your time to reply, you could be giving me head.

Choice 3: Thanks teach, I'll make sure to give you praise while at the principles office. So make sure to keep the bed warm.

{Make your choice}


Not this shit again.

'God dame it System, don't you understand that there a time and place for this shit, and how the hell must I pick a choice from the ones that you presented, as each one is going to get me into deep shit if not expelled. I bet you get off on my suffering, don't you?

[Host, please note that all choices that are presented are choices that are based on how you would reply if you were able to, so, in short, those choices are your subconscious thoughts of how you would like to reply, all I'm doing if giving you an opinion of choosing one of the three, but due note that out of the three, one of them is the correct answer. and host you don't get a there's a time and place opinion when it comes to Choices.]

'... You are definitely an Evil System, that was made to turn my life upside down'

[Incorrect Host, I'm a System that's meant to help you find your happy ending. be it good or bad, that's your choice.]

'That's deep and disturbing at the same time, and how does someone receive a happy ending that's bad... Wait don't answer that.'


After a few seconds of deliberation and racking my brain on what choice to choose I realized that the first choice would be the most logical one and that's why...

I went with the second choice.

Yep, I'm about to get my ass handed to me.

'Deep breath Will, at most, she will just slap you so hard that you might just wake up the following day, there's nothing wrong with that, right?


Well here goes nothing I took a deep breath and said my final words "Thanks Bitch, but next time while you're taking your time to reply, you could be giving me head if you know what I mean."

Yep, I'm starting to regret choosing that choice, when I noticed Miss Olivia's face go from a slight smile to an enraged one that spoke volumes on how angry she must be at this moment.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!!! WILL VAN STARLIT" Miss Olivia yelled while breathing heavily and clinching her fist till the point that her nails dug into her hand and blood started dripping from them.

'Well shit, looks like I might have to take a rain check on the school tour promise I made with Savania after all.'


I Have been going through a tough patch this month with me losing my place and job in the same week, but thankful I still have my car...

Hmm, I just realised that I'm going through a Life in the car experience...

Dame I might just turn my life into a novel at this rate.

Ps: Make sure to enjoy the things you have while you can, as you never know what tomorrow brings.

( Chapter 10 release in: »%«)

RedBloodRabbitcreators' thoughts