Sam who had been granted the chance to make a wish, decided to wish to be reincarnated as a Saiyan in a cultivation world. But his Saiyan body has given him too much power. N/A: Basically gonna be Sam just travelling around this world and overpowering everyone and everything.
Being a Saiyan had already given Sam a very high level of endurance and will, this sort of pain felt unbearable but that wasn't enough to stop Sam.
He just slowly pulled his Dantain, enduring through the pain, what felt like a few seconds had been in reality 10 days , but still he had not reached his lungs.
Enduring through the pain Sam had finally brought his dantain where he wanted it, Now what he needed to do was destroy its "gate".
It seemed absurd but the whole purpose of bringing his dantain there was so he could destroy its "gate". He needed to destroy it then let his lungs be absorbed into it.
The "gate" of his dantain exploded, normally that would have severely damaged his internal organs but Sam had contained the explosion inside a Ki barrier.
The instant that the "gate" of his dantain exploded, Sam felt as though he was about to pass out but the connection to his dantain had been severed the moment it exploded, which reduced the mental damage by a significant amount.
The instance the "gate" of his dantain exploded his Ki and Qi both were sucked into one location, right in the centre of the inside of his dantain. His Ki and Qi were coming together to repair the damage while it was doing that Sam was adjusting it so that it absorbed both his lungs in it.
The invincible "gate" had been completely repaired but that fraction of time was enough for Sam to expand the gate to surround his lungs.
It had disconnected his lungs from his body but at the same time it was connected. Sam was not able to witness this miracle as he had used up all his Ki and had passed out on the bed he was sitting.
His whole body was filled with sweat but at the same time his body had completely transformed. Every breath he took in, his body sucked in heavenly Qi and sent it to the lungs through the newly "gate" created at the cross section of where his lungs had been transported into his dantain.
The Qi would come to his body then enter his dantain, but surprising once it entered his dantain it would completely change and fuse with his ki. The explosion of his dantain has caused his Qi and Ki to fuse into one. It had became more dense and had a colour change. His ki had became dark purple.
Once the Qi would enter his dantain, the fused Ki and Qi would be sucked into the lungs, then diffuse into the alveolus and enter his blood. Once that happens, his Ki and Qi would be transported all over his body to be used as a strengthen agent and strengthen his body.
Every breath he took his body would become stronger.
After a few breath his body had recovered. Sam opened his eyes and closed them back. He was looking in awe. He was currently staring at his lungs which was now the centre of his dantain, which was filled with a purple substance.
Sam tried to focus on his body, and a clear human muscular system came in his mind. With each beat of his heart, he felt his body lighten up and the strength in his body increase.
Previously he needed to use Ki to strengthen his body but now his body was using his "ki" to strengthen itself permanently.
Seeing his success Sam jumped out of his bed and decided to take in some fresh air, he was finally able to control his full strength and with his (new what seemed to be a) cultivation technique, he was becoming stronger each second.
His new body did not require anything anymore, not oxygen, not food, or water. His body was now being completely supplied by his Ki.
(A/N: I'm calling the fusion of Qi and Ki just Ki)
Sam walked out of the room to go for a walk, he was mentally tired and decided to go outside to relax. As he walked out he saw the 1st Master standing outside, he had been patiently waiting outside Sam's room ever since he had finished his breakthrough. He was about to thank Sam for helping him, but when Sam got out, 1st Master was speechless. The aura coming out of Sam was something... Something that seemed to be out of this world. He could faintly sense Qi from him but it wasn't Qi. It was much denser than Qi, it felt like a drop of this Qi was enough to completely overwhelm him. He could not resist himself and tried to use his spiritual sense to observe this Qi.
The 1st Master eyes expended, his previous statement couldn't have been more incorrect, this Qi, just from its aura, it indicated that a drop would have had enough power to supply him a Grand Master for hundreds of thousands of years.
Sam was feeling awkward from 1st Master just staring at him and decided to call for him.
The 1st Master was taken out of his daze immediately. He recollected his thoughts and immediately apologised, "I'm sorry Young Master, I was dazed by your aura, seems like Young Master had a breakthrough... Congratulations."
Sam hearing 1st Master congratulate him, was a bit awkward cause he didn't have any sort of breakthrough, but he didn't need to explain it to him.
"Thank you 1st Master."
"Please Young Master, don't call me a master, I would feel embarrassed if I'm called a Master by a being such as yourself. Please call me 1 and my others with their ranking."
"Sure I guess." (Sam)
"Do you need anything, Young Master?"
"No not really, I just wanted to get some fresh air and walk around the place".
"Would you like to me show you around the place?" (Master)
"That would be helpful." (Sam)
Sam got out of the building and 1 followed him, he was just showing him the place and where to go, while following him from the back while making small talk.
A/N: time for me to ask for ideas.
What you guys wanna see?
And how do you guys want me to go with the story, should I make Sam be OP throughout the story or make it so he is finally able to met people who are able to challenge him?
And finally it's time for me to ask for you to review the novel. Why? Idk just wanna have that rating next to the novel lol.