
Chapter 6 - "I'm average" heroines

A/N: Hi, just would like to clarify that the world they're in doesn't belong to ONE particular novel. As in, there are multiple heroines, multiple male leads who are pursuing different ongoing storylines etc etc. Something like a shared universe, but different stories?


It's late afternoon, but the sun is already threatening to set as months approach winter. I wrap my shawl around my neck tighter to combat against cold. When I breathe out, a white fume escapes my mouth.

Today I'm cleaning the space outside my house, swinging my broom to collect fallen leaves. If I compost these, they'll make good fertiliser for my make-shift vegetable patch behind my house. Satisfied, I hum a song happily as I continue to pile the leaves into a neat pile.

When I look up from sweeping, I see a familiar face.

"My god! Tina, I haven't seen you in so long!"

The girl smiles and rushes towards me for a hug.

This is my other friend, Janet, who I met when I first came to this town to settle. Because she's the first friend I made after leaving my village, I do have strong emotional attachments towards her.

"It's been half a year… I missed you." I patted her back as I return the hug.

"I miss you so much as well. I wanted to see your face so much, I stopped on my way back from my business trip. I haven't even been home yet!"

I laugh at her comment. "So, how was your trip?"

"Ah that." She blushes upon mentioning.

Hmm? What's with this reaction?

Oh right, I don't think I've described Janet. Janet is a middle-class commoner, managing a small business where she sells finely crafted jewelleries to the rich people - mostly nobles.

She has straight ginger-red hair and brown eyes. Her facial features are normal - as in, there's no particular ugly or pretty features. It's just… plain normal. Even though she's not brown-haired and eyed, there are particular varieties in terms of hair and eye colours when it comes to mobs. As long as it's not eye-blindingly gaudy, it should be fine.

"I got myself a boyfriend on the trip." A smile plays on her lips as she says so.


Warmness blooms in my heart to see her so happy at the mention of her partner. I genuinely hope she experiences joy through out this relationship.

"Congratulations Janet! Will you introduce him to me soon? Do I know him?"

"Hahahaha" She shyly scratched her cheeks. "I think you know him… In fact, I brought him today. Wait for a minute while I go call Roderic."

Well… If I know him, that must mean he's among my circle. And my small circle doesn't extend beyond a few small nobles I work for and commoners I interact with.

I look towards Janet who went to call her boyfriend. The carriage she descended from was actually unnecessarily extravagant - black and large, pulled by 8 horses (a definite overkill) and has a duke insignia on it?

No wait a minute. I must be seeing wrong. I rub my eyes and look again.

The gallant fire-breathing dragon moulded with silver was neatly stuck on the door of the carriage.

'I think you know him' my ass.

You said it like I personally know the dude, but isn't it more like "oh I know that actor because I watch that show"

Besides, wasn't Janet supposed to be a fellow mob? I'm feeling severely betrayed right now.

But then again, now that I think about it… It's common for stories to have this description:

"She was not pretty, nor special, she had no talents… She was just average. On the other hand, he was cool, rich, and popular. BUT WHAT TO DO — *insert male lead* IS TOTALLY CHASING HER RIGHT NOW?"

It seems I've overestimated my ability to avoid the story plot just because I look 'average'. With a heavy sigh, I make a mental note to be more cautious from now on.

From a far, I see a man walking towards me holding Janet's hand tenderly. His gaze on her smiling face, deep enough to drown in. His handsome features are highlighted by his brilliant dark blue hair and azure eyes. His clothes look like they're made of expensive fabric, something I can only hope to see from afar in my life as a seamstress. His buttons made of pure gold, tassels made of silk, his cufflinks embellished with pure diamonds.

Oh my god. It seems I can deny this no longer. My friend caught a big fish.