
I will become the Hero Instead

After dying at the Age of 27 Kim Ryong Eui died due of too much excitement from gaining a winning streak and becoming a diamond ranker. As soon as she reincarnated, Kim Ryong Eui got reincarnated as Blythe Calisto, Even with the looks of a Princess, Kim Ryong Eui found her life boring as a princess who will be soon be wed to the neighboring empire. no thrill and no entertainment that can ease her longing of having fun again, Blythe Decided to become a hero instead of becoming a soon to be sold princess and one day at a family dinner. " I have an announcement today, I decided I will become an Adventurer and instead I'll comeback home to be a hero, so father mother and brother, please allow me to show you my Skills!" said by blythe.

Daoist_MC25 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs


"I thought this was easy but what the hell, few crawling just made me run out of juice this sucks"

said by Blythe whose tired from practicing crawling,

" No worries Princess, Marie Will always cheer you on, you can do it! " said by the enthusiastic marie who watches the little princess with her determination to crawl.


in a few minutes, a old man came in with sparkling in his eyes seeing blyth crawl with her chubby cheeks getting red from tiredness.

"Aigoo~ look at our baby so determine to so cute" said by a old man.

blythe analyzed the old man as some kind of High aristocrat, silver hair and red eyes Just like her father.

"Is he my grandpa? hmm he doesn't look week for a grandpa huh" thouht of blyth.

it was because the old man has a intimidating look and that made it clear that no one can mess with blyth with that old man as her grandpa.

after the old man saw how tired blythe is he carried up blythe upwards to the ceiling and eye to eye he said, " Don't be scared little princess, I'm your grandpa Arthur, I will give you all my treasure my little princess!" said by her loud grandpa.

while the old man is playing with her daughter, Tossing her up to the ceiling and catching her. blythe is turning green from dizzyness then suddenly the door bang and the first word to hear was " Father!! don't do that to blythe she's going to throw up ald" said by bylthe's Father Duke Aether Calisto.

"what the heck? she doesn't even gets scared, see"

said by the blythe's Grandpa.

"It was fun at first but now its not, didn't thought it will not stop, thankfully dad came in" thought of blythe whose going to puke from dizziness.


"Dad you know you can't do that to your grandchild, she's fragile and look she throw up because of you" said by the duke with a lot of concern for her daughter.

"No blood line of mine is week, she just got tired ~ ah ha, sorry little princess grandpa was just excited to hear you inherit our hair color, and to see you up close was amazing." said by the old man making excuses.

"Dad does mother know your here?" asked by the duke because his father is the grand duke of north Who have been guarding the north wall from invading monsters.

"She doesn't so keep quiet, I only wanted to check on my new grandchild, by the way where is arth?" asked by the grand duke .

"his doing his classes at this moment, don't interrupt him, last time you also made him throw up from playing to much"

said by the frowning duke.

"Huh just stop nagging already your like your mother who keeps on nagging me to keep an eye on the walls etc etc. pshhh Our blood line is strong enough to slaughter all monster" said by the proud grand duke.

in their talk after blythe heard those word coming from her grandpa she can't help to smile and get excited and thought that she has a blood line to slew monsters.

"So you left big brother to finish your work your dead meat after mother hears about this" said by the duke.

"aigoo look at our little princess she's smilling at her grandpa aren't I right our princess" said by the old man who ignores the nag of his son.


after staying in the few days in the castle, a carriage arrived with the crest of the northern grand duke.

blythe saw 4 carriages from above her room while she is being carried by her Nanny marie.

"who could it be?" she wondered.

chapter end