
I will become the Hero Instead

After dying at the Age of 27 Kim Ryong Eui died due of too much excitement from gaining a winning streak and becoming a diamond ranker. As soon as she reincarnated, Kim Ryong Eui got reincarnated as Blythe Calisto, Even with the looks of a Princess, Kim Ryong Eui found her life boring as a princess who will be soon be wed to the neighboring empire. no thrill and no entertainment that can ease her longing of having fun again, Blythe Decided to become a hero instead of becoming a soon to be sold princess and one day at a family dinner. " I have an announcement today, I decided I will become an Adventurer and instead I'll comeback home to be a hero, so father mother and brother, please allow me to show you my Skills!" said by blythe.

Daoist_MC25 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Blythe Calisto and family 1

After a few days of getting herself get use to her new enviroment Kim Ryong Eui a.k.a Blythe Calisto is now drinking her milk in her crib.

"this is so boring~ its good that I'm reincarnated but the heck is this? fuck? its so boring to be a baby!!"

getting bored Blythe hear foot steps.

Maid 1: " Oh my, Our little princess is so amazing! you emptied your bottle so fast~"

"i don't know why but its a good thing they speak english I can understand this maid saying, maybe this is really europe in acient time~

amazing but still boring" occupied with thinking, blythe didn't notice a small child popping in the side of her crib.

little cub with full of curiousity, a fiery red eyes and pink hair, popping out blythe got startled and couldn't blink from being startled from her older brother, Arthus Calisto.

"wow~~~ your so small but wrinkly~~ but how come they said your pretty though? your so wrinkly?"

after hearing what arth said, blythe pouted at him and ignored the child but the child's curiosity didn't die just that.

" what the hell is wrong with this kid? stop mocking me, argh getting pissed off by a ba-" before finishing what she's thinking, a small finger poke blythe chubby face.

"Oh my gosh~~~ your so soft, even though your all wrinkly your kinda cute for a baby" arth said

"I really want to punch this kid, his kinda annoying now" blythe thinking want to punch a her big brother when suddenly a door opened.

" Arth!~ what are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be in your etiquette class??" said by the beautiful mother of blythe, Duchess Seraphine Calisto, although blythe was annoyed she saw her brother a sad face that wanted to cry.

she thought

" a kid like him studying etiquette this early? damn maybe his really good at it, but its kinda sad but his still a kid, oh i know"

after thinking while arth was being nag by their mother, arth was still holding on to the crib and doesn't want to go to class.

blythe hold her older brother's finger and smiled that stopped her mother from nagging and made arth butterflies all over his stomach, looking at his addorable little sister.

" Since blythe might cry if you go arth this time mommy will allow 1 absence but this will be the last time ok~ sorry if mommy scolded you arth, mommy only care about arth's future you can be a kind brother to your sister, Okay" after the duchess said that the young lad said " Mommy, I will become a a knight for my sister and i will protect her with my almight magic sword!" a brave brother is what arth is, but blythe hear a word she didn't expect from arth

"magic sword? huh?"

chapter 2 end