

The crowd was silent.

And everyone looked at Cassandra who however seemed to be enjoying this.

"Tell me young Lord Simon are you okay? With this?" She asked and Simon looked at her with his expressionless face.

His parents and others also looked back and forth between them. After some time Simon smiled and said, "It would be a pleasure to combat against the Royal disciple."

"Great." Cassandra said and then she looked at Devon, "What about you? Are you all ready?"

Devon pressed his lips together and looked at Iyana, he has no intention of fighting against Simon, firstly because he knows that Simon wants to clear his master Rafael's name and bring him glory, and secondly he does not fight Simon in general because he will not back off after all he also has to keep his master name.

And thirdly he liked to admire Simon from the sidelines and not fight him.

Devon looked at Iyana who gave him a small nod.