
I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so

I Was Reincarnated as a Commoner. I Can’t Stand Living Like This, so I’ll Become an Aristocrat! *** After waking up, it appeared that I had been reincarnated into the body of an eight-year-old boy. At first, I was filled with excitement. However, my elation was short-lived when I realized I had been reborn as a commoner in a place with no proper bathroom or bath, and the food was terrible. Ahh! I longed to return to Japan, but that was impossible. I was stuck in this new reality. I decided to set a goal for myself: to have a comfortable life. But it seemed like an unattainable dream. Until someone mentioned that aristocrats had access to baths, proper toilets, and even full bathrooms! That’s when I made up my mind to become an aristocrat. This is the story of a boy who aspired to live a life of luxury by becoming a noble. However, he would end up saving the world without even realizing it.

_NCS_ · 奇幻
84 Chs

Chapter 17 Part 1

Interlude: The Mysterious Child (Frederick's Perspective)

I am Frederick Townsend, the third son of the Duke of Townsend, and a member of the Royal Guards.

As a member of the duke's family, I maintain a facade of being strong and kind, often referred to as a noble and gentle prince. However, that's not who I truly am.

In the presence of my close friends, I have a casual and curious personality, and I enjoy the straightforward camaraderie between commoners.

On that day, just like any other day off, I planned to explore the outskirts of the capital and have a meal at a commoner's diner.

Arriving at the outskirts of the capital on horseback, I intended to leave my horse and change into commoner's clothing before heading to one of the rooms I rented in the capital. However, on my way there, I accidentally bumped into a child.

Since I was still wearing a makeshift armor for riding, I quickly apologized so as not to frighten the child and tried to walk away. However, the child suddenly spoke to me in a manner of speech that didn't befit a commoner.

They were using complex honorifics, clearly not something the son of a diner owner would use.

Moreover, it was a way of speaking that only lower-class individuals who had dealings with nobles, such as wealthy merchants, would use, not something a commoner would typically employ.

Although I pretended to accept the child's excuse in that moment, I found them suspicious and thought it would be problematic if they turned out to be a spy from another country. So, I had the child investigated. If they were a spy, they would have received an education, I assumed.

While the war in this country ended over a decade ago, and a ceasefire agreement was reached with other nations, there were still plenty of people who desired to ensnare their enemies.

To be cautious, I decided to dig deeper, using the resources of the duke's household to investigate the child.

As a result, it was revealed that the child's mother, father, and sister were perfectly ordinary commoners, and the child named Leon showed no signs of being suspicious. It seemed their birth and upbringing were just like any other family's.

What does this mean...? Then where did they learn that way of speaking?

With that in mind, I had them investigate the surroundings of Leon's life, checking if there were any fallen nobles or wealthy merchants among their relatives who frequently met with Leon.

However, there was no such person either.

I encountered Leon unexpectedly in the central district of the royal capital when I was thinking of going to the cafeteria and talking to him directly, as I was increasingly puzzled.

Not only was I surprised that he was in the central district, but I was even more surprised that he was with Lord Marcel. Lord Marcel is famous as a magic tool developer.

I thought it would be troublesome if Leon was a spy and Lord Marcel was being deceived, so I invited both of them for tea.

And now, on the way back, this boy named Leon is still strange.

Not only his polite language, but his manners and the way he eats are on par with a well-disciplined noble child. Moreover, he can read and write.

I have no idea where he learned all that.

But he didn't seem like a spy at all.

In the first place, if he were a spy, he wouldn't be so suspicious despite being a commoner.

Anyway, it's strange and I don't understand it well. However, it's certain that he is capable. When we talked, his mind was always quick, and it felt like I was talking to an adult.

And my intuition tells me that he's going to do something big in the future.

I'd like to keep an eye on him if possible. First, I want to deliver the teaching materials and see how much academic ability he has...

Also, it might be a good idea to send him to the Royal School from our estate.

He's talented, but he doesn't seem to realize his own talent. I casually brought up the topic of economics, which is a bit difficult, but he responded normally, seemingly unaware that it's abnormal for a commoner.

Marcel next to me was much more nervous.

There are plenty of dangerous nobles in this country, and we still need to be wary of other countries.

That child is sure to be easily deceived by such people. If that happens, his intellect could become a threat if it's used for the enemy. Furthermore, if the Townsend Duke's faction realizes that Leon is a valuable asset, there's a risk of him being eliminated.

I still think he should be kept under surveillance.

It would be better to discuss this with my father, mother, and older brothers.

I decided to head straight to my family's estate.

At the dinner table that evening, I reunited with my family after a long time at the Townsend Duke's residence.

I usually reside in the knight's dormitory, so I rarely have meals at my parents' house.

Father, mother, and my older brother were all present at the meal.

In this country, nobles typically serve as the head of their territory and manage it from the age of 15 until their own children reach the age of 15.

Therefore, my older brother, who is the current head of the duke's family, along with his wife and children, are in the territory and not here.

When the headship is passed on to the children, they start working at the royal palace, so they return to the mansion in the capital. Hence, father and mother are here.

During the meal, we talked about recent events, and after we finished eating, while drinking wine, my father gave me an opportunity to speak.

"So, Frederick, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Yes, Father. It's about a boy named Leon, a commoner."

Even among family members, it is necessary to use formal language when addressing my father. Although I envy familial relationships like commoners have, this family is not as strict in terms of social status compared to other noble families, and we have a good relationship. I'm grateful to have been born into such a good family.

"A commoner, you say?"

"Yes. He is the eldest son of a family running a diner on the outskirts of the capital. He is eight years old. When I went to the outskirts of the capital, I accidentally bumped into him and got to know him. Today, we unexpectedly met again in the city center and had tea at a café. When I first met Leon, he used remarkably polite language, the kind that is unheard of among commoners. I used the influence of the duke's family to investigate him, but I found nothing suspicious. He also mentioned that he hadn't learned such language from anyone."

The fact that a commoner used such polite language naturally raised suspicions among everyone, and they became more serious about listening to the story.

"And then today, we coincidentally met in the city center again and had a meal at a café. His table manners were on par with a well-disciplined noble child. Among our casual conversation, he also wove in some complex topics, and I was surprised that he understood and responded accurately. Furthermore, it seems he can already read and write."

"What does that mean? If our influence investigated and found no suspicious points, and he hasn't learned it from anyone, then it must be accurate information. Does that mean he can handle everything perfectly without formal education? Is there really such a child...?"

Father is in great confusion, and it seems everyone else is equally confused.

But I understand, I'm still confused myself.

"Well then, Father, it seems Leon wants to attend the Royal Academy. If his talent is recognized at the school and catches the attention of noble families or other countries, it could lead to significant losses. I promised to provide educational materials, so if he is admitted to the Royal Academy, how about allowing him to commute from our estate?"

"Hmm, indeed, if he is such a talented individual, we should secure him early. He might become a talent that supports our faction."

"Yes. Besides, Lucian will also be entering the Royal Academy at the same age as Leon, so we will know about the situation at the school, and I believe Leon will become a good friend."

Lucian is the eldest son of my older brother, just the same age as Leon, entering the Royal Academy.

"I see, the same age as Lucian, huh? If this commoner named Leon is so talented, he might become a good friend to Lucian as well. If Leon is to attend the Royal Academy, I will allow him to commute from the house. Also, I'd like to meet him once, so bring him next time."

"Thank you very much. I will arrange the schedule and bring him along."

"Ah, it sounds like it'll be enjoyable."

Ah... it seems I've piqued Father's curiosity. He really loves rare and new things.

Well, since I've been acknowledged, let's consider it a good day for now.

"Oh, and Frederick, keep an eye on Leon just in case."

"Understood. I'll assign a shadow to him."

Since I can't trust him immediately, I was planning to keep an eye on him as well. It's grateful that Father offered.

With that conversation, dinner came to an end.

I hope Leon becomes beneficial for this country. With that thought in mind, I returned to the Knight's Quarters.