
I was reborn as the 3rd prince

main character, who lost his life due to cancer, finds himself in another world, in another body. Moreover, his new body is the 3rd prince of the Asina kingdom. Ethan does not understand why he came to this world, but he aims to make better use of his second chance and become a king who will go down in history. But it wouldn't be that easy. He would fight to achieve his goal in this world of magic and all kinds of mysteries. Let's see if our character Ethan can get to the top. "The R18 scenes will start after the first 50-60 episodes."

Terlik · 奇幻
89 Chs

Chapter 36: "my ideal!"

Ethan continued to busy himself with his days, engrossed in new projects and general affairs. In the midst of this, a letter arrived from the capital, bearing the official seal of King Richard. It contained orders for Ethan to prepare his troops and supplies from the city of Aurendale. Such a letter was a harbinger of war. Ethan had already anticipated that this letter from his father indicated an impending war against the Avarya Kingdom.

He needed to haste. He had to ensure his troops and supplies were ready, as per the instructions. With determination, Ethan set about planning his strategy. It was time to prepare for war. Given the youthful population of his city, Ethan knew he could muster more troops than the capital expected. Success in battle would earn rewards, and the number of soldiers was crucial for the lords' success in war. Additionally, this war was crucial for enhancing Ethan's prestige and securing his rightful place on the throne. It was highly likely that both his brother Henry and sister Isabella would participate in this war.

Though not officially acknowledged, there was a rivalry among the heirs in wars. Particularly, being one lord rewarded by the king could provide a significant advantage as an heir. In a previous war in the Moritan Kingdom, both Isabella and Henry had achieved outstanding success, but the king had rewarded Isabella. This was because Isabella had swiftly besieged the capital of Moritan, cutting off its supply lines.

For Ethan to succeed in this war and receive rewards from the king, he needed to outdo both Isabella and Henry. However, considering their abilities, Ethan knew it wouldn't be easy. He immediately summoned Evelyn and the captain of the guards to his study. When they arrived, Ethan explained the contents of the letter to them. "So, what's the plan?" Evelyn asked.

"Firstly, we need to prepare at least five thousand soldiers for this war. The letter instructs us to arrive in the capital in three months. Three months is sufficient time to train such a number of troops. Additionally, we need enough guards in the city. After all, we must ensure the city's security," Ethan said.

Listening to Ethan's plan, Evelyn nodded solemnly. "Understood. What would be the best tactic for military preparations?" she inquired.

Ethan replied thoughtfully, "Firstly, considering the young population in the city, we should establish a training program to educate the soldiers. A well-trained and disciplined unit will provide us with an advantage in battle. Furthermore, we should fortify our strategic positions and focus the guards on the defense of the city. We must be prepared for any potential attack."

"I see. We should immediately commence the military training program and strengthen our guards. Additionally, we should review the city walls and defense systems," Evelyn suggested.

"Exactly, Evelyn. We must act swiftly and effectively. Report to me if there are any issues, and I will monitor the updates," Ethan added.

Evelyn nodded in agreement and left the room. Ethan then turned to the captain of the guards sitting in the chair. "Can you handle the recruitment of soldiers, Captain?" he asked. The captain nodded confidently. "I believe I can accomplish this within three months," he said.

Later, as Ethan observed the captain's confidence in recruiting soldiers, he felt somewhat relieved. However, the responsibilities and requirements brought about by the war still weighed heavily on his shoulders. Under Evelyn's leadership, the guards immediately set to work, strengthening the city's defenses. Meanwhile, Ethan focused on the training of soldiers and strategic planning.

Each passing day brought a sense of activity to the city in preparation for war. The youth began their military training and quickly formed disciplined units. The city reinforced the walls and defense systems, and they made the guards more vigilant against potential attacks.

Ethan meticulously monitored every step, ensuring the smooth progress of military preparations. However, he still harbored the desire to surpass Isabella and Henry's successes and increase his own prestige. This war was not only for the Asina Kingdom but also for Ethan's own future.

After three months of preparation and strengthening the city's defense, Ethan and his army embarked on their journey towards the capital. An uncertain and exciting future awaited them, brought about by the uncertainties and excitement of war.


In the meantime, news had reached the South that the Alpshar Asina Kingdom had declared war on the Avarya Kingdom. Although it was a perfect time to seize this opportunity and take control of the Asina Kingdom, unfortunately, relations with the Tamerid Empire in the North were worse than ever. The Tamerid Empire had suppressed internal rebellions and was now preparing to counter the growing threat in the South. Although there was an emperor ruling the Tamerid Empire, all power actually belonged to the empress.

Empress Anastasia Valentina Tamerid had obtained her husband's power through her sharp wit and had even ushered the Tamerid Empire into a golden age. Undoubtedly, Empress Anastasia would become one of the most important figures in history, and historians would write her name in golden letters in the annals.

Empress Anastasia had noticed the Alpshar threat long ago, but because of the rebellions and the aggressive expansion of the Asina Kingdom, she could not fully focus her attention on Alpshar. However, she was now aware that the greatest danger lay in the growing kingdom of Alpshar. Alpshar, who was aware of Empress Anastasia's plans, had already begun preparations. Alpshar's greatest strength lay in its spy network, which was so effective that they constantly brought news from all corners of the continent, especially closely monitoring every move made by the Tamerid Empire.

Alpshar knew that without a strategy, they could not defeat the Tamerid Empire. Therefore, they would employ a strategy never before seen in history: training and using creatures in battle. These creatures harbored an innate hostility towards humans, making it impossible to use them in warfare. However, while battling clans in the southern forests, Alpshar had discovered something. Despite being thoughtless, these creatures possessed instincts, one of which was a maternal instinct, strong enough to disregard their own lives to protect their eggs. However, since they buried their eggs in tunnels, it was quite challenging for humans to reach them.

By chance, Alpshar had found monster eggs in a shallow underground tunnel and had witnessed how the mother went berserk. All of this had given him an idea, but until now, he hadn't needed to use it.

"Your Majesty, what you're suggesting is impossible. We still have time to devise other strategies and plans. Please reconsider!" The chief general of the southern kingdom said to Alpshar. Alpshar had already explained his idea to his subordinates, and they were not too keen on it. Alpshar looked angrily at the general, who spoke these words and began to speak calmly. His stern gaze and calm demeanor had an even greater effect, as the general lowered his eyes in fear.

"What seems impossible for the weak and unbelievable for the coward is my ideal! Now, initiate the preparations," he said.

After expressing admiration for these words, the generals departed to carry out their orders.