
Ch 7

I'm now in my room sitting on my bed with Lucoa laying on it while playing on my phone and eating chips as Nanahoshi and his familiar are kneeling on the floor at an arm's length distance in front of me.

I didn't even tell him to kneel he just did it himself.

Seeing him like this I sighed to myself in helplessness but I didn't bother to tell him to get up because it felt somewhat natural to see him like this.

After sighing I looked at Nanahoshi and asked him a simple question.

"Did you finish reading the pamphlet?" Shouta

Hearing my question Nanahoshi nodded his head but he still opened his mouth to speak.

"Yes, I read it but I'm still confused about something." Nanahoshi

Hearing he has doubts I gestured to him to continue with my hand.

"It says in the pamphlet that the world has many magical groups from mages, wizards, sages, witches, and so on but I want to know if there are any Magical Girls out there!" Nanahoshi

Hearing his question I only thought of one person but she's a devil and not a magical girl to say but I still answered him honestly.

"There are magical girls but they are literary girls with magical power, they don't do anything you see on the tv at all but for the closest person to a Magical Girls you are probably thinking about that I know of is a Demon King and if I remember correctly she should have a Magical Girl Tv show that she uses to promote herself as a legit Magical Girl. Now that I said that it also reminded me that her show is quite popular with little girls and the bodybuilder community in the ordinary side of the world but it's only popular with the young devil and demon girls in the supernatural world as they see her as their idol. Guessing from your question you must watch Magical Girl shows before, you might have even seen her show at least once if I guess right." Shouta

Hearing my answer Nanahoshi was a little disappointed but when he heard me mention Serafall's show indirectly he seems to get excited before he started to talking to me fast while having stars in his eyes.

"Wait, do you mean the Magical Girl Levia-tan☆ show!! I love her, I even joined her fan club, I saw all her episodes, and I own many of her merchandise and I even have her autograph I got personally signed. I know those special effects were too good to be true, and no wonder I always felt she was the real deal whenever I saw her live performances. And..." Nanahoshi

As Nanahoshi kept on going about Serafall and fanboying out about her show out of curiosity I took my phone back from Lucoa and saw that Serafall's show Magical Girl Levia-tan☆ was the only Magical Girl show with a bodybuilder community fan base answering my unasked question how Nanahoshi knew what show I was talking about without telling him along with a picture of her official fan club gathering last year that had some rememberable cosplayers from Highschool DxD along with Nanahoshi doing one of Serafall's poses from her show.

After looking at the Magical Girl Levia-tan☆ fan page I gave my phone back to Lucoa as she was pouting at me for taking it away from her.

Once I gave back my phone to Lucoa I started to speak up stopping Nanahoshi from continuing as I can see he can go on for hours if I don't stop him.

"Nanahoshi, I can see you're a fan of Levia-tan but can we get back to the main topic for now." Shouta

Hearing my words Nanahoshi stopped talking and started to feel embarrassed after having his little episode.

After he quieted down I started to speak once more to not waste time.

"Well, now that you read the pamphlet and chosen to serve me it's time to talk about your duties as a servant and how to stop Magical Deck from going after you." Shouta

Hearing my words Nanahoshi nodded his head and started to pay more attention to what I'm going to say.

"Now let's first talk about Magical Deck and what we need to do to stop them going after you. Besides the overuse option of frontal attacks we can just send them a message stating you are now under my protection, they might leave you alone if I do this for a little bit as most mages don't want to enter into conflicts with others they know nothing about because as magic users we don't start a fight without any information like idiot warriors do but this alone can't stop them forever. The next option is to talk to them and come to an agreement but first, we need to find neutral grounds to discuss an agreement where they won't or more like they can't attack us at least right away and we also need something that can draw them into said place, as they are after you you'll become bait if you chose this option. The last option is to threaten them which isn't hard nor easy at the same time but thankfully they were in a rush and broke some supernatural rules and as they are not that powerful of a mage group all we have to do is threaten to call the right authorities and we'll not see them for a while If we take this option." Shouta

As I was stating the options we had Nanahoshi raised his hand to ask a question seeing his action I looked at him waiting for him to speak up.

"Umm, can we just call the authorities and report them, I think it's the safest." Nanahoshi

Hearing his reply I knew that he doesn't understand the option I gave him and the decision he was making was wrong as in the supernatural world if you don't face your problems head-on they will always return until you face them or they magically disappear somehow but I can't blame him for the option he chose as he just read a pamphlet and doesn't understand anything, heck if it wasn't for my new memories I would be in the same boat as him.

After looking at him for a bit I just sighed and once again took my phone away from Lucoa and called a local Shinto shrine and informed them about the Magical Deck violations of causing problems in a public school and them trying to kidnap Nanahoshi while there are normal people nearby that witness them at the school using supernatural powers.

After I finished reporting to the Shinto shrine they gave me a court date for formality as they need me and Nanahoshi to justify our claims in front of a representative of Takamagahara.

Once I finished reporting about Magical Deck to the right authorities being the Shinto faction, as they have authority in most of Japan, I tuned to Nanahoshi and started to talk to him after I was finished talking on the phone while once again I gave my phone back to Lucoa, I should just buy her a phone if I have to keep doing this.

"Okay it's done I have reported to the right authorities and now we have a court date where you have to speak to a representative of Takamagahara as the main witness of the case but until then the Magical Deck will still go after you and now they'll try harder to capture you because without you the charges we are placing on them will disappear." Shouta

Hearing what I said Nanahoshi was relieved but when he heard the latter part of my statement he began to panic because he didn't expect to put himself in more danger them he already was.

Seeing him start to panic I didn't stop him physically but continued to talk not caring if my words reach him.

"You don't need to worry too much they'll only act when you're alone and secretly because if they act too rashly now as they're being watched by the Shinto faction personal it'll look bad for them if they get caught in the act if they try to kidnap you again in front of them. Oh, that also reminds me, tomorrow all memories of the normal people in the school will be altered and a cover story will be made for what happened today so you can go to school normally but the hole you made will still be there it'll just be blamed on something else that isn't related to the supernatural world." Shouta

After I finished speaking Nanahoshi seem to be less panic but he's still worried.

As I can't help him become less panicked than I already did I started to speak once more trying to charge the subject.

"Now, shall we move on, I'm now your backer and you are now my servant. As you know servants are usually maids, butlers, and the like but seeing how you don't have any training you will just have to follow my orders for now as you study to be a proper maid or butler. Now, that I think about it should you be a maid or butler. What do you think Lucoa?" Shouta

Hearing my question Lucoa answered my question without looking away from my phone.

"He should be a maid. My friend Tohru is one and she seems to be enjoying herself and if you make him into your maid I can get the cutest maid clothes for him, he'll look great in them." Lucoa

Hearing Lucoa respond I nodded my head as I started to imagine Nanahoshi in maid clothing and had to agree with Lucoa.

As for Nanahoshi who was panicking a moment ago stopped but he seems to start panicking for a different reason now.

Seeing him like this I didn't pay much attention to it as I know he's just panicking about being seen in a cute maid outfit in public because he panics like this whenever he thinks of being seen or is seen dressed in cute clothing at school.

After I looked at Nanahoshi state I moved my head and started to talk to Lucoa about maid outfits as Nanahoshi is still having his little panic attack.

"Nanahoshi seems to love Magical Girls so when you're getting the maid outfit look for one that screams Magical Girl." Shouta

"Hmmm, that sounds interesting, what color do you want it in?" Lucoa

"Get one that matches the color of his Sacred Gear and don't forget to get bunny ears for him." Shouta

"Bunny ears got it! Anything else?" Lucoa

As Lucoa and I were talking about Nanahoshi future maid uniform Nanahoshi seemed to stop panicking and started to join in the discussion hoping to get out of dressing him up in anything weird but in all actuality, he just wanted a more cute maid outfit for himself as I can see him smiling when he talks about what kind of maid uniform he wants.