
I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!! (GL)

Hameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God of Fate. It seems that she died without them even knowing, as an apology they made Hameru reincarnate. With a wish to make she chose to make her life to be normal, but they unknowingly said "An Exciting Life" Oops? "Hah. Cheerful and stubborn, huh? Being naive wouldn't excuse a stupid girl. I can't believe I used to be like that." The game she reincarnated in started to twist her personality into something more fitting of the character "Nikami Shiromoru." Cold, Distant, and blunt she became. And what's worse? She's being forced to fall in love with the Main Character of this game, Sweet like smelling a rose while the thorns prick the hand, blood dripping down. "I want to stop this, This is the opposite of normal you tricksters of Gods."

VoltyLemonii · 奇幻言情
47 Chs

Chapter 41, A Talk.

POV Nikami

"Soooo, Ni-" Raijin tried to speak first, but she got cut off by me.

"Before we speak, let us go somewhere… more private." I glanced at the other students staring at us. We made such a commotion it would be natural for people to gaze upon us.

"Guh! Let least let me finish my sentence." Raijin clicked her tongue and walked to the corner of the courtyard.

I followed up right behind her, my heart starting to raise with each step.

My nervousness was back again.

[Does Nikami just… Turn and off…?] I thought, still following Raijin.

Even though I have lived 16 years of my life with my sudden switch of personality, I still don't know how to control it or know when I will change.

Me and Nikami.

We are different people.

We may have the same identity, but our characters are not.

[Nikami is cold and uncaring. To the point where you can't even tell if she has any type of sympathy anymore. Always Cynical and distrustful of others, she always has the «I do not need anyone. I am perfect.» type of mentality.

Me meanwhile, have some of her personality… But only to a small extent.

I can't deny that I am cold, but uncaring isn't right. I can feel sympathy, but it depends on my mood if I will act or not. I do not trust people easily, but I will rely on people I trust.

I wonder… If the Raijin in front of me, still resembles my knight…?] I thought, stopping as I stared at Raijin leaning on a wall.

Her fierce blue eyes met with my sharp green ones.

My nervousness came back to me again.

Right now, I want to run towards her and hug her, sobbing in her shoulders as I whisper on how much I missed her.

"...." But my body won't move, it won't let me do such a miserable and desperate act.

My pride won't let me.

"Guhh… Seriously, Shu told us to talk, so at least talk alright? Why are you just standing there?" Raijin glared at me, groaning.

"To talk or to not talk is my own decision. You won't command me." I spoke, closing my eyes.

"Guh?! What are you saying? You are only a mere royal consort, you have no power against an actual prince with royal blood. You are only marrying into my family, I can, and will, command you. Don't forget that!" Raijin glared at me once again, still leaning on the wall.

"..." I fell into silence, knowing that she was right. I silently clenched my fists in defeat.

Raijin smirked seeing me like this, she stopped leaning on the wall and approached me.

She stared at me with those fierce eyes, that were similar to a lion's.

I backed up due to her approaching me, and was met with a wall behind my back.

"Tch… She cornered me." I thought as I turned my head at the wall, away from her face.

Irritated that I looked away from her, her right-hand went up in flames and was slammed on the side of my head.

Slightly startled by the sudden slam, I turned my head towards her.

"Look at me when I am talking to you!" Raijin spat. Her left hand now going on the other side of my head, filling my vision with nothing other than her face.

"..." I was silent as I observed her actions.

"Still no words?" Raijin sighed, staring at my face.

Now that Raijin is closer to my face than ever, I started to admire her complexion.

Her violent blue eyes, her reddish lips, from afar you would think she would be a guy.

But if you closely look at her physique, her waist is smaller, and her face isn't as sharp as a man as well.

She is a girl.

I noticed that she was inches away from my own face so my face flushed pink slightly, then I looked away from her face.

"Cornering me, that's very unfair." I sighed, complaining to Raijin.

"Gu-guh-" Raijin stepped back and put her hands in her pockets, her face fully red.

"That expression is unfair!" Raijin yelled, pointing at me. Her face was still entirely red.

"..." I slightly giggled, then immediately stopped right after.

"Nika… You…" Raijin stared at me, her face having a frown.

"I what?" I asked, leaning on the wall staring back at her.

"... You… Don't hate me… Right?" Raijin felt like crying, but the flame and intensity in those blue eyes never got put out.

She asked the question that both of us were begging to have an answer.

Does she hate me?

"Of course I don't." I shook my head, folding my arms.

"Ah! Then-" Raijin's face lit up, grinning idiotically. Before she even finished her sentence she got cut off by me.

"I just think you're irritating," I added.

"I-" She looks at me, surprised and disappointed.

"Come on Nika! We were having a moment!" Raijin yelled at me again, sighing. She was furious about the fact that I ruined our so-called moment.

"I'm kidding." I scoffed, walking towards Raijin and wrapped my arms around her.

"H-hey?! What the fuck?!" Raijin yelled, startled at my sudden hug. She gritted her teeth as her face turned red.

"Don't curse Rai. You're supposed to be a prince, have some elegance." I sighed, stepped back as I stopped hugging her.

"Do you hate hugging me THAT much?" I glared at her, clearly furious.

"N-No! Liste-listen, My body- my mouth- just… I can't explain it. But you know!" Raijin quickly apologized, bowing down slightly.

"The in-game Raijin took over you, correct?" I sighed, nodding.

"Yea…" Raijin nodded, looking away, and scratched the back of her head.

"I understand…" I closed my eyes, adjusting my gloves.

"But just to make sure… You are still… My knight, right? You are still my best friend… ri-right?" I looked up at her, opening my eyes. My voice was shaky, before I even knew it, I was trembling.

My usually blank face changed drastically, my eyes started to water, desperate for the answer of yes.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll always protect you?" Raijin smiled, hugging me.

"This world may have already changed us, but as long as we still love each other deep inside… I promise, we won't despise each other." She patted my back, wrapping her arms around me.

[Warm…] I thought, slowly hugged her back.

"Raijin." I spoke, now my voice back to normal.


"Thank you." I thanked her, smiling slightly.

"Yea, no problem… Princess." She grins, letting go of the hug.

"... I haven't heard that nickname… For so long." I thought, smiling at her.

"S-so… What now?" She looks around, not knowing what to do.

"I have a question… What will we do if the protagonist chooses one of us? Sure, we may match-make her and Shukona… But what if, after all, we did, she will still choose one of us?" I asked Raijin a tough question.

There is no doubt that both of us will feel romantic attraction towards the protagonist at one point, and if she does choose one of us…

What will we do?

Raijin looked at me, blinking in disbelief.

"What do you mean if she chooses one of us? We can just reject her, you know?" She puts on the glove on her right hand, adjusting it properly.

"At some point… We will fall in love with her, earlier I experienced this. This world is trying to keep our characters in check, it will also try to change our feelings for her as well." I explained, looking down.

"You… Fell for her?" Raijin stared at me, her face horrified by what I just said.

"Yes. But I felt like it wasn't «Me» who fell in love with her… But rather, «Nikami Shiromoru.»" I sighed.

"There is no doubt about it, we WILL fall in love with her. We can try to suppress it as much as we can, but at one point, we will fall for her. Even if it's just a few weeks, days, or even minutes." I added, turning my head up, staring at Raijin.

"..." Raijin went silent and clenched her fists.

"Damn it!" She punched the wall beside her, making a loud noise. There was little smoke coming out of her gloves.

"The world will also keep us in love with her if she does choose one of us. So we would have no choice to accept her." I told her.

"That's fucking stupid!! Is this world seriously going to force us to fall in love with her?!" She yelled at me, more smoke coming out of her gloves. Her fist was still on the wall.

"They changed our personalities, it wouldn't be a shock if the world forced us to love her as well." I nodded as I told her.

"Nika… How the fuck are you so calm right now?! We're changing, We're being forced to change just because of the stupid plot!!" Raijin took off her fists on the wall and yelled at me.

"The same reason that you're being unnaturally mad right now." I answered her question, glaring at her.

"T-tch…" She clicked her tongue, stepping back.

"Even if we are forced to love her, being with is still going to be our happiness." I walked towards Raijin.

"If I'm going to be happy with her, or you're going to be happy with her. That's what is more important, correct?" I took her hand and clasped it together.

"He-hey! What the hell-" She blushed slightly, since I held her hand.

"Even if it's forced, there is no doubt that we are going to be happy. If it's with the protagonist, she's our savior, our light." I held both of her hands tightly, looking up at her.

"So if she chooses one of us, our engagement will be broken… No hard feelings okay? Besides, if she chooses one of us, that doesn't mean that we can't be best friends…" I smiled at her.

"Gu-guh…" Her face turned bright red.

"Fi-fine! Whatever! Sure!" Raijin quickly agreed with me, nervously yelling.

"But… What if she doesn't choose one of us?" She stared at me, asking a question.

"Well, we'll get married and rule the kingdom. Make an heir and train them to be the best ruler they can be." I stopped holding her hands together and put down my hands.

"Ma-ma-ma-ma-MARRIED?! He-heir?! Yo-you mean like, make a child?! Us?! Th-the two of us?! Do-doing THAT?! Hu-huh?!" Raijin, fully red, stepped back and covered her face.

"I-I can't deal with that!!" She yelled.

"What do you mean you can't deal with it?" I asked.

"W-well… D-do we really need to go make a kid?! Th-the two of us?! Ha-ha-having se-ugh!" She was too nervous to continue her sentence.

"Of course. Who else would rule the kingdom when we're gone?" I blinked at her, confused about why she would be freaked out so much.

"N-no! I-I mean, I don't mind, but uhm- I meant like, will you… really be okay with me?" Raijin asked me, as she took off her hands on her face.

I sighed, is this really all that she freaks out about?

"Of course. I already said yes a long time ago, I won't turn back on my words." I closed my eyes, slightly snickering.

"Guh…" She slumped to a tree, sighing in defeat.

"And you didn't plan this far ahead? We said yes a long time ago. Do I need to remind you that we are engaged?" I stared at her, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Ri-right… We're engaged… And hey! Don't shake your head like that! I'm the prince here! Not you!" She stood up, pointing at me.

"But I'm your princess, remember?" I tilted my head at her.

"Wha…" She straightened her back, startled at my words.

"Those words are so unfair!" She pointed even more.

I held her pointer finger and went to whisper in her ear.

"I'm supposed to be your rival, I can't help but be unfair. Ms. Fire." I whispered, slowly pressing down the hand that she used to point at me.

Her ears turned red when I whispered at her, embarrassed how she was so close to me.

She stepped back, covering her face trying to hide her redness.

"H-hey! So fuckin close!" She yelled at me, covering her face.

"Why are you so embarrassed? It was just a simple whisper. Or perhaps… Were you thinking of something else?" I smirked, teasing her.

"Guuhhhhh!! Shut up! Shut up!!" She repeated, blushing furiously as she stomped away to Shukona and Yasachu.

"Can't you at least wait for me? Mr. Gentle man." I followed her behind, adjusting my glove.

"Shut up!" She yelled at me and her back turned to me, telling me to shut up once more.

"Very well then. If you want it so much, suffer in the silence." I glared at her.

"He-hey wait! I didn't mean-" She turned towards me, slightly sweating.

"..." I stared at her, silent.

[She wanted me to shut up, I'll shut up then. I'm good at it. She's so stupid. So Stupid. Telling me to shut up and then tell me to not shut up, make up your mind.] I thought, slightly mad.

"Ugh! Just-I-Ugh! I'm sorry, okay?! Just, stop staring like that-" Raijin sighed in defeat.

"Hmph." I sighed, walking towards Shukona and Yasachu at a fast pace.

"Wha-Hey! Don't «Hmph» me! Slow down!" She yells, speed walking towards me as well.

I finally arrived at Shukona and Yasachu, and looked at them.

"Hm? Nika, what's with the pout on your face?" Shukona raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Did something happen Shiromoru-sama?" Yasachu blinked at me.

Yasachu saw the pout on my face and felt her heart getting faster, that expression was insanely adorable! She never thought she wanted to see someone pout like that in her entire life, but here she is.

Then again, Yasachu felt defeated, Shukona and Raijin made her show emotions. And she didn't.

But she won't give up! They only just met after all, soon enough I will show her expressions! She just needs some time… And determination.

"Nothing happened." I told them, in a monotone manner. Wiping off the pout in my face which I didn't even notice was there.

"Slow down damn it!" Raijin followed up from behind.

"Rai! Do not yell so carelessly, you exist a prince, do not be like that." Shukona approached Raijin lecturing her.

"Guh…" Raijin sighed at Shukona's lecture, rolling her eyes.

"K-kh?! Don't roll your eyes at me, Rai, you know I'm right!" Shukona folded her arms and pouted.

[Still the same huh… Shukona being the responsible one, the two of us fighting… Things may have changed, but it's still the same trio back then… I'm… really happy.] I stared at Shukona lecturing Raijin, slightly smiling.

Yasachu tugged on my shirt, looking up at me.

I glanced at her, tilting my head.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You were right about Amatarini-sama…" Yasachu smiled brightly at me, I felt blinded in the process.

"I'm always right." I quickly turned away, since staring at the sun for too long can damage your eyes.

[Though… What does she mean by that? Did they talk about anything earlier?] I wondered in my head.