
I Wanted To Reincarnate Normally!! Not In This Yuri Game!! (GL)

Hameru Matasoto was a very cheerful and stubborn girl, she has no sense of direction and always seemed to get lost. Ah, what a predicament. She never knew she would die because something as small like that. Hameru met the God of Light and Fate, God of Fate. It seems that she died without them even knowing, as an apology they made Hameru reincarnate. With a wish to make she chose to make her life to be normal, but they unknowingly said "An Exciting Life" Oops? "Hah. Cheerful and stubborn, huh? Being naive wouldn't excuse a stupid girl. I can't believe I used to be like that." The game she reincarnated in started to twist her personality into something more fitting of the character "Nikami Shiromoru." Cold, Distant, and blunt she became. And what's worse? She's being forced to fall in love with the Main Character of this game, Sweet like smelling a rose while the thorns prick the hand, blood dripping down. "I want to stop this, This is the opposite of normal you tricksters of Gods."

VoltyLemonii · 奇幻言情
47 Chs

Chapter 34, Welcoming.

Nikami POV

"Ni-nice to meet you Rabenda-sama!" Yasachu bows down to Shoubu, her large lock of hair on the top of her head shudders.

"To you as well. You don't need to bow down, I may be a princess but we are all students here. We are all equal, no matter if you are a noble or a commoner." Shoubu smiles gently at Yasachu.

Yuutsu smiles at Yasachu's ability to defuse the situation and whistles with her lips.

"Wooo hoo~ that was amazing Chu-chan, really amazing!" Yuutsu grins at her, Yuutsu thinks that maybe she really will break her curse.

Yuutsu's tail swung around happily staring at Yasachu.

"Kh... That fake noble." Shukona glares at Yuutsu, still holding my hands.

"..." I stayed silent still observing the situation.

[Fake noble huh... that is a fit name for her, Yuutsu is just a commoner adopted by a noble. So fake noble is the right name for her.] I thought, still staring at them.

"...." Kikyou stayed silent behind Shoubu, now shivering less.

"Alright everyone, please stop staring at them. The show is done." Shoubu claps twice and smiles towards the other students looking at them.

The students nodded at Shoubu and went back to reading, some of them whispered to each other. And some of them just kept on staring.

"Tch. Don't think you won anything peasant." Ajisa groans and glares at Yasachu.

"Ahaha! Of course, I didn't..." Yasachu nervously laughs, smiling at Ajisa.

"I can never win against you, I already accept that! You are super amazing compared to me..." Yasachu complemented Ajisa with a bright smile on her face.

This caught Ajisa off guard, she was expecting either a nervous, scared answer. Or a mad answer. She wasn't expecting this to happen at all.

Ajisa's eyes shot wide open, her cheeks flushed red hearing her compliments and seeing her bright smile.

"Ohh~" Yuutsu giggled seeing Ajisa like this.

"Oh wow..." Even Shukona was startled and scoffed a bit.

"..." I stayed silent, staring at them as always.

"O-of course I am! That is just normal, at least you accept the fact you are lower than me peasant! You are nothing but an ant to me! Go and lick my shoes! Filthy, filthy, peasan-" Ajisa just spouted out insults upon insults. She didn't know how to react so she just let out what she does best, insulting people.

"Alright that's enough now Ajisa-sama, may I escort you outside the library?" Shoubu smiled at the flustered Ajisa.

"Tch... fine then." Ajisa groans at the sight of Shoubu's smile.

Kikyou gets out of Shoubu's back and slowly walks back to the library counter, glancing at the other students staring at them and at her leaving. Every time she makes eye contact with someone, she looks away and trembles.

She also made eye contact with Yasachu, they both stared at each other for a while...

Somehow Kikyou feels like she shouldn't shy away from her, her bright golden eyes felt... welcoming to her.

Yasachu tilted her head, confused as to why Kikyou was staring at her. Usually, she would be scared of nobles but... To her, Kikyou felt like a small hopeless bunny.

Even though Yasachu was confused as to why she was staring at her, she smiles at Kikyou.

Kikyou's face went bright red as she saw her bright smile, she looked away and adjusted her glasses.

Then she goes to the library's counter.

"Ehh?? Why did she turn away...? Does she hate me...?" Yasachu let out a small gasp of surprise as to why she turned away, maybe she does hate her... Even the shy nobles hate her, she really does feel inferior.

Fortunately for Yasachu, she was wrong.

And Yuutsu chuckled at this misunderstanding, she may be a dense idiot... But she was the only one who could cure her curse, and Yuutsu was all up for it.

Ajisa gets escorted out of the library, and Shoubu tries to talk to her.

"So Ajisa-sama do you like any books here?" Shoubu said to her with a smile.

"Yes. Of course, I do, but someone who is as low as you wouldn't understand." Ajisa scoffs at Shoubu, looking down on her again.

"I see..." Shoubu smiled at her but it was more furious than her usual gentle smile.

I let out a small sigh, looking at the other students who are still looking at the four of us, and glared.

They looked startled and shivered and looked away, going back to reading.

Shukona held my hand tight and stared at my green eyes, whispering something to me...

"Calm down okay...?" Shukona whispered to me, slightly pouting.

"I am already calm Shu." I refuted her statement.

"No, you aren't. You were angry earlier, that was very inelegant of you." Shukona rebutted back.

I let go of her hand and glared at her.

"I know I was being inelegant, but even I can't control my emotions... I didn't even know why I was so furious." I told the truth, sighing.

Yuutsu pats Yasachu's head, grinning at her.

"You're doing great, my apprentice!" Yuutsu grins at Yasachu while patting her.

"E-eh? Doing great at what...? And what d-do you mean by apprentice???" Yasachu was confused at what Yuutsu was talking about, even more, confused about why she was patting her head.

However Yasachu still liked the pat's, she doesn't know why she enjoys it. But the feeling of accomplishment of being complimented while being patted.

Her large lock of hair in the middle of her head swung around, like a dog's tail.

"Kh fine then, shall we go back to reading?" Shukona folded her arms, staring at me.

"Very well then." I nodded and stepped towards our table.

I heard Shukona follow right after, she could have gone in front of me... But she doesn't.

Yasachu saw us and panicked, she shook her head so that Yuutsu's arm would get off.

"Sorry..." She apologized to Yuutsu, she bowed down slightly and ran to us.

"Oh hey what the-" Yuutsu was a bit startled that she shook off her arm.

"Pl-please wait! Amatarini-sama! Shiromoru-sama!" Yasachu called out to both of us, walking towards us.

Yuutsu saw her chasing after us and smirked, she giggled slightly and nodded.

"So she's after one of them huh..." Yuutsu muttered while putting both of her arms behind her head and walked towards us, she was much slower than Yasachu though.

I didn't look back at her, I just kept looking forward.

Though I slowed down...

Shukona on the other hand looked back at Yasachu.

"Be faster, moron. Such a slow commoner." She glares at Yasachu, pouting. She turned her body towards her and folded her arms.

"O-oh! U-uhm okay!" Yasachu nodded at Shukona and smiled.

"...." Shukona stared at her, still folding her arms. She wasn't moving at all.

"U-uhm...? Aren't you going to follow Shiromoru-sam-" Yasachu was confused as to why Shukona was just standing there, but then she cut her off.

"I am permitting you to go in front of me! I do not want you, filthy commoner, to make another commotion again... So run along!" Shukona lifted her chin up and commanded Yasachu.

"U-uwah! O-oh okay!" Yasachu straightened her back and nodded. She gulped and started to walk towards me, I was already near the table.

Yasachu felt slightly flustered at the fact that she let her walk in front of her, and even protected her... Shukona did say that she didn't want her to cause another commotion... But she really just wants her to stay out of trouble.

Shukona groans looking at Yasachu. And started to walk as well, just behind Yasachu.

Yuutsu followed up with them and was now walking beside Shukona.

"You and Nikami-sama are really close huh... Nicknames and everything. Even holding hands as well..." Yuutsu commented on Shukona and Nikami's relationship, and grins. Her arms are still behind her head.

"Kh! How inelegant! You were staring at us? You better not spread any rumors, fake noble." Shukona unfolded her hands and glared at Yuutsu.

I arrived at the table and sat down, slightly irritated at the fact that someone ruined my book reading.

Yasachu arrived soon after and sat across to me, her head was titled lower. But her eyes were looking up at me. Her and her glistening yellow eyes met with my cold green eyes.

"Ahaha! I won't, I won't, geezz..." Yuutsu giggled again, now looking at us.

Yasachu turned away from me, her face red.

"You better not." Shukona groans now picking a nearby gardening book and placing it at our table.

"Hahaha alrighty!" Yuutsu giggles, her eyes locked at mine.

She sat down next to me and opened the book.

Staring at her book I saw flowers and other plants, I wasn't fond of plants but since Shukona absolutely adores them... It slightly rubbed off me.

I stood up and took a simple element book and then went back to my seat.